Rutgers Fraternity Brings Cheer To Boy Going Through Leukemia Treatments

Rutgers Fraternity Brings Cheer To Boy Going Through Leukemia Treatments

When Ronald Hogas was only five years young, he was diagnosed with leukemia after his mother had noticed her son was more tired than he typically was and had swollen lymph nodes. Over the next five years, Ronald would undergo treatments and chemotherapy to fight off the leukemia. He would not have to go through it alone, however. Ronald had “the boys” to come cheer him up at the hospital. Those boys were members of Sigma Chi at Rutgers University.

RU4Kids helped connect Sigma Chi with the Hogas family. The program brings together patients and their families going through treatments with students who participate in Rutgers University’s Dance Marathon. The students hang out with the patients and their families to brighten their days. The brothers of Sigma Chi would go above and beyond by doing more than just going to see Ronald.

From Rutgers:

Sometimes the fraternity brothers would just sit and keep Ronald company. Other times, they’d watch Jeopardy as he quietly looked on. Before long, they were playing Minecraft and other computer games together, strategizing higher scores.

In addition to the hospital visits, the brothers shaved their heads in honor of Ronald during their Derby Days fundraiser. They also made the trip to Ronald’s home to celebrate Ronald’s ninth birthday with him.

Ronald’s friends from home couldn’t visit him due to the distance, but that didn’t bother him because he had a great group of friends right around the corner.

“When I was in the hospital, that was the best thing to look forward to, besides getting out,” said Ronald, now in remission and attending school. “When they’d walk in, it was, ‘yay, fun time now!’ I’d show them my DS games and stuff.”

It’s good to hear that Ronald’s health is doing better. Classy move on the part of Sigma Chi. Currently, they have adopted another little brother, Nico, who is also undergoing leukemia treatment.

[via Rutgers]

Image via Twitter/Rutgers Sigma Chi

  1. Dthesmith

    I Love shit like this, hey CNN pick this up why dontcha. Or would you rather just wait until a member gets busted for underage drinking and label them all degenerates?

    10 years ago at 12:30 pm
  2. Cap120

    “All frat guys are assholes” -*long sigh*. Glad to see this, like others have probably said, post more of this kind of stuff.

    10 years ago at 2:30 pm
  3. MarineCorps

    After volunteering at a children’s cancer ward with a couple of my brothers last summer, I can confirm that this shit stays with you. God bless.

    10 years ago at 2:37 pm