Ryan Leaf Is Out Of Jail And Looks Like Total Shit

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It’s hard to believe that the man in this photo was selected number two overall in the NFL Draft just 16 years ago. It’s also unfathomable, in hindsight, to recall that the Colts seriously considered selecting him with the first pick in lieu of the guy they actually chose: Peyton Manning. But look at Ryan Leaf now, fresh off a two and a half year sentence for breaking into a home and stealing prescription drugs. According to Deadspin, his stint didn’t go so well.

Leaf was in a drug treatment center but got kicked out and returned to traditional prison after violating the conditions of his placement, including, according to an administrator, “threatening a staff member.”

And while he was in prison in Montana, he also got in trouble in Texas because the arrest violated his probation there. In Texas, he had pleaded guilty to seven counts of obtaining a controlled substance by fraud after a mess that included accusations he broke into a player’s home while he coached at West Texas A&M and used an incomplete medical history to get nearly 1,000 pain pills, the Associated Press reported.

Here’s a recap of Leaf’s missteps since just before the 1998 NFL Draft, leading up to this point.

Look at him. He looks like a guy you see hunched over at the penny slots in a casino off the Vegas Strip wearing a fanny pack full of saltine crackers. He looks sad and downtrodden. He looks depressed and sloppy. He just looks like total shit.

Throwback to the Manning-Leaf debate of ’98:

[via Deadspin]

Image via Montana Department of Corrections

      1. Texas Tux and Oil

        Hey Dorn how much traffic is generated from clicks on commenters ^this and laps, I’m curious

        10 years ago at 5:26 pm
      2. Texas Tux and Oil

        Damn, I thought we were part of the problem and solution but looks like just the problem. Thanks Dorno.

        10 years ago at 5:33 pm
      3. Drunk Patty Kane

        I’m curious how we can talk about “ropey loads” and pulling anal beads out of the bum like you are “starting a chainsaw” in the Tinder Pickup Lines but the content in the forum is too far. I’m not being a smart ass, I am legitimately curious.

        10 years ago at 9:15 am
      4. ZeteNJ

        Out of genuine curiosity, how is it a risk. I get that content gets on there that you don’t want, but how is that a risk. Just in the sense that it pisses off potential advertisers?

        10 years ago at 7:56 pm
      5. In_need_of_a_Sig

        Companies who sponsor TFM do not want to be associated with, or appear like they’re supporting anything in that Forum. From a business standpoint, I understand. #RIP

        10 years ago at 4:44 pm
  1. Frock_Itch

    “wearing a fanny pack full of saltine crackers”, interesting choice of words…sounds like something a pedophile would do.

    10 years ago at 5:55 pm
  2. Tuco1855

    As a Colts fan, I remember Mel Kiper claiming Peyton Manning didn’t have the arm of Leaf and his feet moved around in the pocket too much. He was all up Ryan Leaf’s ass before the ’98 draft and told Bill Polian, the newly hired Colts GM, that he would be an absolute idiot if he took #18 over Leaf. From that day, every single opinion that leaked out of Kiper’s stupid fucking face has been invalidated. You can’t simply move on with your career after being THAT wrong. I have to laugh every time he obnoxiously interrupts Todd McShay to spew his trash opinions like Teddy Bridgewater being the clear-cut #1 overall pick.

    10 years ago at 6:03 pm
    1. Nicktillery3

      Kiper also said back in ’12 “RGIII should improve faster and be a better all around QB than Andrew Luck.” When will he learn to shut the hell up.

      10 years ago at 11:33 pm
  3. SackMaster

    Aaaaaaaand yes, the app shits itself when I tried to watch the video. What the fuck is your app developer cunt actually doing?

    10 years ago at 6:32 pm