Scientists Need To Finally Create A Shot That Doesn’t Taste Like Liquid Garbage
When I say this, keep in mind that I LOVE shots. More than life itself, more than my country, more than my God, more than my children (I don’t have any children, but when I do, I’ll love them less than shots). As a matter of fact, I say all of this BECAUSE I love shots. It’s tough love. Like when you tell your morbidly obese pal “Hey Tony, I love ya but you really need to lose some weight before you lose a foot from diabetes.” Or when my dad says “Wally, I love you, but kill yourself.” So, shots, I say this with love and affection, why the fuck are you always so disgusting?
Always. 111 percent of the time. Every. Damn. Time. Whenever I express this, a friend of mine will disagree, and recommend a shot that actually tastes good. A perfect example is Washington Apple. My friend Kyrie said “Not all shots are gross, try Washington Apple.” So I did and it tasted like demon piss. She backtracked and said “Well, I mean it tastes good FOR A SHOT.” Tastes good “For a shot” isn’t a compliment. That’s like saying “He’s smart, for someone with down syndrome,” or “She’s cute, for an Italian girl.”
Sure, tequila is a good poison of choice, but the only reason tequila isn’t disgusting is because we have a whole elaborate routine we need to do after we take it. We take the shot, then we gotta lick salt off of our hand, suck on a lime, eat some waffles, write a mystery novel, and steal the Declaration Of Independence. But have you ever just tasted tequila by itself without throwing in that song and dance to save it at the end? Horrific.
I guarantee plenty of you basement dwelling dickfarts will bombard the comments section with angry refutes and recommendations for good shots. But I’ve had them all. You’re wrong. No matter what shot you recommend, I guarantee it tastes like a jizz rag dipped in hot sauce and horseradish. The only shot that wouldn’t taste gross is a shotgun blast to the cranium, but Cobain turned that into a corny ’90s trend.
But I still love shots. They’re the quickest way to get drunk, even if they do taste like death and despair. If I go bar hopping, I just skip straight to 4 or 5 shots and I’m good for the night. And by good, I mean disgustingly clumsy and hilariously incoherent, ready to start a fist fight with anyone who says Training Day was overrated.
But my question is this: It’s 2017, why the hell haven’t scientists created a shot that is enjoyable to throw back yet? We’re in the process of perfecting artificial intelligence, which will eventually cause a new technological revolution that will reshape the structure of our society as we know it. But we can’t make a shot that doesn’t make me wanna chug bleach while pencil diving into a volcano?
We all have phones in our pockets that also double as computers, iPods, maps, libraries, encyclopedias, recording studios, cameras, video cameras, calendars, clocks, banks AND dick pic machines, but scientists can’t take 2 seconds to create a decent tasting shot? I don’t buy it.
Hey science, it’s your time to shine. Don’t let us down. Create a delicious shot. Plus, a delicious shot will lead to people taking more shots, which lead to more people dying from alcohol poisoning, so it’ll also help with the overpopulation problem. Two birds with one stone..
Image via Shutterstock
Or maybe you need to stop being a fucking vagina
8 years ago at 11:40 amMaybe if Wally stopped taking sour pucker shots and getting his ass fingered blasted, he wouldn’t have this problem
8 years ago at 2:02 pmYou dont take a shot for the taste. This ruined lunch for me.
8 years ago at 11:42 amPlease stop writing. No one reads your articles, we just come here to comment. You’d think with no life and all this time to write articles, we’d see some sort of improvement but instead we’re stuck with the same ramblings you’d expect from a crack whore (your mother) who is trying to explain what it’s like to take 6 black dicks at once.
8 years ago at 11:43 am“4 or 5 shots and I’m good for the night”… NF
8 years ago at 11:46 amKeep in mind that Wally called us all dickfarts…that’s a vaginator type insult right there
8 years ago at 2:11 pmEinhorn is Finkle, Finkle is Einhorn.
The only difference here is that neither Vaginator nor Wally have a dick tucked backwards.
8 years ago at 2:39 pmSip Kentucky-aged bourban for taste or suck down Old Crow to party. Either way, grow a pair and never complain. You’re a sad excuse of a man, Wally.
8 years ago at 11:50 am“man”
8 years ago at 12:45 pmCan’t believe TFM is still allowing your articles to appear. Just read the comments on your post every once in a while. Either write about interesting stuff that people care about, or stop posting at all.
8 years ago at 11:53 amCan’t believe TFM lets you comment you waste of space
8 years ago at 12:45 pmScientists need to finally create a shot that hides the taste and smell of bleach and serve 4 or 5 of them to you, you untalented waste of oxygen
8 years ago at 12:03 pmI’m almost convinced Wally is made up by the other writers. Its hard to believe someone can be this shitty at writing and such a pussy.
8 years ago at 12:18 pmHe is.
8 years ago at 2:18 pmFuckin geed for sure
8 years ago at 12:38 pmAs general of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, I hereby ban you from entering any location in the Confederate States of America, you can go be a gigantic fucking pussy up in yankee fruitcake land but I refuse to allow this type of headassery below the mason dixon line
8 years ago at 12:54 pm