sean spicer trump media

Sean Spicer Has Resorted To Hiding In Bushes To Avoid The Media

sean spicer trump media

I’m not what you’d call a “politics” guy. In fact, when I heard about James Comey getting fired, I had to Google who that was to jog my memory. There’s just too much going on in my noodle to actually care about frivolous Washington DC hullabaloo like the head of the FBI getting the can. I’d rather spend my days wondering what Faye Reagan is up to these days than actually read about the government.

But I do know who Sean Spicer is, and the guy deserves his own reality show. He’s laugh-out-loud funny, and his latest schtick was hiding in the bushes (!) to avoid questions about James Comey from the media. It’s like a fucking episode of Veep.


After Spicer spent several minutes hidden in the bushes behind these sets, Janet Montesi, an executive assistant in the press office, emerged and told reporters that Spicer would answer some questions, as long as he was not filmed doing so. Spicer then emerged.

“Just turn the lights off. Turn the lights off,” he ordered. “We’ll take care of this…. Can you just turn that light off?”

Spicer got his wish and was soon standing in near darkness between two tall hedges, with more than a dozen reporters closely gathered around him. For 10 minutes, he responded to a flurry of questions, vacillating between light-hearted asides and clear frustration with getting the same questions over and over again.

Poor Spicer. This guy is RATTLED. His job is to literally be the conduit between White House and press; answers should be spoon-fed to him by a bunch of politics nerds with him just regurgitating them back to the media. But he’s so shook that he’s literally hiding in the bushes! And when he finally emerges, he’s demanding that the lights be off for his press conference. Have you ever heard someone demand the lights off for a presser?! It’s preposterous!

It’s like he was being followed by some gargoyle-looking wildebeest of a chick at a party, just hiding in closets resorting to anything not to have to talk with her. And when she finally catches him and he’s like “fuck it, let’s smash cellulite,” he just turns the lights off and deals with it for ten minutes. That’s the Sean Spicer strategy for dealing with ugly girls and the press. I’d laugh, but the rest of the world is laughing enough.

[via MSNBC]

Image via Shutterstock

  1. TaylorSwiftsPubeGroomer

    Getting a job through a friend, that you are completely unqualified to do, is the epitome of a TFM

    8 years ago at 10:16 am
  2. DrGonzoTFM

    This “hiding in the bushes” has already been proven false. This is fake news.

    8 years ago at 10:56 am
  3. HouseDirector

    He is president’s risk management chair. Donald is the fraternity doing whatever they want, while Spicer has package up the mess as neatly as possible.

    8 years ago at 11:01 am
    1. Canada

      Same thought I’ve had for the last few months. Whenever I read about Trump saying or tweeting something hilariously fucked up, I turn on the TV and Spicer is there handling it with several dozens of media libtards shooting questions at him left, right, and centre, and he takes it like a champ. Spicer is the risk manager his frat needs, but the hero they don’t deserve.

      8 years ago at 6:56 pm
  4. Henry_Eighth

    Tiresome tryhard joke about Dorn hiding in the bushes outside an elementary school.

    8 years ago at 11:03 am
  5. Saber and Key

    Whether he actually was hiding in the bushes or not, I can’t wait to see SNL’s take on this. Idc who you are, if you’ve been unable to laugh at all of the entertainment coming from a result of Trump being president because you take him too seriously or whatever, I feel sorry for you, because these past few weeks have been hilarious

    8 years ago at 11:45 am
  6. Asian Guy

    What is that spicy redhead Faye up to these days? I’m at work RN so I’m not gonna google it.

    8 years ago at 7:49 am