Seth MacFarlane Writes and Directs Ad Too Racy for Axe to Promote (VIDEO)

If you’ve seen Seth MacFarlane’s film debut, Ted, then you know that it’s both hilarious and irreverent. How irreverent? Let’s just say he tosses around 9/11 jokes like we here at TFM pass around butt pee pictures. Also seeing a teddy bear slam some “Quinzee” swamp donk in a grocery store stock room and that fat kid get punched in the face by Marky Mark was pretty excellent too. It’s basically Seth MacFarlane uncensored and unrestrained, and it’s awesome.

Because Ted is insanely popular, its $54 million opening weekend was the largest ever for an R-Rated comedy, Axe decided to ask MacFarlane to write and direct a Ted themed ad for their hair products. Great idea. Except MacFarlane made it too racy, and now they’re having trouble finding the right channel to promote it through. Personally I’m a little surprised by this, if only because every Axe commercial I’ve ever seen has all of its actors and actresses getting to at least second base with each other, but whatever. The commercial is hilarious, it’s sort of like When Harry Met Sally meets Care Bears, which turns me on WAY more than it should.

Without further ado, Seth MacFarlane’s too hot to air Axe commercial.

To be honest if a restaurant’s ambience included screaming female orgasms, I’d probably go there for the ambience.

  1. thatstruegenttoyou

    I’m sick of Seth MacFarlane. He’s a GDI piece of shit who can’t come up with original content.

    12 years ago at 3:05 pm
    1. StraightUpEverclear

      i’m sure there will be plenty of people on this site that agree completely 100% with you…. dumb fuck.

      12 years ago at 3:44 pm
    2. FratwallJackson

      isn’t writing “completely 100%” a bit superfluous? No, wait, that’s the definition of superfluous.

      12 years ago at 4:28 pm
    3. FratopianWetDream

      He may be a liberal, but seriously… Don’t act like you hate Family Guy just for that reason. It’s just a funny ass show.

      12 years ago at 6:47 pm
    1. Wayne Fratsky

      ^ and ^^, Proof that GDI’s make up a large percentage of this website’s patrons.

      12 years ago at 2:06 pm
  2. Minnebrota Brophers

    Family Guy is funny as fuck. Ted is just a shitty movie with some laughs.

    12 years ago at 3:21 pm
  3. Boston BroSox

    Seth MacFarlane only passes around 9/11 jokes is because he was minutes from become a 9/11 victim. He barely missed his flight on 9/11, which was one of the planes that crashed that day.

    12 years ago at 5:23 pm
    1. Potty Putter

      Guess what Cock-cheese, I don’t give a fuck who passes around 9/11 jokes and for what reason. They are not funny and never will be. Americans died on 9/11 and plenty more have died because of it, what the fuck is funny about that?

      12 years ago at 8:42 pm
  4. Pike_Roofies_YOLO

    Seth McFarlane is a liberal piece of shit who should just fucking die. I hope he burns in hell.

    12 years ago at 5:29 pm
    1. Frat So Hard U

      yep his little liberal jokes thrown around in his shows are awful especially thatsac-relige liberal shit

      12 years ago at 5:51 pm
    2. All_Liquored_Up

      its fucking insane how family guy has just become a platform for spouting his liberal bullshit

      12 years ago at 7:48 pm
    3. FlRSTpostOX

      It’s also one of those liberal made shows that portrays the male figures as complete dolts, and the women as the logical thinking voice of reason. While we here all know that couldn’t be further from the truth, many people buy into this attempt to empower women and encourage them to essentially be the man in the relationship. Liberalism is simply an attack on Christian values at all fronts.

      12 years ago at 10:34 am
    4. FratopianWetDream

      ^^So basically, you can go out and get blacked out every night, have sex with different women all the time, and yet call yourself a “conservative,” politically and socially? And then, say you have strong Christian values? Please… That is a hypocracy if I have ever heard one. Since when are people like that so Christian? I’m not buying it.

      12 years ago at 6:57 pm
    5. FratopianWetDream

      ^^ Sorry, FirstpostOX, but I just don’t buy the “Christian values” that everyone on this site seems to have, since they’ll also talk about perpetually womanizing and constantly getting wasted.

      12 years ago at 6:59 pm
  5. Fratington William

    You guys are fucking retarded. Who cares about all this shit you guys are arguing about. The commercial was funny. End of fucking story.

    12 years ago at 5:52 pm