Punking with, "Doesn't World of Warcraft require a subscription fee?" TFM.

  1. Outraged a GDI would claim Mizzou as a supporter. 42 Fraternities/Sororities, over 5,000 members. Mizzou is FAF and in no way supportive of GDI’s

    13 years ago at 1:25 am
  2. 1824Original

    giving these geeds letters, even gamma delta iota is a disgrace, even to greek letter honor societys

    13 years ago at 8:46 am
  3. XxRushPIKE69xX

    Actually signing up for a Battle.net account is free, and definitely worth it. We’re having a LAN Party for rush this weekend where we’ll be playing Warcraft on computers all over the house with actives and rushees. Mountain Dew provided. Anybody on campus is more than welcome to come over and join.

    Rush Pike Spring 2012

    13 years ago at 7:04 pm
  4. AyatollahBromeini

    1. Going out of you’re way to bother GDI’s is totally NF, you are already better then them whats the point
    2. I know what frat this guy is in and i’m part of same national and this NJ chapter is super pussy and doesn’t even haze. One of those fucks you meet at the National conventions whose never even touched a girl.
    3. Your chapter literally just stopped being a colony all you had to do was sign your name. Your really not that much more then these pathetic GDI’s who made their own super gay fb page.


    13 years ago at 2:50 pm