Show Me The MONEY! This Is How I’m Winning $10,000 This Week

Between the partying and the women, you’re looking for something to do in your down time. I’m not talking about paying attention in class. I’m talking about fantasy football and winning big money.

Enter $100,000 Contest NOW FOR FREE

Our good friends over at DraftKings are holding a special contest just for TFM where you can enter for a shot at $10,000 in their $100K Play-Action 1-week Fantasy Football contest. Winning a pile of cash in 1-week fantasy football is obviously the best way to impress that freshman girl you’ve been eying in class. It’s also so easy to understand that even I understand it, and I’m just a dumbass intern.

You’re given $50,000 in cap space to put together a team that will put up the most yards and score the most. Waiting an entire season for a payout is for losers. Are you a loser? You can win big NOW.

Enter The Contest NOW FOR FREE

If this is your first time on DraftKings, your entry is COMPLETELY FREE. If you’ve been crushing DraftKings like I have, then it’s only $2 to enter. You can find that pocket change laying in your car’s cup holder. First place in the $100K Play-Action 1-week Fantasy Football contest will take home $10,000 in cold hard cash. Where else are you going to find $10,000 laying around? Your couch?

Sign up now before the contest fills and earn your shot at $10,000 or forever live in despair.

Check out and learn more about daily fantasy football