Showing an awful lot of thigh for someone who doesn't believe in leg day. TFM.

    1. bromazepam

      Lemme get two birds with one stone before I see it posted tomorrow. Shooting nothing but 3’s in 5 inch inseams. TFM.

      10 years ago at 11:57 pm
      1. Henry_Eighth

        …while waterskiing holding an American flag in one hand and shotgunning a beer with the other hand while a dog holding a golf club in its mouth watches from the boat.

        10 years ago at 7:30 am
  1. Colonel Kilgore

    just have your gut hanging over these daisy dukes and this is a tfm for sure

    10 years ago at 7:43 pm
  2. Somethingracist69

    whatever, man. My shorts are so short that the legs actually go up and cover my stomach.

    10 years ago at 8:15 pm
  3. Alcrowholic

    If your legs fall short, everything falls short. Have you learned nothing from pledging?

    10 years ago at 9:33 pm
  4. lca_94

    To any high schoolers reading this: don’t wear obnoxiously short shorts unless you want to be a douchebag.

    10 years ago at 4:27 pm
  5. GEED

    Serious question guys: I have really skinny legs. I’m 5’11 and am not sure if I should wear 8 inch inseams (still goes above knee ofc) or 6 inch. Isnt it NF to have chicken legs? 6 inch or 8 inch?

    10 years ago at 8:05 pm
      1. GEED

        Username was a joke. So the answer is 6 inch, even if I’ll look like a chicken with my legs?

        10 years ago at 11:38 am