Sig Eps At Purdue Erect Huge Front Lawn Snow Penis, Cops Make Them Destroy It

Boys will be boys.

Since the dawn of time — and when they reached the age to realize what they were used for — the human male has been crafting meat n’ potatoes out of any kind of moldable material or elongated cylindrical object he could get his hands on. Many things with alternate intended uses have found their ways into the shape or placement of the human penis and testiculars. It’s funny every time.

It’s one of those phases that some take a long while to grow out of, and even then, some never do. At least a few members of Sigma Phi Epsilon at Purdue University are squarely in the wiener-crafting phase, and the town of West Lafayette, Indiana became well aware of this fact.

According to West Lafayette police dispatchers, on Thursday afternoon someone called to report a giant male member made of snow in front of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity at 690 Waldron St.

Police officers responded to the fraternity house to put an end to the snow sculpture.

They complied, and no charges were filed.

Here she is:


    Image courtesy of FrattinAintEasy9

I have to say the attention to detail is a little disturbing. The curvature of the head and that main vein looking piece are just way too…lifelike, for lack of a better term. I find it uncomfortable, yet I can’t look away. It’s like I don’t want to admire this snow-shaped male genitalia, but it’s a beautiful piece of art. Just a fine looking snow dick. Who knew the Sig Eps at Purdue were a bunch of perverted snow-Michelangelos?

That is a serious set of balls, though. It could possibly be the angle of the camera I suppose, but these man plums look disproportionally monstrous. Those are statement nuts.

[via Wish TV]


    1. FratRod

      Rookie mistake. You haven’t seen enough dicks my friend. His balls are just making it seem “needle-esque”

      12 years ago at 10:05 pm