Sigma Pi Asks Chi Omega To Homecoming In Video Of A Lifetime

The video description from YouTube:

The gentleman of Sigma Pi create a montage to ask the lovely ladies of Chi Omega at the College of William and Mary to Homecoming 2014 [sic]

You all are in for a treat today. The fellas over at Sigma Pi at the College of William and Mary put together this little video montage of themselves putting together a video montage, asking Chi Omega to Homecoming in 2014, or something along those lines. It’s a pretty amazing video, start to finish. If Chi Omega says no to this proposal, it’s safe to assume they either hate fun or their chapter is 100% lesbian.

Here’s my screenshot breakdown before we get to the video:

Like we all do before any good montage, the gang worked in a quick homoerotic stretch in an empty field.

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Then, after a quick gym sesh, they start in on some choreography. And I’ve got to tell you, you’ve never seen moves like these, guys.

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Boom. Outta nowhere we have a casual dude trip to the grocery store to pick up a dozen red. Nailed it.

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Snuggie game on lock.

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And so much more. Watch the video in its entirety here:

Let us know what they say, guys.

Image via YouTube


  1. CapstoneRager

    This is funny as shit. I appreciate the fact that they are all dressed for separate occasions.

    11 years ago at 11:38 pm
  2. damnthemdobies

    I hope people don’t think this is a representation of all Greek life at WM. A couple people shat the bed here and that doesn’t reflect my school as a whole. Our reputation of faggyness and pussyness precedes us. Despite this video, there are cool people at William and Mary. I’m sorry you all got a shitty taste of WM Greek life.

    11 years ago at 2:00 pm
  3. damnthemdobies

    I hope you viewers don’t generalize this video to all of WM Greek Life. Despite a big ole bed shitting here, our reputation of faggyness and pussyness precedes us. Not all fraternities/people at this school are this gay; there are cool people at WM

    11 years ago at 2:06 pm