SMU Introduces Beer Sales At Football Games, Students Might Actually Show Up

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Rejoice, SMU fans. Beer sales will happen inside Ford Stadium this fall. You now have a good reason to go to the games before retiring to Homebar, Milo’s, or Barley House at halftime.

When it comes to SMU football, there’s not much to brag about on the field. Off the field, however, we boulevard with the best of ‘em. For those who haven’t been to Dallas to witness this spectacle, you are missing out–boulevarding is on my top 10 list of tailgate locations. I’m not biased at all. And now, fans can bring the Boulevard inside the stadium (well, it’s not like we haven’t anyway, thanks to flasks).

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From KDFW FOX 4:

SMU netted six-figures from beer sales at Moody Coliseum and will start beer sales at football games at Ford Stadium this fall, according to the school’s athletic director. “There’s a revenue component to it, for sure, but it was part of the experience fans wanted,” Hart told the newspaper. “And we had zero alcohol-related arrests.”

This is a classic case of people helping people. The fans want it, and the administration delivers. I love it. I can only hope that other American universities follow suit. Change is sweeping through football stadiums this fall, and I’m not just talking about the end of the Bowl Championship Series. This is the kind of change I can get behind.

[via KDFW FOX 4]

Images via Twitter, YouTube

  1. Golden Cargo Shorts

    What kind of degenerate doesn’t show up to the game already drunk and is willing to pay top dollar for a sample size?

    10 years ago at 3:37 pm
  2. Greenfield

    About time! They sent us a survey asking about this two years ago! They’re gunna have to wheel us out after Boulevarding and selling beer in the stadium. Pony Up, y’all! See ya in the fall

    10 years ago at 4:04 pm
    1. Greenfield

      …and now that the season has gotten here, we’re off to bury our heads in the sand. Damnit, Jones.

      10 years ago at 10:22 am