Soccer and Football Dominate Forbes Magazine’s 50 Most Valuable Sports Teams List

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Forbes has released “The World’s 50 Most Valuable Sports Teams” since 1998. Today, the magazine released its annual rankings for 2014. Here is the complete list.

1. Real Madrid – $3.44 Billion
2. Barcelona – $3.2 Billion
3. Manchester United – $2.81 Billion
4. New York Yankees – $2.5 Billion
5. Dallas Cowboys – $2.3 Billion
6. Los Angeles Dodgers – $2 Billion
7. Bayern Munich – $1.85 Billion
8. New England Patriots – $1.8 Billion
9. Washington Redskins – $1.7 Billion
10. New York Giants – $1.55 Billion
11. Boston Red Sox – $1.5 Billion
12. Houston Texans – $1.45 Billion
13. New York Knicks – $1.4 Billion
14. New York Jets – $1.38 Billion
15. Los Angeles Lakers – $1.35 Billion
16. Arsenal – $1.331 Billion
17. Philadelphia Eagles – $1.314 Billion
18. Chicago Bears – $1.252 Billion
19. Baltimore Ravens – $1.227 Billion
20. San Francisco 49ers – $1.224 Billion
21. Chicago Cubs – $1.2 Billion
21. Ferrari – $1.2 Billion
21. Indianapolis Colts – $1.2 Billion
24. Green Bay Packers – $1.183 Billion
25. Denver Broncos – $1.161 Billion
26. Toronto Maple Leafs – $1.15 Billion
27. Pittsburgh Steelers – $1.118 Billion
28. Seattle Seahawks – $1.081 Billion
29. Miami Dolphins – $1.074 Billion
30. Tampa Bay Buccaneers – $1.067 Billion
31. Carolina Panthers – $1.057 Billion
32. Tennessee Titans – $1.055 Billion
33. Kansas City Chiefs – $1.009 Billion
34. Minnesota Vikings – $1.007 Billion
35. Cleveland Browns – $1.005 Billion
36. New Orleans Saints – $1.004 Billion
37. Chicago Bulls – $1 Billion
37. San Francisco Giants – $1 Billion
39. Philadelphia Phillies – $975 Million
40. Arizona Cardinals – $961 Million
41. San Diego Chargers – $949 Million
42. Atlanta Falcons – $933 Million
43. Cincinnati Bengals – $924 Million
44. Detroit Lions – $900 Million
45. Boston Celtics – $875 Million
45. St. Louis Rams – $875 Million
47. Buffalo Bills – $870 Million
48. Chelsea – $867 Million
49. Manchester City – $863 Million
50. AC Milan – $856 Million

From Forbes:

Our team values are enterprise values (equity plus debt) based on current venue deals (unless a new venue is pending). The top 50 list is based on our published valuations for the NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, Nascar and soccer over the past year, which were all before the proposed Clippers sale. The average team in the top 50 is worth $1.34 billion, up 8% over last year. There are 38 teams worth $1 billion versus 33 last year. There weren’t any teams worth $2 billion three years ago; now there are six. Minimum entry for the top 50 is $856 million (AC Milan) compared to $586 million four years ago.

Soccer unsurprisingly dominates the top three, mainly because the rest of the world doesn’t know what constitutes a good sport. However, American football makes up 30 of the top 50 spots compared to soccer’s eight–only Oakland and Jacksonville failed to make the cut. The rest of the spots are claimed by six baseball teams, four NBA franchises, the NHL’s Toronto Maple Leafs, and Formula 1’s Ferrari racing team.

[via Forbes]

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  1. ZeteNJ

    Seems to be a fair amount of baseball teams in there too, pretty high up. More than I would have guessed by the title.

    10 years ago at 4:56 pm
  2. Teddy Sanders

    Hmmm. The Houston Texas are worth 1.45 billion? I wonder what the Texans are worth?

    10 years ago at 5:08 pm
    1. BrotherCalledSmelly

      They’re the richest Formula One team in the sport, and that probably won’t change as long as F1 is in existence.

      10 years ago at 12:57 am
      1. mr_mcgibblets

        But like the cowboys they suck balls despite this. though they do have Kimi Raikkonen who is FAF

        10 years ago at 3:10 pm
      2. MattyIce313

        I was unaware racing was considered a sport nowadays. Might need to add some poker players to this list too then

        10 years ago at 6:17 pm
  3. InternationalFrat

    The NFL dominates so heavily because of TV rights. The latest deal was insane.

    10 years ago at 2:30 am
  4. NotObama2016

    The Cowboys being extremely unsuccessful yet still remaining the highest valued NFL team. TFM

    10 years ago at 3:20 am