Some Assholes Defaced Two War Memorials During Memorial Day Weekend

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Memorial Day is not just a day for barbecues, trips to the beach, and relaxation. It’s a solemn day when we remember and honor those we lost in the service of our country. Most people in this country, regardless of how they observe Memorial Day, are respectful of the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who have laid down their lives for freedom, even if they don’t agree with the conflicts they served in. Sadly, some are not.

Two monuments in Albany, Ga., were defaced during Memorial Day Weekend. The two monuments, one dedicated to veterans of World War II and one dedicated to veterans of the Vietnam War, had paint sprayed all across their front surfaces.

What kind of sick individual defaces a war memorial? I don’t know about you, but this kind of thing gets me fired up. To do something so dishonorable and disgraceful to monuments commemorating truly noble men and women is absolutely appalling.

Fortunately, the town is doing its best to make sure the monuments are restored to pristine condition. Considering what all the men and women those statues commemorate did, it’s certainly the right thing to do. Anyone with information regarding who vandalized the monuments is urged to contact the Albany Police Department.

[via 14 News]

  1. FraststarRockstar

    This is so fucking disgusting and disgraceful I’m too angry to read the rest of the article.

    10 years ago at 10:57 pm