Some Freak With A Huge Foot Fetish Is Running Loose At UC Irvine

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It’s been a while since we’ve had a certified creep roaming a college campus. Last semester brought us freaks such as the serial pisser in Gainesville and later, the shameless groper at BYU. It was quite an interesting end to the school year.

Thankfully, we don’t have to wait for the fall semester to begin to get another good creep story out of the way.

UC Irvine police are looking for a man with a major foot fetish. This guy has no shame in getting straight to the point.

From KTLA:

The first reported incident occurred on the afternoon of July 11 inside Langston Library. The man approached a student and asked her in Japanese if she could help him study for an English exam, a news release from UC Irvine police said.

After she agreed, the pair went to a study room at Ayala Science Library, at which time he tried to contact her “inappropriately,” according to the release. The female student felt uncomfortable and left.

So, he is possibly bilingual? Shit, most of you can’t even speak English–just look at the comments section. I would hope someone smart enough to know two languages fluently would have the common sense to simply hire a hooker and not put himself on the police radar. Maybe, but hindsight is 20/20.

He wasn’t done, though.

Four days later, several female students said a man went up to them in the Student Center area, engaged them in conversation and then tried to get them to allow him to massage and photograph their feet, police said.

No shame. Straight to the point. He wants to fondle their feet, and he’s not going to beat around the bush. Respect.

If any of you see a fucker matching this description in Irvine, Calif., keep your shoes on and call the po-po.

The “person of interest” was described by police as a 22-year-old Asian male, standing 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighing approximately 155 pounds and having dyed brown hair and brown eyes.

[via KTLA]

Image via Wikipedia

  1. FUBAR1776

    So I am looking for a small Asian guy with a weird fetish? Shouldn’t be too difficult.

    10 years ago at 4:24 pm
  2. socalfratty

    An Asian male around 5’9″ at UCI. I would love to see what the Police Lineup would look like

    10 years ago at 4:34 pm
  3. Hoosier Fratter

    That’s weird, I see someone fitting his description every day on campus.

    10 years ago at 5:20 pm