Something Something Kate Upton’s Tits (Video) (UPDATE… no video)

Sometimes I like to comment on the odd and interesting news stories of the day. Sometimes I slut for retweets. Guess which one this is…

Silly Kate Upton, you and your breasts can’t skateboard! But you sure look cute trying. My erection thinks you’re just the cutest!


You’ve all been cockblocked by YouTube.

  1. Danny Devitbro

    I would have sexual intercourse with her. And probably call her afterward.

    12 years ago at 4:26 pm
  2. superwayne

    Bacon, you and Dorn are doing a good job. Keep it up.
    Also, post the real butt-pee picture.

    12 years ago at 5:04 pm
  3. Making KY Great

    She’s not only a girl that I’d sleep with in a heartbeat; she’s a girl I would sleep with until I didn’t have a heartbeat.

    12 years ago at 5:07 pm