Sorry You’re Ugly


Once again, we are back to the angry rage, folks. Sorry, but it’s been too long and a lot has really been pissing me off. This week it’s women, and not just any women. I’m talking about the worst kind of women. The ones that go out on a fucking war path in the name of equal rights, but still manage to complain about chivalry being dead. They use the word chauvinist like it’s going out of style, and they get a real lezzy boner. Holy shit, spell check didn’t correct “lezzy.” They’d be super pissed. Anyway…they get a real lezzy boner any time they get to argue about the media distorting our perception of beauty with advertising and supermodels. That’s where my angry rage comes into play. Why the hell are people getting up in arms about the fact that beautiful people saturate our media?

This all started when a female friend of mine showed me a Dove advertisement that demonstrated how Photoshop and airbrushing techniques are used to make solid sixes look like elevens.

“Isn’t that horrible?” she said in disgust as the girl was poked and prodded by little brushes and tweezers.

“What, that they tweezed her unibrow?” I said back.

She was upset that I wasn’t taking it seriously, but keep in mind there is a reason this girl is just a friend. She isn’t a six, but she most certainly isn’t a ten either. And that’s when I realized it: the people that really care about all of this shit aren’t exactly the prettiest. Apparently there is a group of people who don’t understand how you can judge others based on appearances. These people are probably ugly, and their argument is kind of preposterous when you really think about it.

Who the hell are you to judge society for judging people based on appearances? Sure, there are plenty of ugly people that have great personalities. I’d rather talk to the girl who can take a joke rather than the bitch who has been riding her good looks since high school where she failed to develop a personality. But the fact remains; I’m never going to sleep with the fuggo who likes a good joke. I mean shit, would you buy a porterhouse if the thing had a green splotch in the center of it? Of course not. No matter how good of a cut that steak is, you know you’re passing on it because of its appearance (I can’t wait to read the hate mail for that slab of meat analogy).

All of my “coldness” aside, we make judgments based on first appearances. I will definitely say I’d rather date a girl with a good personality, but the first thing that’s going to make me walk her way is how I think she’ll look naked. I shouldn’t be ridiculed for saying that, because every guy thinks that way. If “your man” says otherwise, he’s either lying or his balls must feel pretty nice in that vice grip you have on them. Why the hell are people getting mad about advertisements making people aesthetically pleasing to look at? Personality doesn’t translate to still frames, so girls get airbrushed when their sense of humor isn’t adding points to the total. The whole point of advertising is to draw you in. It’s not some big seedy conspiracy to make little girls wish they looked like everyone in the ads. I know some people have flaws they can’t change, but tough shit. Learn to bat in your league.

If you honestly get an inferiority complex from watching the Victoria Secret fashion show, you need to get a grip. You know what’s more unattractive than those five pounds you can’t lose, ladies? Low self-esteem. No one wants to be with someone who can’t be comfortable in their own skin, and if you aren’t…change it. Put down the fork, go for a run, DO SOMETHING, but for the love of GOD don’t blame your personal problems on society.

The best part about all of this is the simple fact that most of these susy-do-rights who preach about double standards treating women unfairly completely neglect the fact that men are portrayed the same way in the media. Every motherfucker in a movie has a six-pack, but you don’t see guys crying because they don’t look like Brad Pitt. Just like the girls who can’t realize they won’t ever look like Jessica Alba, if you are one of those guys who sit in the gym and “blast their pecs” all day for that “perfect cut,” get a fucking life. No one likes a diva, whether it’s a woman or a man.

My point is this: all of these people who feel like victims because of their short comings in the beauty department need to wake up and stop trying to place the burden on society. There’s a reason no one wants to see Rosie O’Donnell rocking a g-string on the cover of Maxim, and Jack Black won’t be the newest sex-idol for tween girls to swoon over. That’s just not their place in the world. It’s a lot easier to change your lifestyle and lose some pounds than change everyone into thinking that big is beautiful.

  1. AXOkeeping_it_sratty

    I’m going to be honest, I’m probably a solid 7.5 on a daily basis, 8 when I’m going out to party. I may not be the hottest girl on the planet, but at the same time I don’t give a flying fuck what kind of photoshopping and enhancing they use to make models hotter. Obviously if they’re models to begin with, they’re already pretty hot and most likely hotter than me. I wouldn’t trade my intelligence, personality, or “ability to take a joke” to be a 10, because, honestly, when you factor those in, I’m a pretty awesome catch.

    13 years ago at 12:20 am
    1. Herman Cain

      Yeah, but you aren’t exactly the most unbiased judge of your own beauty…If you rank yourself as a 7.5, you’re likely a 6.5 when you fix for bias. No big deal, though, we all over-rank ourselves.

      13 years ago at 12:24 am
    2. AXOkeeping_it_sratty

      Herman Cain, fair point, but my argument still stands. In college, obviously the guys are going to go after the hottest slams they can, but when it comes down to post-grad and actually becoming someone’s wife you’re going to have to be able to carry on an intelligent conversation. Plus, I make the best sandwiches ever.

      13 years ago at 1:38 am
    3. thefratasticvoyage

      I’m like 99.9% sure I know who AXO is, mostly because she left her TSM logged in on my laptop. She’s a solid 8.

      13 years ago at 6:25 pm
    4. tr

      Snaps darlin’! At 25 (yes, I know I’m too old to be on here, but a girl needs some sort of distraction from law school), I’ve seen first hand that looks only get a girl so far. There were plenty of girls in my pledge class who were hotter than me, but at the end of the day, I’m happily married to an investment banker. That didn’t happen because I’m a 10. It happened because I can make a joke, bake cupcakes, and be trusted not to dance on tables. Looks fade far faster than anyone realizes at 18, but personality doesn’t. While I certainly wouldn’t be upset if I woke up looking like a classier version of Megan Fox tomorrow, I have zero complaints about where my rather average looks have gotten me in life.

      13 years ago at 1:42 am
  2. The_ChiIis_Guy

    Chili’s always has great cuts of meat! And the steaks ain’t half bad either! 😉

    13 years ago at 1:59 am
  3. No Knee Grows

    Why the fuck would you even bother conversing with a feminist? Whenever they start rambling about “body image” or some other jealous fatty bullshit I just ignore them and walk away. You can’t correct their beliefs and they’re not hot enough to bang, so there’s nothing to be gained from talking to them.

    13 years ago at 2:00 am
    1. 1852girlinpearls

      I feel like the feminists just take it too far. We can vote, we can go to college, yay that’s all that needed to change. Let the guy be the guy and let me make sure supper’s ready when he gets home from work.

      13 years ago at 4:17 pm
  4. Jacque Minot

    the obvious conclusion that feminists are the REASON chivalry is dead was completely left out. if a gentleman is going to get screamed at for being polite and opening a door, then he’s probably going to stop bothering for everyone to avoid the hidden ticking angry bomb of feminist malarkey waiting for him. but the best part is, men aren’t even the harshest judges….while i understand this is no exact science, as they’re basing this off the Jersey Shore…but they’re hitting a point here…

    so, motion to remove feminist to their own happy commune so they can stop ruining the world for the rest of us?

    13 years ago at 5:27 am
    1. WLUsrat

      ^ this! I blame the feminist movement for the lack of chivalry in our society. Feminists, by encouraging “sexual empowerment” and such, basically told women that it’s okay to be sluts; therefore, men don’t feel they need to court women like they used to. Women are not valued the way we used to be — and why should we be? So many women think it’s okay to be whores now, as long as they call themselves “strong, empowered women.” But they’re ruining it for the rest of us.

      I think the man needs to be the dominant figure in a relationship, but it starts with us. As they say: “If more women would sit down and be ladies, more men would stand up and be gentlemen.”

      13 years ago at 10:12 am
    2. fratyliteonthefratio

      ^this girl has a good head on her shoulders and goes to a great school.

      13 years ago at 1:56 pm
    1. The_ChiIis_Guy

      Brad Pitt is so overrated. I served this guy the other day who was so much hotter. He tipped well too! 😉

      13 years ago at 4:49 pm
  5. FrattyLightKnight

    Totally agree with the article. Ill be honest, I’m not the most handsome guy around and was batting way below my current standard back in high school and even during my freshman year. I didn’t bitch about how I go to a school where good looks are a requirement and someone considered a 6 in most schools barely makes the 5-cut. I dropped the 30 pounds I owed to being a former lineman, hit the gym every day and soon enough the ladies noticed.
    Whoever you are, being fit makes you better. Makes you look better, feel better and be more confident. Oh, and did I mention that you’re probably gonna live longer? Yeah, that too.

    13 years ago at 1:21 pm
    1. Brosta del Mar

      I was pretty much in the same boat as you with the weight man. Losing 25 pounds at the end of high school/beginning of college really makes the girls notice you more, and it makes you look a helluva lot more attractive than you were. Three days a week at the gym will keep you in shape, and stop the beers from catching up with you.

      13 years ago at 12:02 am
  6. TrickleDown

    While I hate feminists as much as the next guy, this column is kinda stupid. The problem is not just that women become insecure from these ads, or at least it shouldn’t be. The problem is that we as guys have a higher standard for beauty, and objectification of women in ads can lead to abuse in real life.
    Go ahead and troll me all you want but I still think the article missed the point.

    13 years ago at 2:25 pm
    1. tr

      There is some truth to this. In real life, 90% of guys are smart enough to distinguish fantasy from reality, but there are always those guys in the 10% who honestly believe that any girl who doesn’t look like a Victoria’s Secret model is total dog (I’m not talking about guys with high standards here, I’m talking about that loser at Game Stop who’s referring to size 4’s as heifers).
      Still, blaming the media for those guys is a little like blaming the media for kids shooting their classmates–what some loser saw on TV might now have exactly helped the situation, but it’s still only a very small percentage of the problem.

      13 years ago at 1:25 am