My piss is always orange from the dehydration. TFM.

  1. Fratty the GDI Slayer

    Bro, dehydration can be FaF for a weekend, but death is not frat. At all. I would get that checked out if you are always pissing orange. That means your kidneys are probably on the verge of saying, “Fuck this shit bro.” Also, Nephrogenic Diabetes is also a possibility, and that just sucks because drinking more would kill you pretty quickly. Being alive and fairly healthy. TFM. Dying from being stupid because you were too proud to drink water to avoid organ failure. NF.

    14 years ago at 11:52 am
    1. Fratospheric Orbit

      Drinking water to stay healthy even after drinking heavily. TFM.

      Is adderall a part of this? I always lose like 10lbs of water each time

      14 years ago at 12:21 pm