State Department Database Shows Every Shitty Birthday Gift Obama Has Received While In Office

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Politics are a goldmine for punchlines and gaffs. The high profile jobs that place politicians in the public eye 24/7 make them ripe targets for criticism and abuse. One often forgotten aspect in the muck of politics is that politicians are people, too. Sure, most of them may be bumbling idiots, but they breathe, shit, and celebrate birthdays just like the rest of us. Yesterday just happened to be Barack Obama’s birthday.

The State Department keeps an online list of all birthday gifts given to Big O every year by foreign leaders. Some are rather impressive, while others are embarrassingly awful. The full list can be found HERE, but the highlights are below.


Russia is always good for failing to care about, well, anything. In 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was kind enough to give Obama the gift of a wooden CD holder along with several CDs, which were most likely dug out of a closet in the break room. How they managed to claim a box of CDs was worth $400 is beyond me.

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Our good buddies in Palestine also blew their budget trying to find the most incredible gifts for Barry. They sent over a bottle of olive oil and a painting of a tree. Dream big, boys.

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Ghana had no shame and sent him a picture of himself. I have to admire their audacity. They obviously didn’t even try to get creative.

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Uh oh, here comes Russia again. In addition to its already impressive gifts, the country was also kind enough to throw in a rug with Obama’s face on it. Who doesn’t love walking all over himself? Bunch of trolls.

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Queen Elizabeth II of Britain just took a picture of herself off the wall and had it overnighted to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

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Mexico boxed up its best legal export and told Barry to have a party.

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Never feel like you’re a lazy gift-giver ever again. The king and queen of Spain sent him a fucking autographed plate.

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Singapore followed Russia’s lead by gifting its out-of-date technology leftovers and sent Barry a Creative Zen MP3 player.

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Russia is back in the game. This time it gave him 10 Blu-Ray DVDs. I swear these fuckers are definitely professional trolls.

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Not to be left out in the rankings of shitty gifts, South Korea sent him a Samsung Galaxy. We’re protecting your fucking country and this is all you can muster? Pitiful.

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Oh, Canada, our proud neighbor to the north. It had to make an appearance on here at some point. The Canadians gifted ol’ Barry a basketball signed by the Toronto Raptors, a team full of American citizens. Fuck it, right?

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Afghanistan gave him a rug…for the third consecutive year.

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Despite it being 2011, Australia was sure to add its name to the list of technologically challenged countries when it shipped over an iPod Shuffle.

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France was cool enough to give B.O. a solid white Lacoste polo. FaF.

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Poland gifted a “Best of the Witcher 2” DVD, which appears to be a shitty computer game.

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Oh look–another fucking rug from Afghanistan.

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China coming in hot with a red, white, and blue basketball signed by the Chinese leader himself. Such arrogance.

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Azerbaijan was kind enough to send him several books about Azerbaijan. I’m assuming those leaders believe he is like every other American, in that he doesn’t give a fuck about Azerbaijan.

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This year wouldn’t be complete with Russia. Sure enough, the country gave him a picture of snow. Solid choice, Dmitry.

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Afghanistan must have run out of rugs, as Obama did not receive one in 2012.

While the 2013 list hasn’t been released yet, I can only hope it’s as bizarre as the others.

The entire list can be found HERE.

[via Washington Post]

Image via YouTube

  1. RightWing

    I think it’s safe to say that Bill Clinton probably accepting the best presidential birthday gifts.

    10 years ago at 11:07 am
  2. Buttsack

    Barak Obama (I think that’s how you spell it?) is a liberal and I’m in a frat (so obviously i’m conservative) therefore I didn’t read this article. I don’t do NF.

    10 years ago at 11:37 am
    1. Dog_the_Pledge_Hunter

      Holy shit, you’re in a frat??? You must be super cool for not reading and not being liberal!

      10 years ago at 3:57 pm
  3. Dickchugger

    To be fair what do you give to man who can have everything? U.S. Constitution I’d hope.

    10 years ago at 11:45 am
  4. JustForTheStory

    I’ll believe it was his birthday when I see the long-form birth certificate.

    10 years ago at 12:26 pm