Sterling Cooper and the Pyramids


I had a particularly disturbing conversation with a more liberal-leaning associate of mine (Sterling Cooper has liberal associates? Never!). He mentioned that some of his life goals were to see the Great Wall of China and the Pyramids. When I asked him what his reason was, he simply said that they represent the great achievements that humanity can make when it works together. This bothered me deeply, and I thought this would be a great opportunity to share more of my philosophy with you.

There is no denying that these two marvels of human innovation are impressive and spectacular, but there is an element to them that many people tend to overlook. Both structures share more than an impressive statement of human ingenuity and hard work. They were also built by hundreds of thousands of slaves, working against their will for dictators who couldn’t have cared less if all of their workers died in the making of their monuments, so long as the task was completed. It occurs to me that this marks an interesting dichotomy between what liberals believe and what they do.

I have long been a proponent of capitalism. The funny thing about capitalism is that it has gone from a defining word of American existence, to a vulgar word used deceptively by left-leaning idiots (thanks, Michael Moore) or a colloquial device employed by insincere Republicans looking for popular support. I’d like to explain briefly what capitalism means to me, without devolving into a boring lecture on supply side economics vs. Keynesian hocus-pocus.

In broad terms, capitalism represents the freedom of consumers to select what goods they purchase from producers. The circle comes back around because these consumers are also the workforce driving the creation of said producers’ goods. Anyone who has taken basic macro knows this. However, this freedom to choose is much more than an economic tenet; it is also a moral necessity. The Great Wall and the Pyramids, while impressive, represent nothing more than the evil of monopolized power and economic control. And yet, civil rights-loving liberals are oddly content with ignoring the facts of their creation and instead focusing on the beauty of their appearance. Is this nitpicking? Perhaps. But I think it illustrates a large disconnect on the side of the left in ignoring history in favor of making surface-level generalizations about collective progress.

It is the height of irony that those who accuse conservatives of being racist, sexist, and ignorant oppose a system which, if implemented correctly, would solve many of the problems they claim it to cause. The evil in economics is not a system that is blind to all prejudices, save the ability to produce. The evil lies in supporting an ideology that artificially supports those who don’t contribute to society and brings down those who go beyond the call of necessity to produce products which make that society successful.

Men, I could go on this rant for days, but I know – as I always have – that I am preaching to the (moderately intoxicated) choir. I merely felt that I should share my frustrations with you, as you may indeed be one of the few groups who fully understand what I am saying. I’m not supporting any particular legislation, nor am I endorsing a particular candidate. All I’m saying is that we need to tell America what we yell at our pledges on a daily basis: “figure it the fuck out.”

  1. Fraternity Lifestyle

    You have really outdone yourself, Sterling. I’m no fan of blind “STERLING COOPER IS A FRAT GOD” fandom, but this is a quality article. I’d love to see some more “frat thought”, if you will, on this site. FaF.

    13 years ago at 1:24 pm
    1. Alfred_Marshall

      Indeed. This is what you call a genuine article. While a fratty light complements most posts on this site, Cooper’s thoughts go well with a good old single malt.

      13 years ago at 1:43 pm
    1. wilt bradley

      “An honest man is one who knows that he can’t consume more than he has produced.”

      -Francisco D’Anconia

      13 years ago at 1:39 pm
    2. TheTwelfthGate

      “I have no higher, more reverent tribute to pay to America, for this means: a country of reason, justice, freedom, production, achievement. For the first time, man’s mind and money were set free, and there were no fortunes-by-conquest, but only fortunes-by-work, and instead of swordsmen and slaves, there appeared the real maker of wealth, the greatest worker, the highest type of human being–the self-made man–the American industrialist.”


      13 years ago at 2:07 pm
    1. Damn Right

      None of us know this….one guy claimed it, and we have no proof that this guy isnt trolling. Im giving Sterling the benefit of the doubt.

      13 years ago at 1:50 pm
    2. ShooterMcGavin

      I think if Sterling Cooper was in a fraternity, he would have said something by now.

      13 years ago at 1:56 pm
    3. tx_raised_tx_hazed

      No, not only one person claimed it. There’s about 6 people on this sight who claimed that they have met him, and that he goes to Abilene Christian University, including me. He’s in a social club called Galaxy. If you really think this isn’t true, then why hasn’t he said something by now? Sterling Cooper is not in a fraternity.

      13 years ago at 2:00 pm
    4. Damn Right

      Youre the only guy Ive ever seen say it. And I don’t care if hes in a fraternity or not, Im just saying that as the most infamous guy on the site, hes obviously going to be the subject of rumors (like yours). And the reason he hasnt addressed is probably because hes not going to give into rumors and gossip, Id act the same way.

      13 years ago at 2:24 pm
    5. RP2012

      Have you dipshits never seen Mad Men? Sterling Cooper is the name of the advertising agency the show is set in.

      13 years ago at 4:56 pm
    6. RockChalkBroHawk

      Thank you captain obvious, but the person who uses the alias Sterling Cooper on this site isn’t even in a fraternity.

      13 years ago at 5:46 pm
    7. Fratent Pending

      Holy shit that guy in that facebook picture is a fucking joke, I think Piker posted at some point that that guy is the TFM Intern? Piker….respond v.

      13 years ago at 5:54 pm
    8. Damn Right

      The way I look at it, is even if that is Sterling…who gives a shit. I never viewed the man as a messiah, I just looked at him as a guy who wrote great articles for entertainment purposes. Even if he is a goofy, chubby college student (who apparently can still pull slams), instead of an old money frat star, that doesnt take away from his articles.

      13 years ago at 12:47 am
    9. Keystoned

      Damn Right no one is questioning his ability to write because he writes extremely talented when it comes to that. The impersonation of a fraternity man is the problem.

      13 years ago at 9:49 am
    10. ksig565

      Honestly, who gives a fuck if he’s in a fraternity or a social club?He writes great articles and he obviously knows how to be FaF. There are guys in fraternities who should be in social clubs and people like Sterling who should be in a quality fraternity.

      13 years ago at 12:27 pm
    11. Brahcision maker

      ^^good thing he writes better than you do.

      and gentleman, I find it interesting how many of us claim to hate geeds yet when we find we have one in our midst(maybe) we accept him because he acts fratty. In SC I see many people dressing and acting fratty who would never even thing of joining a fraternity and look down on us fraternity men who make the ultimate decision to join. IF Mr. Cooper is in a social club, as myself and many of us claim PIKE to be and make fun of them, why is Mr. Cooper an exception? While I would not like to believe that Cooper is in a social club, there are fratty members and maybe that is their version of fraternities on their campus and the man deserves some respect for his good articles.

      Also, even if Mr. Cooper is in a greek letter fraternity I doubt he will -and hope he doesn’t- tell us which one because it is better to be neutral so that he is judged on his articles.

      We should consider the possibility that Mr. Cooper is just a TFM worker who writes columns for money.

      Lastly, why the fuck are we going to listen to The Piker on this matter? While I am entertained daily by Piker and his posts, he is a troll and shouldn’t always be taken seriously.

      Mr. Cooper, frat on Sir whether that be in a fraternity or “social club.” You have this man’s respect.

      13 years ago at 11:24 pm
    12. tx_raised_tx_hazed

      Have you ever tried using commas? They might make what you are trying to say make sense.


      ^ Good thing he writes better than you, too.

      13 years ago at 11:56 pm
    13. charlie_day

      This is about the 5th time I’ve heard this about Sterling Cooper, from about 5 different users. If it’s true that Sterling isn’t in a fraternity, then forget him. Screw everyone saying to just accept Sterling for whatever club or fraternity he is a member of, that’s not what being in a fraternity is about.

      13 years ago at 12:05 am
    14. Brahcision maker

      ^^I used enough commas in the right places you fucking idiot. You need to read a book. Do they have those in Texas?

      13 years ago at 5:27 pm
    15. Nitro Hazelton

      You’re all retarded. Sterling Cooper is the name of the advertising firm in the series Mad Men. It’s not his real name.

      13 years ago at 12:05 pm
    16. Damn Right

      Oh shit guys, nitro is on to something! Good call man, see we all were 100% sure that everyone on this site uses their full name as their user name. Because my first name is Damn, and Im sure yours is nitro

      13 years ago at 1:50 pm
  2. FrederickHermanJones

    I completely agree. The liberal platform is filled with paradoxes. For instance, why would the same person who is pro-choice also be anti-death penalty? Why is it okay to call W a fascist, but it’s not okay to call Obama even a “mediocre at best President” without being branded a racist? Why do they go on and on about tolerance, yet have no tolerance for anyone with an different viewpoint? I could go on and on myself, but at the end of the day, Andrew Wilkow says it best on SiriusXM Patriot, “we’re right, they’re wrong, end of story.”

    13 years ago at 1:28 pm
    1. Damn Right

      Republicans have their share of discrepancies too. Such as wanting to cut government spending, but wanting to get involoved in every war. I’m as fiscally conservative as they get, and I don’t care if there’s a communist dictator in Libya, stay out and keep my taxes down.

      13 years ago at 1:47 pm
    2. The 21st

      I agree that conservatives have their own conflicts, especially between the ultra-religious right/warhawks vs. the more libertarian conservatives such as myself. But FHJ is right, political correctness is out of control and liberals constantly use it to make anyone who disagrees seem evil. Against welfare? You must hate the poor. Didn’t vote for Obama? You’re a bigot. And the so-called “intellectuals” who dominate college campuses and even my old boarding school are some of the most closed-minded people I’ve ever met.

      “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”
      — William F. Buckley Jr.

      13 years ago at 3:09 pm
    3. The Waltz

      Just to play devil’s advocate: does FHJ realize that the same attitude he describes liberals having towards conservatives, seems to be the very attitude with which he treats liberals?

      The whole partisan system is fucked. Neither side is all the way “right.” And I bet within the next 10-20 years, we’ll have Democratic and Republican parties with shockingly different platforms than they have today – just as we’ve seen after every major upheaval in American history.

      13 years ago at 4:11 pm
    4. smart as fuck

      I don’t understand why everyone argues about politics so much. Who gives a shit, I will be successful no matter who is president.

      13 years ago at 7:58 pm
    5. carolinahaze

      There is no point in trying to understand liberals or debate with them because it is the same as debating with a child. Liberals are intellectual and moral infants, and should be dealt with accordingly – alternating pats on the head and smacks to the face.

      13 years ago at 6:59 pm
  3. Denzel FRATington

    “It is the height of irony that those who accuse conservatives of being racist, sexist, and ignorant…”
    Conservatives aren’t racist? Have you read the posts on this website? In 10 minutes of browsing today, I’ve seen “kike,” “N*****,” and other slurs used, while names like “Jim Bro Laws” and “KKK” are used and endorsed routinely.
    Endorsing racism but then lashing out against allegedly hypocritical liberals is laughable. Consistency FaF.

    13 years ago at 1:32 pm
    1. Damn Right

      Denzel is right, as a non-racist conservative, Ill admit that there’s a stereotype of conservatives being racist/closet racist, and if you come on this site there’s clearly some legitamcy to the stereotype

      13 years ago at 1:52 pm
    2. ShooterMcGavin

      I think you can be black and not be a n***** but it just so happens that most n****** are black

      13 years ago at 1:57 pm
    3. Success

      Your basing your generalization on this website? Racism is not defined by a political leaning Denzel. I’ve known plenty of racists that identify themselves as liberals. Quit the stereotyping.

      13 years ago at 2:04 pm
    4. Charleston FratEN

      I may be rascist and call it like I see it(n*gger, etc), but that doesn’t mean that because I want people to get off their lazy welfare asses and get jobs is just because they are black.
      I may be well-to-do and not want for very much in life, but calling out “poor” people on their lack of worth ethic doesn’t make me someone who “hates poor people”
      I didn’t vote for Obama because he is a democrat. Can we accuse every democrat not voting for McCain/Palin to be sexist?

      13 years ago at 6:23 pm
    5. Esponda

      Well put Denzel. Not to mention the fact the ridiculous fallacy Sterling is perpetuating in claiming that for some reason only liberals, and not conservatives, consider the Great Wall or Pyramids to be a wonder of the world.

      13 years ago at 12:06 am
    6. PDT_1848

      Esponda learn to read with purpose. He is taking issue with the liberals reason for enjoying the spectacle that is the Great Pyramid and the Great Wall. He only chooses to associate left minded theology because that is whom he is referencing from the original comment. I swear it is quite surprising some of the fuck tards that claim to be in college, and no less in a Fraternity/Sorority. Go get pissed, slit your wrists, and jump off a bridge.

      13 years ago at 11:42 am
    7. hazeway

      Denzel is obviously a liberal; and even worse, black. Either way, his post was stupid.

      13 years ago at 1:42 pm
    8. Esponda

      Talking shit on the internet… FaF?

      Anyway I’ll decline your bridge-jumping offer, but thanks for sharing. Glad you enjoyed reading my post.

      13 years ago at 2:29 pm
    9. Bropenhagen

      As someone hinted at before, I only use “the n-word” to decribe the lazy, poverty-stricken gang bangers that are a danger to society. I actually have 3 adopted cousins of African descent who are equally well off and educated as I am, and we could not get along better.

      13 years ago at 1:50 pm
    10. Sack and Trapster

      Denzel, you had some good points in your original post.
      Consistency is FaF.

      The racism on this site is getting out of hand. I was one of the few token TFTC black guys in my chapter who appreciates a good, off color racist joke every once in a while but here of lately the comments are getting completely out of hand with tasteless, biased, uncalled for garbage. I love sitting in my office reading TFM. Its my daily entertainment until 5pm, but it’s getting harder to read all the brutally racist comments and sit idle. It’s 2011, not 1950. Get with the times fellas.

      13 years ago at 3:28 pm
    11. Damn Right

      Sack is right, I dont even pay attention to race, and I feel like fucking Al Sharpton on this site, because I think its ridiculous how many people are just pointlessly racist.

      If youre the “There’s blacks and then there’s N—-ers” type of racist, thats fine, because there’s also spicks, and then hispanics. And whites and white trash. But ve seen too many people priding themselves on the fact that their fraternity has never bidded a black, which is horrible.

      13 years ago at 1:00 am
    12. ShooterMcGavin

      ^ here’s a joke for you brotha, what’s the difference between tylenol and a brother? Tylenol works.

      another? why do brothers wear flat bills? so birds don’t shat on their lips

      13 years ago at 10:20 am
    13. The Standard

      My fraternity has never given a black guy a bid and we never will. It may be 2011 but we were still chartered way before 1950.

      13 years ago at 10:38 pm
    14. Denzel FRATington

      Hahaha you think so? Every major fraternity has a black member of their national organization. You must not be in a prominent fraternity. I know black Sigma Chis, Sig Eps, Kappa Sigs, Pikes, Betas, KAs, etc. You are in a bottom tier fraternity.

      13 years ago at 2:51 am
    15. ShooterMcGavin

      clearly he was referring to his chapter. Denzel, if you’re not black, then what race are you? Its clear you love black people

      13 years ago at 12:56 pm
    16. Frattery

      No reason to discriminate purely based on race. Most of the black dudes on my campus tend to be rap-blaring, blunt-puffing, jive-talking douchebags, but if we get a good dude who happens to be black we give him a bid.

      Regardless, “Jim Bro Laws” is fucking hilarious.

      13 years ago at 7:12 am
    1. MightBePike

      I think this thoroughly puts the whole argument in perspective, even if it doesn’t give a definitive answer. But maybe there isn’t a definitive answer with the system and “rules of play” we use in today’s political culture.

      13 years ago at 10:35 am
    1. The Waltz

      Dumbass. “Liberal” blue is the same blue on the American flag. And “Republican” red is the other of the three colors representing our great nation.

      13 years ago at 4:13 pm
  4. sigmapiduck

    Completely agree. Once again an extremely well written article Sterling keep up the good work. Love the photo, filmed less than 100 yards from my house.

    13 years ago at 1:40 pm