Sterling Cooper Solves Our Lockout Problems


At this point in the year, one fact has become painfully obvious: once the Texas Rangers walk off the field as World Champions this October, we will likely confront what will come to be known as “The Sports Apocalypse of 2011.” As with any impending apocalypse, we need to make sure that we are adequately prepared. Currently, it appears both the NFL and NBA will face at least temporary delays in the start of their seasons. I know that a lot of you have foolishly chosen not to like basketball, but even the biggest NBA hater is going to miss seeing Blake Griffin on SportsCenter’s Top 10. Golf will still be going on, but who really cares since Major Season will be over? We could always watch hockey, but like everything else about the North, it’s frigid, of a lower caliber, and not entirely captivating. The Cold War may be over, but any sport that the Russians love and excel at reeks of communism to me. As a result of the looming sports drought, I’ve compiled a short list of things we can do to keep ourselves entertained during the fall:

1. College Football- If at any point you feel the slightest bit depressed by the possible loss of the NFL, take comfort in the fact that College Football’s far superior season will still be there. Each and every week you’ll still be given a reason to either celebrate with drunken revelry, or pound whiskey to wash away your sorrows. Rivalries, bragging rights, scandals, and most importantly tailgating…seriously, do I need to tell you how awesome college football is? I think not. Remember, the glass is always half-full, and consider on the fact that with the NFL’s absence you can double your bets on every NCAA game.

2. Pledges- There’s nothing better than having a designated combo maid/driver/ errand boy/court jester/bitch to do everything you say even for your simplest satisfaction. To further your entertainment portfolio, have the pledges play a game of full contact football in the front yard of the fratcastle every Sunday. Instead of normal rules, create an ungodly mash-up of XFL, UFC, and NFL Blitz combined. Have the biggest guy dress up as Macho Man Randy Savage just for the hell of it (RIP). If you don’t enjoy seeing one pledge spear another into an oak tree while you rip Marlboro Reds and drink Johnnie Walker, then you’re a commie and should be watching hockey.

3. Hunting- If anything can distract us from the lockout lull, it’s a good hunting bloodbath. Stealthily executing a shit ton of animals will not only make us feel better, but simultaneously piss PETA the fuck off. Remember the helicopter hog hunting video ( Would you really rather watch an NFC West game or spend the day slamming Budweiser and sniping the fuck out of feral hog from a helicopter?

4. Women- Double your normal intake of slams and try out some unusual shit. For ideas, check out the discussion on crazy sex acts ( My personal favorites would be the Mandarin Waterslide, Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, The Midget Spaghetti Monster, and The Poops-Pow Surprise. Considering none of those actually exist, another fun escapade would be to invent them. I eagerly await your ideas.

Obviously we’ll all survive the possible delay in the professional sports seasons, and there are hundreds of other things we can spend our time on. We can use this experience for good, and it may end up giving us a better appreciation for the things that we already do. I’d say the biggest lesson to be learned here is that if we don’t want the NFL owners to create a work stoppage, we should all just become owners. I think that’s the most rational course of action. Dibs on the Cowboys.

  1. Fratcabulary

    Don’t need a paragraph to defend it: every prep school kid from the north loves hockey and basketball is plain dumb, played and watched by geeds.

    13 years ago at 10:10 pm
    1. Fratstar Runner

      Every sport is played and watched by geeds. Not liking something just because geeds like means that they win.

      13 years ago at 10:34 pm
  2. Fraternity Lifestyle

    If you don’t like hockey, it’s because you’ve never actually watched a good game. It’s my second favorite sport to watch besides football. Game sevens of playoff hockey are always intense and are tons of fun to watch.

    13 years ago at 11:34 pm
    1. Up at Frat

      Hockey on TV may be boring. But I’ll take a live hockey game over any sport. And OT playoff hockey is amazing. Hopefully somebody fuckin smart buys the Stars.

      13 years ago at 1:14 pm
  3. Tom Fratty

    If hockey is so “amazing”, then why is the south trying to purge itself from all it’s hockey teams and outsourcing them to Canada?

    13 years ago at 7:56 am
    1. RockChalkBroHawk

      Because the south is poor as hell and can’t afford much of anything when it comes to professional sports and venues. Nice try though.

      13 years ago at 9:18 am
    2. DieselDrvngFratdaddy

      The south can’t afford professional sports and venues? The Cowboys. I rest my case.

      13 years ago at 11:39 am
    3. old line state

      while texas may geographically one of the farthest states south, it technically isn’t the south. especially when the comment in question refers to the general population being too poor to afford professional sports tickets. (please don’t piss your pants, kids, i understand that everyone from the south on this website is chilling on a multimillion dollar trust fund. notice i said general population)

      13 years ago at 12:25 pm
    4. Fratlanta Falcons


      And the South can afford whatever the hell it wants. It also has basic economic sense and isn’t going to waste money trying to convince Southerners to come to hockey games when it’s quite obvious no one gives a fuck.

      13 years ago at 12:38 pm
    5. Up at Frat

      All? Cmon. Tampa did great these playoffs. In Dallas we love the Stars (I was 8 in ’99 but remember our Cup vividly). Just because the thrashers are going to Winnipeg doesn’t mean every team is. Besides, its ridiculous to think a city like Atlanta could actually support teams from all 4 major sports. Enjoy Gucci Mane ATL

      13 years ago at 1:18 pm
    6. GWB

      Ask any Hockey purist and they’ll tell you they don’t want teams in the south anyways. Most will tell you that having teams in Tenn, Georgia, Florida, Arizona, Los Angeles, etc. is a detriment to the game. The NHL is just run by a moron named Gary Bettman who would rather have a ton of shitty franchises than a smaller pool of good ones.

      I love hockey, but I say if it doesn’t snow there, get the fuck out. There are so many better places for a team than in most southern states. Fucking bring back the Hartford Whalers goddammit!

      13 years ago at 3:39 pm
    7. the nelson

      Please reference the mason dixie line, it includes texas and missouri, texas also fought with the confederacy. You are wrong. Hockey still sucks.

      13 years ago at 9:14 am
  4. Frat_Trick

    To everyone saying that hockey is not American, Miracle on Ice. You should check it out. It was kind of a big deal.

    13 years ago at 8:48 am
  5. RockChalkBroHawk

    I wish I could jump on the bandwagon and hate on hockey and have people think I’m cool on the internet. Seriously, hockey is an amazingly popular sport in the US and worldwide, your an idiot if you don’t like it because its from “The North”.

    13 years ago at 9:17 am
    1. Postgrad Fratstar

      “Fact: Soccer is a game invented by European ladies to pass the time while their husbands cooked dinner. Go practice your throw-ins, you cheese-eating surrender monkey!”..may be NF to quote Tucker Max, but he stole it from The Simpsons..

      13 years ago at 10:03 pm
  6. Southern Tau

    Everyone is talking about hockey. What about the Rangers comment? Yes the Rangers are FaF but the Braves are Americas team and also FaF. The Braves had Bobby one of the greatest. And the Rangers have Nolan another great. Can we agree that both are worthy of being mentioned as FaF teams?

    13 years ago at 10:43 am
    1. RockChalkBroHawk

      Did you really call the Braves “Americas team”? The Braves are not even close to what people think of when the topic of baseball comes up.

      13 years ago at 11:42 am
    2. Mason Dixon Line

      The Braves are this generations Americas team because of Ted Turner and TBS showing almost every Braves game.

      13 years ago at 12:10 pm
    3. Up at Frat

      Nolan is the biggest fratstar in baseball. Does W go to every home Braves game? Thought not

      13 years ago at 1:20 pm