Sterling Cooper’s Heroes: Lee Iacocca


Some of you may be wondering why, if so many of us are planning on being businessmen, I haven’t yet included a great man of business in my Heroes series. Obviously it’s because I was waiting until this particular moment to reveal it. Or it just kinda happened. Either/or. To the point, instead of focusing on someone you all have probably studied previous to this (Rockefeller, Carnegie etc.), I’m going to focus on someone a bit more modern: Lee Iacocca.


He was born in Pennsylvania, blah blah blah, and then he went to college and pledged Theta Chi. There aren’t any pledging stories about him on the internet, but a very well connected person I talked to said that he once forced a pledge to mail his own shit to his mother (or yelled at him or something like that). He then started a career in engineering for Ford, stayed there for as little time as possible before saying, “screw this design shit, I wanna sell the fuck out of some cars.” So he did. In fact his selling strategies were so good that they went from local deals to nationwide, and he was brought up to Ford’s corporate headquarters, and all of a sudden (or maybe a few decades later) became President of Ford Motor Company.

Iacocca was directly involved with creating some pretty awesome rides, including the Mustang, the Continental, and the holy, fire-prone clusterfuck of a ride, the Pinto. In fact, it was during the whole Pinto scandal that America discovered Iacocca’s use of cost-benefit analysis, which weighed the cost of a recall vs. the potential payout in litigation over deaths due to defective cars. In layman’s terms, Lee Iacocca made Ford Motor Company TFTC about a few GDIs getting blown up in their geed-mobile of a Pinto. Balls, man. Fucking balls.


After being fired by Henry Ford II because he “didn’t get along with him” (even though Ford posted a fucking $2 billion profit that year), he went to Chrysler. Much as Chrysler does now…it sucked balls. They were going down and pretty much destined to go out of business. Iacocca could have gone to any major car company, but instead decided to prove to everyone how much of a badass he was (if they weren’t already convinced), and took on the welfare-check of a company as his project.

Before anyone gets all commenty about Iacocca taking government money (aka bailout) to get Chrysler back on its feet, I will say this only once: it didn’t fucking happen. Everyone talks about how Congress bailed out Chrysler, when in reality, all it did was guarantee its loans. A breach in the government’s role to be sure, but ultimately unimportant considering that Chrysler made good on all its loans. Glad we could get that out of the way.

Recently, Lee has been mostly out of the car business. He’s decided to take on the job of fixing an even more broke, close to bankrupt business: the United States. Yep, these days he’s writing books and giving seminars about the true meaning of leadership and what future leaders of our country need to understand (how about a little fucking character?). To close, I’ll just quote Mr. Iacocca on his opinion of our current state and let you draw your own conclusions.

“Throw the bums out.”


  1. Tallapoosa Snu

    Um, he endorsed and donated to John Kerry in 2004, He’s anti-oil and praises hybrids and electric vehicles, he believes in sending jobs out of America to save money, and when he said “throw the bums out” he was referring to a republican controlled government. And as a businessman, he was leading ford down a shitty path with a shitty business plan, and led chrysler to shit, relying on using the government to support him like a fucking good for nothing liberal. I could go on, but out of anyone, why the fuck Iacocca? He really isn’t impressive at all… Not only is he an overrated businessman, hes a liberal fuck that beleives in big government, and encourages misuse of power in government, and is skewed as a capitalist. Terrible choice Sterling

    13 years ago at 9:36 pm
    1. Tallapoosa Snu

      also I just realized he also lost his pension with both ford and chrysler because of his mismanagement of money and leading both near and to bankruptcy, so not only is he a liberal piece of shit, he’s lost a ton of money through bad investments and itsn’t even worth nearly as much as he should be. Piece of shit.

      13 years ago at 9:42 pm
    2. FratasticMrLean

      What do you mean by anti oil? As in he’s against oil drilling or he supports alternative sources of fuel? Scientists may be liberal but science itself is unbiased. Oil will not be sustainable in the long run; especially with the emerging middle class in China and soon to emerge middle class in India. We’re going to need hybrid and/or alternative source of fuel sooner or later.

      13 years ago at 10:42 pm
  2. Frat E. Lee

    Oh Chrysler. You know your business is in the shitter when you get bought by FIAT and your quality goes up.

    13 years ago at 9:36 pm
  3. Fraternity Lifestyle

    As someone who was raised in the suburbs of Detroit and have family in the automobile industry (like half of the population that’s still here), I’ll say this. Lee’s mindset may be FaF, but his political views are not. He’s not the reason for Chrysler going down the drain, there are other factors involved, but he is commendable for most of the work he did at Ford.

    13 years ago at 11:33 pm
  4. RMFT13

    Fuck this guy and his gay fucking sweater tied around his fucking neck. What a goddamn yankee.

    13 years ago at 11:50 pm
  5. Fratrick Brochanan

    So the guy who made the minivan a hit is a fratstar? Settin the bar kinda low…

    13 years ago at 5:28 am
  6. charlie_day

    TFM deleting comments now. NF. Everyone knows about Sterling Cooper being a GDI, it’s not a secret anymore.

    13 years ago at 11:51 am
  7. Gov_Lester Maddox

    Sterling Cooper you are a geed. This shit sucks. You suck. The TFM staff has turned into a bunch of pussies by deleting comments etc. Let us decide what we life. Sterling Cooper, you’re fuckin’ out.

    13 years ago at 1:53 pm
  8. BelushiTFM


    11 years ago at 10:26 pm
    1. BelushiTFM


      11 years ago at 10:28 pm