Steve Spurrier Gave The World An Amazing Sound Bite

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No matter how you feel about the Gamecocks, you can’t help but love Steve Spurrier. The ol’ ball coach doesn’t care what comes out of his mouth or what he does, from running practices shirtless to ragging on Tennessee football.

The most recent Spurrier moment happened at the SEC media days, where he said, “I went down to the players’ locker rooms, they were all over there and I physically jerked a bunch of ‘em off.” Check it out for yourself.

It should be noted that he’s actually talking about the “Beat Clemson” signs hanging around the locker rooms when he arrived at USC. When you take out the context, this might be his best sound bite yet. The ones who didn’t get jerked off sure wish they could be jerked off by the legend.

I hope he never changes.

[via Vine]

      1. Makers__Mark

        Well that’s really random because the jizz mop article is what 2 years old?

        10 years ago at 2:37 pm
  1. Crimstontidefratstar

    Steve spurrier taking of his shirt despite his grandfratter body. TFM

    10 years ago at 6:55 pm