What To Expect In The Stock Market After The Election


First, I would like to disclose that I cannot see the future, and that if you decide to pretend you’re George Soros* and bet it all on gold two weeks before the election, I’m not liable for any losses. I would also like to disclose that these are only one man’s beliefs, and I am not recommending any investments — just having fun speculating. Now that we got that out of the way, here is a crash course on how to bet the election with the stock market.

Hillary Win:

Right now, I think that the markets have baked in a Hillary win. This will hopefully be complemented by Republican wins in the House and Senate. This scenario means gridlock, which is what we currently have, and I believe we see little to no reaction from the market. If the Democrats take the House, Senate and Presidency, I expect a minor drop.

This scenario won’t impact the stock market as much as it will impact the credit markets. This puts the federal reserve in an awkward position, because they will eventually be forced to raise interest rates (Janet Yellen will run out of excuses to keep them artificially low). This means as new debt is issued, higher interest rates need to be offered to attract new buyers. This increases the interest burden of our national debt. Bond yields rise.

Trump Win:

Think Brexit. Sharp one-week, emotion-based market drop. If you are betting on a Trump win, you buy gold. Gold is viewed as a safe place to put your money, therefore, it does well when markets are volatile. More experienced investors could short really anything before the election (with the exception of natural gas and oil). This will be followed by a slow climb back. Markets hate uncertainty, and nothing is more uncertain than a Trump presidency. I also expect a Trump presidency to put a similar strain on credit markets; he doesn’t strike me as the frugal type.

Johnson Win:

LOL JK. Unlike the debate commission, I will at least include him.


Clinton wins and Republicans retain control of congress. I think a Clinton win sends shivers up the spines of commodity traders. I expect natural gas futures to take a hit. My bet is to buy DGAZ right before the election. It is a highly leveraged fund that tracks the inverse of the natural gas market moving $3 for every $1 that natural gas actually changes (you either lose a lot or win a lot).

It’s important to note that the stock market is not a barometer for how successful a president’s economic policies are. The stock market simply applies values to the earnings of public companies. These companies are run by executives who are not POTUS. Post-election fluctuations are emotional, and do not reflect a change in the value of the companies you are buying, selling, or holding.

*George Soros is a hedge fund manager who recently moved 50% of his hedge fund into gold before Brexit; a huge bet that paid off. Additionally, he pretty much entirely finances the Democratic party. You haven’t heard of him because he doesn’t fit the narrative that sleazy wall street white people are Republicans.

Image via YouTube

  1. Harrison Lee

    If you are interested in finance and haven’t heard of George Soros, you shouldn’t be interested in finance.

    8 years ago at 4:49 pm
  2. Fratolina

    Demi won’t take back house unless it’s a blowout victory for Clinton. Senate likely tied to whoever wins presidency (almost a tossup at this point), and probably barely a majority (ie 52-49 including VP)

    8 years ago at 5:01 pm
  3. Bush Light

    History shows it actually doesn’t matter which party takes office, and it doesn’t affect the long-term in any way. And as much as I hate to say it, the dems drove the market up more than republicans after elections ever so slightly.

    Source: CFA Institute presentation by Goldman Sachs political strategist.

    8 years ago at 6:39 pm
    1. TFM Finance Guy

      Right, historically it doesn’t matter. We’re not China so the POTUS doesn’t run the private sector.

      8 years ago at 8:54 pm
  4. math_is_hard

    This is incredibly stupid. For one, what do you think is the biggest determinant of earnings for the market? Economic conditions. Two, who is elected president has no impact on the Fed. Since, ya know, it was designed to be as independent from political influence as possible. Interest rates will be raised, unless the economy suddenly contracts. Let’s see what else. Your predictions of short term market swings are useless and gold is not a safe investment. It has hedging value against the maket, but it’s sill volatile and a shitty store of value. If you bought and held good at any time besides during poor markets you did not do well. Your 4 finance classes don’t qualify you to open your stupid mouth.

    8 years ago at 9:04 pm
    1. DeltaBuy

      I don’t know what they’re teaching you over there at Shitstain State, but anyone who thinks the Fed is free of political influence and doesn’t recognize the difference between a risk-adjusted investment and a short-term market play can go play with equities in Dallas.

      8 years ago at 1:55 am
  5. RaginBush84

    Johnson wins: dump money into one of the 8 publicly traded “medical marijuana” companies

    8 years ago at 11:51 pm
  6. NorthernATO

    If anyone is looking for a little help in the market, a good place to go is Investors Hangout. I use the “NASDAQ Dip and Rip” board on there and have done well with it.

    8 years ago at 10:25 am
  7. Kta0016

    Expect volatility. Anyone who tells you they know which direction the market is headed is a dumbass

    8 years ago at 2:47 pm