Stop Hating On Sororities For Being Hot And White

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I feel it’s necessary to preface this article by sharing some personal perspective. Contrary to what many might assume about me, because of the website I represent and my inherent affiliation to all things Greek life, this topic is so far off my radar that I feel silly even commenting on it. I’m older now. I’ve been out of the game for far too long to be concerned about this stuff. Frankly, even when I was in the game, I cared very little about Greek mistreatment. Just not my thing. I never found it to be important enough to spend time thinking about.

I’m inclined to speak up on behalf of the University of Alabama’s Alpha Phi sorority, however (and not just because they hollered at me on Twitter about the video – hey ladies), and those alike who have faced community or even national backlash for similar reasons. That’s how mind-blowingly ridiculous this story is.

Bama’s Alpha Phi recently released their annual recruitment video. It features exactly what you’d expect it to feature: attractive, white, mostly blonde, young women prancing around in slow motion to cheesy music. Probably a lot of glitter, too.

Some people found something to be offended by in the video, because America loves to be offended in 2015, even by something as trivial and innocent as a sorority recruitment video orchestrated by 19 to 22-year-old college students. Did it feature excessive binge-drinking, drug use, thong-laden twerk competitions, or references to sexual misconduct? No, it didn’t. It literally showed members of the sorority prancing around in slow motion to cheesy music. Not much else. And, yeah, there was some glitter.

There were two pretty significant issues with the video, though, depending on which end of the “easily offended” spectrum you fall — 1) The sorority looks to be 100% white, and 2) They also look to be 100% attractive. Simply inexcusable.

After these heinous issues were brought to light in a scathing opinion piece on, the sorority removed the video, shut down their Twitter account, and made their Instagram and Facebook pages private. The video was later uploaded by a third party and can be seen below.

Cute, huh? Innocent, right?

A.L. Bailey, the guest columnist who wrote the piece, titled, “‘Bama sorority video worse for women than Donald Trump” (really, that’s the title) shares her thoughts on the absurdity that is the video. The below paragraph best captures the centric theme of the piece.

No, it’s not a slick Playboy Playmate or Girls Gone Wild video. It’s a sorority recruiting tool gaining on 500,000 views in its first week on YouTube. It’s a parade of white girls and blonde hair dye, coordinated clothing, bikinis and daisy dukes, glitter and kisses, bouncing bodies, euphoric hand-holding and hugging, gratuitous booty shots, and matching aviator sunglasses. It’s all so racially and aesthetically homogeneous and forced, so hyper-feminine, so reductive and objectifying, so Stepford Wives: College Edition. It’s all so … unempowering.

Really, though.

The article could be summed up in one sentence: This sorority is too white, too attractive, and I don’t really know why that’s wrong but I don’t feel good about it, so it is.

To watch that video in its entirety and come away with a reaction other than “look at these cute college girls having fun while making a silly video to attract new members” is beyond my comprehension. These videos are plentiful on the internet, and they’re all the same. Parodies with thousands of views exist that mock their redundancy and unoriginality. They’re not created to empower women. They’re not created to make political statements. They’re not created to advance women in the fight against misogyny. Their sole purpose, and this is important to keep in mind, is to attract new members — members who are impressionable, eyes-wide-open 18-year-old girls who are aimlessly looking for a home in this big new world called college.

That brings up the question of why this columnist is targeting this video, why this sorority. Has the level of hotness and whiteness just become too plentiful and overbearing?

I’m not very familiar with the Alabama Greek hierarchy, but I’d venture to guess that Alpha Phi is among the “top tier” of sororities on campus. Maybe even widely regarded as number one. And that, of course, means they are one of the most attractive there. Am I right? I am, of course. It’s no coincidence that Alpha Phi at UA, one of the best and hottest sororities at one of the most predominant universities for Greeks in the country, is being targeted, and not XYZ at Ugly U.

But what exactly are they guilty of?

American sororities are private organizations, meaning they can admit anyone they see fit, and exclude anyone they deem unfit. There is no evidence beyond “look how white and pretty they are” in this video that suggests they only target pretty white girls. Yes, I’m aware of Bama’s less-than-flawless résumé of racial exclusion in Greek life, but the “innocent until proven guilty” mantra should prevail, even at Bama. And Alpha Phi’s name hasn’t previously been mentioned as possibly racially exclusionary. Is it conceivable that this group of girls simply found each other, enjoyed each other’s company, shared common interests, and chose to spend their college years together?

Sororities aim to recruit and initiate like-minded young women. This video looks like a bunch of like-minded girls to my eyes.

If the university’s chess club put together a recruitment video featuring every member of their club, would you be up-in-arms if it showed nothing but nerdy white kids?

If the university’s hip-hop club put together a recruitment video featuring every member of their club, would you be up-in-arms if it showed nothing but young black people?

Like-minded students who relate to one another — it doesn’t make them exclusionary. It means they want to hang out together, and that’s not cause for a public shaming.

Ooooh, or how about this? If a bottom-tier sorority put together a recruitment video featuring every member of their sorority, except theirs was full of young, white, hideous misfits and overweight slobs prancing around in slow motion to cheesy music and rubbing glitter all over their pasty bodies, would you be up-in-arms about it? Because those videos do exist (we’re tipped off to them all the time), yet I see no one lambasting them for being too “racially and aesthetically homogeneous.”

Something else to remember: THIS VIDEO ISN’T FOR YOU. Emboldened, yet politically sensitive, adults are not the target demographic here. This video is aimed at incoming freshmen girls at the University of Alabama, and their purpose is to recruit a bomb ass pledge class, something they appear to be very successful in doing.

Image via YouTube

  1. TSMTechGuy

    This piece was beautifully written. Kudos to you for putting together an essay that captures everyone’s combined “what the fuck”s at the outrage over this video.

    9 years ago at 5:02 pm
  2. TylerG

    Something that i don’t think people talk enough about is how websites and content writers make money. Like, its easy to get people pissed off about white privilege and then you add the donald into it because hes so hot right now, just a perfect storm to rack up those clicks. I bet this author doesn’t even give a shit, the website doesn’t care either, its all about eye balls, click throughs and ad money.

    Those chicks are hot.

    9 years ago at 5:14 pm
  3. WillardFratkins1855

    Best article I’ve read on this site. Cogently argued, lucidly expressed, untouchable logic. I hope to god the writer of the article sees your examples and realizes how absurd he/she sounds.

    The greatest irony of all, of course, is that UA Alpha Phi is just as white and culturally homogeneous as the *entire* masthead of the staff — and any of the hard-left leaning news organizations that are promoting the story.

    I hope the person that wrote the article would have no problem if they lost their job because an unattractive trans-gendered minority first-generation immigrant with no writing experience, “brought more to the table,” at the news website than he/she did. Because that’s really what is being argued; that diversity for no reason other than diversity is a goal for society — and that’s honestly garbage.

    If diversity is forced for the sake of diversity alone, then all we get in society is a high school cafeteria where the black people all sit at one table, the lesbians at another, and so on. It doesn’t actually achieve any intermingling of ideas or experiences. Diversity has to arise naturally, because people have common interests and incentives, not because it is mandated from on-high by some out of touch hyperliberal institution.

    Fraternities and Sororities are private organizations that are beholden to no standards other than their own, so long as they are in good standing with their University. That’s the way it should be. It is not just a “club.” If we stop letting private organizations govern their own internal affairs, then we have basically undone 250+ years of legal precedent in this country.

    Dorn says it perfectly: If you’re white, attractive, and let people know you’re proud of your lifestyle — well — that just won’t do in 2015.

    9 years ago at 5:16 pm
    1. fratsohardUn1versity

      Im glad you see the flawed logic in diversity. Look at nations as a whole. Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians South America for Hispanics, but white nations for everyone. Only something being too white is a problem in a liberals eyes and only white countries are pressured to diversify.

      9 years ago at 8:57 pm
      1. Dontworryaboutitplease

        Since when is America a “white” country? Let’s not forget who was here first, because it surely was not the whites. They came to this country and tried to make it their own when it wasn’t. Therefore, America should try to diversify. As far as I’m concerned, other white countries are accepting of diversity as are Asian, African, and South American countries.

        9 years ago at 11:05 am
  4. ANatural

    It amazes me that someone can watch this and find it racist, but when Charles Barkley said ON NATIONAL TV that he hates white people he wasn’t being racist but just stating his opinion. Apparently only white people can be racist…makes sense.

    9 years ago at 5:22 pm
    1. ScoochMcGooch

      You’d be surprised how many idiots legitimately believe only whites can be racist and see no error with that belief.

      9 years ago at 9:47 pm
  5. RodneyPoncho

    There can’t be a sorority recruitment video that just so happens to mostly have white girls in it. Yet there can be all black fraternity’s and all black colleges.. #alllivesmatter

    9 years ago at 5:24 pm
    1. Dontworryaboutitplease

      There can be sorority videos with all white girls in it. But just to be clear, if a fraternity is all black, it’s probably because no white person wanted to join. And there are no such things as all black schools. There are historically black schools, just like there are predominantly white schools. You’ll find both races at both schools.

      9 years ago at 11:23 am
  6. cleavage

    Rap Videos blatantly objectify objectify women, promote misogyny, glorify committing crimes and basically refer to women as second class citizens but nobody says shit about them. Instead some “Women Empowering” online publication pick on these girls because they are extremely attractive and are promoting their organization in a classy way. Whatever man this is all fucking stupid.

    9 years ago at 5:30 pm
  7. ZeteNJ

    The irony is how much these people sound identical to old racist white people reacting to a hip hop music video. Just replace black with white, and thug with brat. I hope these ladies have a record pledge class. Beautiful girls with a bright future.

    9 years ago at 5:53 pm
  8. Billy224

    There is nothing wrong with diversity, as a matter of fact it’s a good thing if it occurs naturally. I’m one of just 5 black kids in my my frat of 98. The reason there are only 5 of us has nothing to do with racism, it has to with the demographics of people rushing, last year we only got 3 black guys to come during rush and 150+ white guys. I go to school in the north and can only imagine how few minorities rush in the south. On the other hand I would probably be a little apprehensive to join a fraternity at a school like Alabama given their reputation with race issues. However this video does not warrant any kind of backlash it is not racist in any way shape or form they are even playing football with a black guy.

    9 years ago at 5:53 pm
    1. Jron

      nigga you sound like an uncle tom. The reason why niggas don’t rush to start is mad frats is that society is ALREADY systematically racist.

      i mean yea this shit clearly racist. i love how these hoes and frat white niggas praise football players but hate niggas. each of these hoes should be required to get a black boyfriend and then they get a pass for not being racist.

      9 years ago at 1:01 am
      1. ANatural

        You are going to call fraternities racist yet still have an account on TFM which would indicate you are either in a fraternity or want to be in one. We don’t base our memberships on skin color which is ironic because the black fraternities sure as fuck do. Who are the real racists? Oh that’s right only white males can be racist my bad.

        9 years ago at 9:08 am
      2. Jron

        only white niggas can be racist. black people get so fucked over in this county that it dont matter what we say. we might be prejudiced but we have no real power. all yall nigggas the racist ones cuz yall have power.

        and all yall niggas be lik “we don’t based on skin color”…but every fuckin job/fraternity only has white niggas members.

        9 years ago at 9:54 am
      3. ScoochMcGooch

        Not entirely true, ANatural. Certain historically black-only organizations have opened their doors to whites.

        9 years ago at 10:57 am
      4. Dontworryaboutitplease

        Soooooo many black fraternities allow white people and people of other ethnicities to join. The reason why black frats are “black” frats is because black people weren’t allowed to join white fraternities, so blacks made their own.

        9 years ago at 11:14 am
  9. Kevlar2Bowties

    America needed something else to be offended by besides Trump this week. It’s laughable people are up in arms about a video that has literally no other intentions than to recruit like minded (and sexy as hell) woman to their organization. You do you Alpha Phi, I’m sure you will have one hell of pledge class.

    9 years ago at 5:56 pm
  10. 5thgrade_fratstar

    Fuck feminism honestly, if these girls want to act like slooters for gentlemens entertainment let them

    9 years ago at 6:02 pm