Students Behind the Terrible We Are Mizzou Release New Video, Somehow Top Their Own Awfulness

When I heard that the We Are Mizzou crew was producing a sequel to their cringe inducing, almost universally despised original video, I resolved not to cover it. I was going to do my alma mater a solid and look the other way. I was going to let this abortion of a video be a quiet, back alley abortion.

But then Deadspin had to go and cover it, so fuck me, right? Looks like we’re going to make this a spectacle abortion after all. And a spectacle abortion really is an apt metaphor for this video. Watching it, as well as watching it make its way around the web, is exactly like watching a painful, poorly performed abortion take place onstage in a crowded theater, right down to the singing in the video being as grating to hear as a wire hanger scraping the cervix and producing a “nails on chalkboard” screech. This video is that horrifying, at least for Mizzou fans.

If you don’t know the video I’m talking about, here it is…

Actually first, if you’re a Mizzou fan, fair warning, you might want to close your eyes Raiders of the Lost Ark style. Otherwise your face will melt off as your soul is dragged to hell by the pure evil you’re about to be viewing.

If you’re a kansas fan, or just hate Mizzou, this is going to be like watching some sort of torture porn full of impossibly hot women. The dark part of you will love it, but your tiny shred of humanity will still be screaming for you to look away.

Without further ado, here’s the actual video:

I would’ve rather just watched a four minute lemon party set to a Puddle of Mudd song. I mean, what else is there to say? It fucking sucks. When I’m in Columbia for the Georgia game, and some Georgia fan inevitably makes fun of Mizzou by referencing this video, I’ll have no comeback. Referencing this video is a shutdown burn, on par with something like this:

“Yeah well at least I didn’t give a handjob to my best friend at lacrosse camp when I was twelve.”

(*stunned silence*)

“I told you that in confidence at the pledge retreat you SON OF A BITCH!”

Yeah, this is “deep dark gay secret being exposed” bad.

Another reason that I didn’t want to cover this video is because I didn’t want to rip the kids who made it. To the creative team behind this video: Please stop making these. I’m not going to be a bastard and call you untalented. It takes a lot of hard work to produce a video, any video. Considering the production quality on this particular one, I’m going to assume you spent a lot of time on it and exerted quite a bit of effort. I will give credit where credit is due.

But you know what else took time and effort? The Holocaust.

These videos are not your forte. If you are talented and would like to keep pursuing a creative path then it might be time to start collaborating with other people or focusing on other things (seriously please focus on other things). Your “teaser” for this video was far more enjoyable than watching you prance and rowboat through a field while a song that even Jason Aldean would consider awful groans in the background.

The amateur white kid music video trend needs to die, forever. Mizzou is FAR from the only offender, but I’ll be damned if we aren’t sucking with the best of them.

Again, please stop making these videos. I wish you all the best in life, but I hope YouTube bans you forever like you’re all Malaysian child pornographers.


  1. Frat Stud

    What the fuck Bacon?!? Way to not give me credit!! Jesus Christ, even Dorn gave me credit on the last article!!

    12 years ago at 11:06 am
    1. Rob Fox

      A) I found this on my own, pretty much as soon as it was out. B) You have no idea how many people submitted this.

      12 years ago at 11:22 am
  2. Timolytus730

    You’re kidding me right? The ‘We Are Mizzou’ creators are responsible for yet, another embarrassing Mizzou failure. Students behind the ‘We Are Mizzou’ video gets the courage and tries taking another stab at it. And they did. They stabbed Truman the Tiger right in his f*cking heart and watched him bleed Black and Gold until there was nothing left. (drastic, but you get my point)

    This time..the blame goes out to every Mizzou Tiger. There’s no way that no one knew this was in production. To the roommates, friends and fraternity brothers who turned a blind eye….I blame you. To the mediocre girls who are in the video dancing like K$sha to a country song??! Take the blame as well, and then kill yo self. You are all associates to criminal acts upon our University. This is terrorism last time I checked. And uhh…that’s punishable by death.

    Citizen’s Arrest. Is that a real thing? I’m not entirely sure. But who cares?! You’re in the SEC now Mizzou. Taking up arms is perfectly acceptable now. Find these guys and lock them up in the coffins that I’m sure Chi O has cleverly hidden somewhere. If you bury them alive by accident…I wont be mad about it. Accidents happen. Just like this video. And two wrongs do make a right. It’s scientifically proven.

    But most of all…there has to be someone somewhere giving these individuals positive remarks and words of encouragement after the We Are Mizzou video was made for them to have the balls to try and take a second stab at it. So to the sorority girls out there giving Turner rooftop HJ’s, going to parties and taking lap naps on our fellow terrorists at the FIGI mansion…I advise for you to run for cover, because you are also now a terrorist by association. And my heroic, psychosomatic crazy ass is feeling a little vigilante. So if you see a man in a mask and cape running at you with a flamethrower through the quads, know that you only deserved it. You f*cked up.

    12 years ago at 12:06 pm
  3. Tallapoosa Snu

    OK, that settled it. I have money saved, I’m coming to Missouri, and putting such an emotional burden on everyone there that you’ll all suffer. Fucking Missouri. Bacon, you’re first.

    12 years ago at 12:38 pm
  4. wtfbro

    Reading your terrible “review” was far worse than watching the video, and your comparisons are tasteless. It’s a shame that someone with such poor writing and moral skills represents MU on this website. Then again, how can we expect sophisticated writing from an individual on this website, let alone from a fraternity?

    12 years ago at 5:16 pm
    1. Rob Fox

      Thank you for your continued support of We appreciate your readership.

      12 years ago at 9:51 am
  5. scally333

    I think I would rather run my tongue across an infected batch of venereal warts than watch that abomination. Bacon, are these a-holes from your side of the state?

    12 years ago at 7:46 pm
  6. Brologna

    This just makes the ass-pounding Mizzou will receive from the rest of the SEC that much sweeter.

    12 years ago at 11:46 am