Study Claims Porn Rots Your Brain

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A German study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, suggests that watching porn is bad for male brains, because it potentially both diminishes mental reactions from sexual imagery and decreases the size of the brain, which is responsible for processing rewards. It is unclear from the article, however, if the study was conducted using the nation’s infamous scheisse videos. I mean, this is Germany we’re talking about.

While my extensive masturbatory experience can certainly attest to the first, as there is no other real reason I can think of to search for triple penetration, mother-daughter, or other embarrassing subgenres I don’t want published, the second symptom is certainly more disheartening. After all, we’re talking about a decrease in size here, and my overactive porn habits have already left me worried enough about what is sufficient.

Still, it could be that men who are naturally more desensitized to sexual imagery and have naturally smaller parts of the brain dedicated to processing rewards could have a physiological predisposition to watching a lot of porn. That one sounds better at least, as if it’s not really your fault you’re a calloused degenerate. Try using that one next time your girlfriend tries to type into your search bar, only to look up from the computer infuriated.

[via Time]

  1. Broties n Boatshoes

    You know what else rots your brain? Listening to liberals like the ones who conducted this study.

    10 years ago at 11:22 am
      1. Virginias Hope

        That’s a little odd, considering they’re historically and currently pretty liberal, especially compared to us.

        10 years ago at 12:49 pm
    1. GuyWhoPointsOutTheObvious

      Conservatives are the ones who are usually against masturbation. This man was born with the downs and tries a bit to hard to be funny with no actual intellect behind his statements.

      10 years ago at 11:44 am
  2. LEGENwaitforitDARY

    There’s also recent scientific research that states that jacking off at least 5 times a week will reduce your chances of prostate cancer by a third (which I guess means if you jack off 15x, you’ll never get it).

    I’ll stick to that research instead.

    10 years ago at 11:25 am
    1. BrothersOverOthers

      Seems kind of like the logic that if you’ve got 2 condoms on, you have a 198% chance of not getting an std or getting some girl pregnant. Odds are in our favor.

      10 years ago at 7:42 pm