Study Finds 74% Of Women Prefer Dad Bodies Over Six-Packs, 96% Think Guys With Abs Are Douche Bags

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Big win here for the common man.

I could not have predicted that 74 percent of women prefer out-of-shape guys to ripped guys. I am not at all surprised, however, that the VAST majority of women think guys with visible abs are d-bags. Simple logic validates this concept, in my opinion.

I’ve been telling anyone who will listen that about 90 percent of guys with six-packs have unbearable personalities and live unfulfilling lives. No one likes the guy who brings his own vodka and diet tonic water to a casual kegger. Have you forgotten what cold beer tastes like? Do you enjoy eating unseasoned grilled chicken 13 times a day? Do you have to carry around those protein shakers with you everywhere you go? You look like a jackass. Push away that spinach salad and live a little, you self-absorbed egomaniacs.

I’m glad women agree–NINETY SIX percent of them. The study was conducted on British women, but we’ll assume the numbers would have shaken out similarly with American women.

From Daily Mail:

Three in four British women would choose a man with love handles over one sporting a six-pack.

That’s 23 million of us who find muscular men a turn off; 96% predict a date with an abs-obsessed bloke to be positively dreary.

The reasoning behind these statistics shouldn’t be too surprising if you’ve ever met an actual woman: they’d feel self-conscious laying next to a guy with a ripped body.

The sad answer is this: we’re worried we won’t shape up.

Seventy-four percent of women in the survey said they’d feel self-conscious taking their clothes off in front of a perfectly toned man.

A he-man’s discipline highlights our lack of it, making us feel even more acutely self-conscious of our own body flaws than usual.

Women, you’re so great. Don’t ever change. Oh, and I just conducted a study of my own, in my own head, and I’m sorry to inform you that guys prefer that you stay in shape. Don’t shoot the messenger.

[via Daily Mail]

  1. Lyaziz

    This is kind of hard to believe… Not all guys that lift are douche bags. Chicken is good for your health, as in good source of protein. Those protein shakes are meals on the go, for those who didn’t get to eat, like eating a snickers but healthy. Plus I would say if you put 2 of those guys next to each other. The girl would pick the six pack. No trying to be homo, but that’s our society

    10 years ago at 3:58 pm
  2. Noonan

    In a similar study, British women said they preferred men who didn’t have perfect teeth.

    10 years ago at 5:23 pm