Study Shows Collegiate LAXers Use Drugs, but Graduate
The NCAA recently conducted a survey that revealed lacrosse players were the most frequent drug users among collegiate athletes. Drugs most commonly listed in LAX social circles include: amphetamines, anabolic steroids, cocaine, marijuana and narcotics. Well-to-do college kids like to have a good time. This is not a shocking revelation.
The study also shows that 95.0% of these guys regularly indulge in Grandpa’s old cough medicine, only edged out by hockey players at 95.5%. College golfers sit in 3rd place at a very respectable 90.9%. You can imagine the constant verbal thrashing those 4.5% of alcohol-free hockey players experience.
The NCAA also released graduation rates by sport, in which lacrosse players rated the highest. There you have it. So, what do we take away from this? Is there a direct correlation between drug use and academic success? Don’t take it that far, kids. And the next time Mom goes off about how drugs will ruin your life, please don’t reference this news story and try to disprove her little spiel. Drugs suck. Don’t do them.
- [via Bloomberg]
Did any body else notice the queer on the lower left corner to the left of number 22?
13 years ago at 3:25 pmI noticed it and chose to ignore it
13 years ago at 4:48 pm^^ You would notice that
13 years ago at 5:00 amjust because no amount of drugs could have make day rage enjoyable doesn’t mean they suck.
13 years ago at 9:24 pmIt’s because they are white, normally well off, and YOU CANT LEAVE EARLY TO GO PRO. but mostly because they’re white
13 years ago at 8:48 am