Stuff Frat People Hate: “Fraternities”

Now, you might read this headline and think “What the fuck, first this guy tells me what to like and hate all the time, and now he thinks I should hate myself?” Relax, you insecure son of a bitch. I’m not talking about good old fashioned, American, booze hounding fraternities. I’m speaking of the significantly less fun (and less important) groups out there, that conceal themselves behind Greek letters like wolves in geed clothing.

First and foremost, you have the seemingly endless supply of professional “fraternities,” specifically for business or pre-law or students of literally any other major. Now I know many of these organizations have a fairly significant history (Delta Sigma Pi started in 1907 for example), but they are so innumerably far from the definition of a fraternity that it’s almost laughable. In a recent completely fabricated study, only .001% of Americans thought of one of these professional groups when asked the definition of a fraternity. It’s about time you all called yourself what you really are: a fucking club. If the sight of your letters doesn’t bring thoughts of blackout nights to a sorority woman’s eye, then you aren’t in the same category as us. Enjoy your bi-monthly meetings (free donuts and coffee!) and your astounding dues of $15 a year.

Any form of co-ed “fraternity” clearly fits this bill also. I’m no sexist (ha), but I know that the word fraternity stems from the Latin fraternitatem, meaning “brotherhood (useful if any of you are ever on Jeopardy).” Fraternities were built to strengthen the bonds of men, and while through the years many things have changed, you simply can’t have the same bonds and unity in a mixed sex environment. Especially if any of the girls are attractive.

Finally, there are the IFC chartered houses…that actually lack a house. I’m sorry, but if your brotherhood consists of 15 rejects who deliver rush in the student union, you missed the point. The only acceptable excuse for not having an actual house is that it was recently lost as a punishment for a 14 keg, stripper populated, cocaine buffet party (if that’s the case, frat on sir). If you can’t swing a single social and your date functions are at Golden Corral, you might as well change those letters to “ΓΔΙ.”

You guys obviously get the point by now. Any club who considers a “social event” an ice cream mixer in an auditorium simply does not deserve to hold the title of fraternity that we cherish so deeply. I don’t give a quarter-fuck how old the group is, or how enshrined in history they may be; it is 2011, and today “fraternity” means a group of men who get their balls hazed off, then spend the next 7-16 semesters skirting the line between “socially acceptable” and “holy shit, that kid might die of liver poisoning.” Anyone else is just in denial.

    1. the nelson

      Yes I’m a Phi Gam, yes we have weak chapters, and yes I’ll fucking kill you if you talk shit about them.

      13 years ago at 4:14 pm
    2. Barry Badrinath

      its ok shooter, we know that you’re butt hurt that you can’t be the best. i’m sure that pike and teke would love to bid you so try them

      13 years ago at 5:35 pm
    3. ShooterMcGavin

      There’s no one that can really argue that FIJI is the best nationwide, or even top tier. Sure, y’all probably have a handful of chapters that are quality, but for the most part, FIJI blows weiner.

      13 years ago at 6:25 pm
    4. Constantine Chapter

      fiji at ku made a kid jump off the top of their house into a kiddy pool…I find that is pretty fucking cool call me cold hearted.

      13 years ago at 9:37 pm
    5. FratrickNortonFreman

      All fraternities have shitty chapters at certain schools, except TKE where its a GDI fest every school you go to.

      13 years ago at 11:00 pm
    6. livengood

      Phi Gam’s letters are from a higher tier than just being worn on some tee(geed) shirt, something you are obviously not familiar with

      13 years ago at 8:00 am
    7. geed_stomper

      ShooterMcGavin is insecure about his own house so he talks shit about other houses. Classic bottom tier move. Taking classes in an air conditioned building in order to get ahead, and not be part of the 99%. TFM

      As always, mighty proud to be a FIJI.

      13 years ago at 12:36 pm
    8. The General Lee

      ^ I’ve never seen someone so devoted to a homosexual fraternity. Also, don’t act like you’re in the top 1%, top tier individuals don’t join bottom tier fraternities, such as FIJI.

      13 years ago at 1:02 pm
    9. Fratimus__Maximus

      Damn Proud. Shooter should just take a breather, not as big a deal as you think bud.

      13 years ago at 1:12 pm
    10. Today I Fratted

      That may be how it is at your Midwest technical institute, but at actual southern schools, Phi Gam is for the most part up top. Texas, Bama, Auburn, Arkansas, UNC, and UGA all with top tier chapters off the top of my head.

      13 years ago at 1:19 pm
    11. Fratter1848

      Really shooter? C’mon pal, take a trip down to the SEC and while you watch the greatest football in the world take a look around and see who runs shit. Outside the SEC, go to UT, Texas Tech, OU…the list goes on. Phi Gam by Dam.

      13 years ago at 1:35 pm
    12. VinnyVines

      Don’t be ridiculous… Phi Psi does not “run UT.” Phi Psi isn’t even 3rd tier, you poor delusional fool.

      13 years ago at 8:26 pm
      1. The American Lion

        I’ve never actually seen yours at all, just the word Fiji which still doesn’t make since to me

        13 years ago at 6:16 pm
    13. Frat_Sajak

      My dad, grandfather, and great uncle all told me 3 years ago when I was rushing that it’s my choice, “but by damn don’t be a Fiji.” Now I’m the fratstar while my freshmen cousin who just joined a Fiji chapter is home for fall break with no clue what sperry’s and chinos are, or what random references to particular sororities even mean. Sure, you kids might have a few good chapters here and there but don’t be surprised when you’re being rated for what the majority of your chapters reflect. It really is something to have 2 generations of men, prior to the start of your collegiate days, to warn you of a particular fraternity; especially from my grandfather who spent many years working side by side with Johnny Carson, and always spoke highly of him.

      If your chapter is better than the majority of Fiji chapters than do something about it and be one of those losers that travels for your fraternity to report back to IHQ on which ones are failing. Who knows, you might actually make a difference…or you might just quit thinking “Fuck I Joined It.”

      13 years ago at 10:19 am
    14. 90_BroadStKU

      Hey constantine i don’t see a kid jumping into a kiddy pool and missing it and getting paralyzed very “cool”

      13 years ago at 1:03 pm
    15. Brotaineer


      Please swing by the FIJI house here at WVU. I know Mr. Larson curled up your 9 iron so you can have mine right after I firmly slam it up your vag hole. How much do you make an hour busing tables at Golden Corral you fuckin geed? Mighty fuckin Proud.

      13 years ago at 10:22 pm
    16. hottdamnalphagam

      We have 40 IFC fraternities at our university, and FIJI is consistently thought of as one of the best on campus and always pair with the top sororities (which we have 16 NPC chapters). You can’t count on a stereotype to be true for every chapter around the nation. As for disrespecting “real” IFC fraternities like FIJI? NF.

      13 years ago at 9:12 am
    17. wateroy

      just to add this, FIJI on my campus has many openly gay memebrs…. What the Fuck. NF.

      13 years ago at 11:54 am
  1. DirtySouthern

    Yeahh. It just didn’t seem right when this chick told me she was in a choir fraternity. I thought she had a penis and sang opera while intoxicated. Which actually would be cooler than what they really do; just stand around in an empty room.

    13 years ago at 3:55 pm
    1. findemfuckemforgetem

      Yeah this guy told me he was in Phi Mu Alpha and I was like “Oh where is yall’s house located?” He was like we don’t have a house. I was like oh so you’re a joke, I get it. Yeah turns out they have band fraternities and all kinds of stupid shit. I didn’t know about all of those at first. I just love when your sitting in class and you can hear them talking about their “fraternity” in class.

      11 years ago at 1:06 am
    1. Tycho_Brohe

      That would be true, if it hadn’t recently burned down. Thanks for reminding me. Douche.

      13 years ago at 6:49 pm
    2. The Golden Fleece

      I would agree except I have seen some Fraternitites with houses containing the biggest GDI’s on the planet, and Fraternities who were kicked off and act like nothing has happened.

      Finally, if you have a “broHawk” or “hawk” of any kind, or profusely use the word “bro,” you really need to reevaluate some of your life decisions.

      13 years ago at 7:55 pm
  2. 12_gates

    Farmhouse and FIJI are actual fraternities but they just cant have letters which is kinda gay but i still a little respect for them

    13 years ago at 4:11 pm
    1. Brother Booze

      False gates you are obviously a geed or some kind of idiot but “i still a little respect” for your retarded english. Fiji is Phi Gamma Delta or did you think that was another house you lame piece of shit

      13 years ago at 4:26 pm
    2. fratborne ranger

      ^Pretty sure Phi Gamma Delta are letters and when put in that order constitute FIJI…take a fucking lap.

      13 years ago at 4:38 pm
    3. Lemon Pledge

      Gates you sir are a fucking dumb ass. Take a lap and think before you comment.

      13 years ago at 5:55 pm
    4. Brother of Gaw

      fratborne read all these again, and then take laps until Brother Booze gets tired

      13 years ago at 5:57 pm
    5. future fratdaddy

      Who the fuck says gay anymore? Take a lap. I’m in high school and I have more frat sense than you.

      13 years ago at 7:51 pm
    6. The Piker

      I didn’t even see the part where it said you are in high school. Please tell me you are joking,,,

      13 years ago at 8:02 pm
    7. The Piker

      God damnit. I figured there were a ton of geeds on here, but I hadn’t realized TFM spread to the high schoolers yet. I just assumed people found out about this site when they got to college and started pledging. Who honestly talks about it in front of high schoolers? Do they put this shit on Facebook to seem cool in front of their old high school buddies? I am so confused as to why this douche would even think that its okay to post when he isn’t even in fucking college, let alone in a fraternity. If he was a pledge, then I would be able to respect his post a lot more, but he is a fucking high schooler…

      13 years ago at 8:22 pm
    8. InFratdel

      This site should be inaccessible to anyone that doesn’t have a .edu email account

      13 years ago at 9:07 pm
    9. fratostrophic

      u should delete your account. you have no right being here. Almost everything we talk about on here you wouldn’t even understand.

      13 years ago at 10:49 am
    1. facez

      Ronald Reagan would have to disagree with you, but your ignorance aside, suppose there was a chapter that accidentally burned their house down…then burned it down again 30 years later…

      13 years ago at 4:22 pm
    2. BearcatFrat

      I think it is funny that people use that phrase “Can’t go greek? Go Teek” when they have no idea what it is really about. Do your homework before you make dumb statements. I love the jealousy of other fraternities of our numbers. We are the biggest and the best for a reason.

      13 years ago at 10:53 pm
    3. betterthanyou1500

      ^^^^^ Thats funny that you say that, because all a Phi Delt is is a wannabe Beta since before their founding. Ever hear of the Miami Triad? Who came first? Beta has been the best fraternity since 9:00 pm, August 8, 1839. And tekes, I dont give a fuck if you have Reagan, though he is my highest role model. We have Wooglin, and Wooglin is greater than anything that any of you have.

      13 years ago at 11:11 pm
    4. XivoryS

      Macbeth or Constantine hmm In hoc…but personally i think Beta and Sigma Chi are the only ones who have any right to talk

      13 years ago at 12:03 am
    5. Rageyofaceoff

      If there wasn’t this damn computer in my way, I’d be hazing 2ironking…

      13 years ago at 1:09 am
    6. MOMOgotMojo

      ^agreed. That being said, Fuck TKE. like every other fucking person has said on here, we all have bad chapters. TKE just has the over overwhelmingly vast majority of their chapters suck dick rather than Fucking standing up and doing something about it.

      13 years ago at 12:05 pm
    7. BearcatFrat

      Yea, we take everyone that is why we turned down half of the rush class because they were all so aweful. Everyone has bad chapters,but I can promise you TKE dominates everything at my school.

      13 years ago at 11:48 am
  3. booze haze slam

    I thought he spoke the truth for the most part. I do expect better from older schools pre 1900. I am not saying fraternities after 1900 aren’t good I just don’t care for them.

    13 years ago at 4:56 pm
    1. The General Lee

      Well thats stupid, because “fraternities” post 1900 aren’t good, and should fuck off.

      13 years ago at 1:10 pm
  4. BrotherOmicron

    I’m in Phi Mu Alpha and hate me all you want but I guarantee I have a stronger brotherhood than any of you in greek lettered fraternities. It isn’t about having a house or parties (we party harder anyway). Our bonds are much stronger than any of yours will ever be. Oh wow you haze, how does that form bonds again?

    13 years ago at 5:02 pm
    1. Cupid

      There’s something called constructional hazing. It teaches you how to become a Fraternity man. It helps you through embarrassment and teaches you to deal with challenges.

      Than there’s Hazing. You just haze the shit out of pledges to show authority and to teach them absolutely nothing but for your own self satisfaction.

      Both are needed.

      13 years ago at 5:17 pm
    2. JerryBrones

      A music frat? HA! You made my day with that joke BrotherOmicron.

      You… were kidding, right?

      13 years ago at 5:20 pm
    3. Ben Fratt Runkle

      I guess u can say that 15 friends are closer with each other than 100. Have fun raging with a handful of roommates and whacking it because girls don’t come to you.

      13 years ago at 5:41 pm
    4. smart as fuck

      Brother Omicron would’ve been the one sent home after pissing himself the first night. The rest of his pledge class would form stronger bonds just by laughing at that useless fuck.

      13 years ago at 5:45 pm
    5. Southward As You Bro

      Sorry Maestro but you can’t honestly ask us to believe that a bunch of guys that play music together rage hard. Phi Mu Alpha is a joke. You wouldn’t know shit about hazing either because you’ve never been through it. Going through hardships is how it forms bond you stupid fuck.

      13 years ago at 6:07 pm
    6. BrotherOmicron

      You guys are all idiots. What makes it so much different? Sig Ep doesn’t haze, how are we any different? Because we share a common interest (music)? I actually pledged a local pi kappa alpha chapter at my school and dropped half way through because I saw firsthand how pointless hazing really is. I also deal with challenges too, try a 4.0 GPA bud. Not easy.

      Yes, just because we don’t have a chapter house doesn’t mean we rage. Until you have seen a jam packed hall full of 10’s going wild on 4loko you can’t talk. You present no arguments at all because you know I am right.

      13 years ago at 6:27 pm
    7. BrotherOmicron

      I frat harder than you ever will. Just because I am not not in an IFC fraternity doesn’t mean I don’t live the lifestyle.

      13 years ago at 6:45 pm
    8. BrotherOmicron

      Oh and by the way being in a co-ed fraternity has it’s perks. I have more slams that I can count because girls can join.

      13 years ago at 6:48 pm
    9. Southward As You Bro

      It’s different because your “fraternity” is based on a common interest in music. Chess clubs are based on a common interest in chess. A/V clubs on A/V… see where I’m going? PMA is a fucking club; real fraternities are based on brotherhood. Sig Ep doesn’t exactly have a good rep so you’re really not helping your case with that comparison there either. Hazing is the best strategy because it’s going through hardships with your pledge brothers that makes you grow closer to them. I give about zero fucks that you can study alone long enough to get a 4.0.

      and fourloko is for Geeds so get the fuck out.

      13 years ago at 6:52 pm
    10. BrotherOmicron

      You wimps have to drink watered down natty light because you are afraid to touch 4loko or Franzia. Just fucking give up already I am a frat god and you can’t handle being inferior to someone in a music frat. We also have brotherhood on top of our common interest, shit I can name all my pledge brother’s high schools.

      13 years ago at 6:55 pm
    11. Sewaneefratastic

      Being in a good fraternity is like saying you’re a beautiful woman. If you have to tell people you are, you’re probably not.

      13 years ago at 6:58 pm
    12. BrotherOmicron

      If phi mu alpha is a club why would we have greek letters and not just call it “music club”?

      13 years ago at 7:00 pm
    13. 613

      … If I wasn’t hazed I would have dropped because I would’ve thought the brothers were a bunch of pussies.

      13 years ago at 7:42 pm
    14. smart as fuck

      You are obviously trying very hard to convince us. It reeks of insecurity. Now go home and get your fucking shine box.

      13 years ago at 7:46 pm
    15. The Golden Fleece

      BrotherOmicron, you’re not from around these parts are you, bub? This might be the wrong site for you guy.

      13 years ago at 8:00 pm
    16. BrotherOmicron

      You guys just don’t understand the concept of brotherhood at all. I am glad I am in a real fraternity, not an IFC fraternity. All you care about is what people wear and hating on people who aren’t in an IFC fraternity. Guess what? I can and do wear cargo shorts because I know that real brothers would never judge me on what I wear. I see you DKE’s, Pi Kapps, and Sigma Chi’s, and all I think is WOW it must suck to not be in a co-ed fraternity. I get more poon because I pledge with girls. Yeah, we share a bond, but its a special one ;-). I have been paddled, but in my case its been by a sexy girl in my fraternity. in bed.

      13 years ago at 8:09 pm
    17. The Golden Fleece

      Congratulation sir, you’ve proven yourself unlike the rest of us. There is probably nothing more for you to gain here, seeing as you do not agree with us IFC sanctioned Fraternities.

      13 years ago at 8:14 pm
    18. BrotherOmicron

      Reasons why I am frat:

      I rage
      I get so many girls
      I drink loko’s which is dangerous
      I am IN a frat (PhiMuAlpha)
      I am not a bitch (I didn’t get hazed)
      I am TFTC about your hate.

      13 years ago at 8:16 pm
    19. The Golden Fleece

      Your multitude of posts does not make you TFTC.

      Seeing as the Fraternity system is an offshoot of Phi Beta Kappa, and survived through Kappa Alpha Society (the oldest Fraternity in continuing existence, which IS IFC sanctioned and by which most of us have been modeled after, my Fraternity included), IFC Fraternities are truly, actual Fraternities. We wrote the book, kid.

      Now as for hazing, it’s apart of pledgeship. You are pledging your loyalty to a group of people. It separates us from everyone else, weeds out the weak, and molds the strong into the indomitable.

      Everything you said makes you no different than any hipster, guido, or scenster that hangs out in a large group.

      Get off of this site. Your “fraternity” is null and void, as far as I and everyone else here is concerned.

      13 years ago at 8:22 pm
    20. smart as fuck

      I’m pretty sure hes joking based on his last comment. Either way, Brother Omnicron please leave this site. Go back to your 4lokos and that piece of rabbit fur you rub on your dick every night. I’m sure the bonds are very strong between you two.

      13 years ago at 8:27 pm
    21. BrotherOmicron

      Phi beta Kappa NF.
      Phi Mu Alpha FaF.

      We embody all these values and are better because we are talented at music. You IFC fraternities have no talent. Oh, you mean you can talk about the clothes you wear? Wow me too. Right now I am wearing:

      White Oakleys
      Hollister tee
      American Eagle cargos
      Nike SB Dunks (cost $70)

      To most of you that is probably FaF, but I will one-up you by telling you that I have a trophy vodka bottle collection in my apartment that is 5 feet long just 2 months into school.

      Basically, I dress well and can rage harder. Since those are the only qualities that make you FaF apparently I guess I am frat.

      13 years ago at 8:35 pm
    22. The Piker

      Now we know he is joking. No one in college wears Hollister, unless they are a first semester freshman.

      13 years ago at 8:40 pm
    23. The Golden Fleece

      This will be my finally post because you’re obviously new to this whole thing and don’t belong to an actual Fraternity.

      Oakleys are NF.
      Hollister is NF.
      American Eagle is NF.
      I don’t even give a shit about your shoes.
      If you’re implying all these things cost $70, then congratulations, that’s my how much my shirt I’m wearing alone costs.

      Now while Phi Beta Kappa is today an academic society (but seeing as you’re an idiot, you probably didn’t know that and will never know anything about it) and is no longer the social fraternity it once was (if you had a pledgeship, they may have enlightened you the reasons why), it is still the forerunner to the Greek Fraternity system.

      As for your vodka collection, many of us have graveyards that are Decades old. Decades. We have rooms dedicated entirely to smashing bottles as well.

      In summation. You do not dress well (as douchey as it sounds, take my word for it). You do not rage harder than us. You do not belong to a Fraternity. You were not hazed. You did not go through pledgeship. You are in a club with no affiliation to IFC. You have no concept of the Fraternity system’s origins, nor do you care. You live in an apartment and pride yourself on vodka instead of whiskey. You brag about joining this club, after having previously joined Pike and then dropped, which as much as everyone here hates they would agree that Pike’s Fraternity>your club. You are not a Fraternity man, nor would you know anything of it (your “fraternity” [which means “brotherhood”] is co-ed).

      Now. Leave this site immediately.

      13 years ago at 8:49 pm
    24. CrashIntoMe

      You get out what you put in. Suffer together, Prosper together. Pledgeship is a great system that takes advantage of indentured servants for a semester who reap the benefits for years to come. You don’t understand because you’re not actually in a fraternity.

      13 years ago at 8:59 pm
    25. BrotherOmicron

      So what? If we are gonna have a competition of how much things cost..

      I wear white oakleys (cost over a hundred)
      I love hollister and Aeropostale (both expensive mall brands)
      I ride my longboard to class (it cost $100)
      I drive a nissan sentra with an obama sticker on it ($9000)
      That vodka? Yeah, its Pinnacle whipped. (5 foot long row of bottles at $14 each. You do the math)

      I also went through pledgeship. I can name anybody in my pledge class’s highschool they went to (All 15). I just didn’t get hazed.

      13 years ago at 9:02 pm
    26. The Golden Fleece

      Now I get it, you’re a troll and you’ve been kidding the entire time. How could any of us actually have taken you seriously? I mean, Hollister, American Eagle, cargos, music clubs, no hazing, and now nissans with Obama stickers and vodka bottles that only cost $14.

      Jesus how did we miss the fact you’ve been joking the entire time?You had me going there for a second, chief.

      13 years ago at 9:06 pm
    27. Year Around Frat

      I figured it out he was joking quickly. Phi Mu Alpha is lame but they aren’t co-ed. Plus he said he joined pike first. He was either a troll or quite possibly the biggest geed in the world.

      13 years ago at 9:23 pm
    28. SouthernTradition

      Congratulations, brother. You have successfully trolled like there’s no tomorrow. Now go fuck yourself.

      13 years ago at 9:34 pm
    29. Natural Light

      Brotheromicron, you are a legend man like you really put it in perspective for the rest of us. After reading your thought out, valid thoughts and responses, I too am going to pledge Phi Mu Alpha. I cannot wait to be your brother. Frat on sir just frat on.

      13 years ago at 9:54 pm
    30. Junction

      I spent months getting the shit beaten out of me all the time along with my pledge class and all of the pledge classes before me. I confused your “fraternity” with a sorority and from the sounds of it I wasn’t too far off. Please stop posting bullshit like this because I guarantee you anyone who has had a real pledge ship will agree with me.

      13 years ago at 10:42 pm
    31. BrotherOmicron

      Oh no! Please! Anything but that! Please don’t let that happen! ‘m begging you, junction.

      13 years ago at 11:47 pm
    32. Bromigo

      Alright so way back at the top of this chain, that walking GDI piece of shit says that hazing doesn’t work. Hey BrotherOmicron, explain to me how hazing in the military works to form a brotherhood? I can tell you. I got my ass kicked every day for the entirety of Army Infantry Bootcamp. They make soldiers that will do whatever their brotherhood asks. Much like my life in the fraternity now, I know that brotherhood is essential. Hazing is a damn good way to do that. The most constructive hazing and building tool is what parents have done for centuries:verbally abusing them. I guarantee if you get the biggest guy in your house with the loudest voice, he will straighten out any bump in the road of pledge process. Have fun with your club.

      13 years ago at 2:06 am
    33. rambda_chi_guy

      you guys are all idiots, brotheromicron is obviously being a troll. he is actually a pi kapp at alabama

      13 years ago at 2:47 am