Stuff Frat People Hate: The Weird Chapter

Before we begin, I have to state that obviously the bonds of your fraternal brotherhood are eternal, and those who adhere to the same creed should be shown respect if they ever choose to visit your chapter. That being said, there is the occasional letter-sharing visitor who just seems a little out of place; possibly because of the sandals with socks, or possibly because of the nasally croak he makes after every cup he sinks. The simple fact is that no matter your fraternity, no matter your tier or your girls or your house; you have some weird ass chapters out there.

You may come across them at National Conventions, or they may go as far to stop by and visit your house “to see how other chapters run.” Unfortunately, in most cases the weird chapters are either one of only three houses at West Bumfuck State, have 32 members, or are simply jammed full of Super Smash obsessed anti-socialites. Regardless of how you come across them, you are instantly flung into the awkward “I would openly hate you if we weren’t in the same house” phase, and overcoming this hurdle is no easy task. If you’re a respectable person at all (stretch for some of you, I know) you’ll at least give them the decency of hanging out and a house tour, but if he sticks his Doritos crusted fingers in one place he shouldn’t by all means set him in line.

Obviously, I’m a huge supporter of brotherhood and the national connections that arise from our respective organizations. It’s great that you could literally travel across the country, see those letters on a house, and instantly know you’ll be welcome. But the main difference here is I do not look like a pedophile, I am willing to throw down for beer, and I assure you I will not be creeping out any girls. Any guests who shatter these three suggestions, brother or not, need to be motivated into the right direction, lest they make your far more preferable female guests uncomfortable.

Now, if you’re reading this and saying “No way, every chapter I’ve met has been awesome!” I have a little bit of unfortunate news. There is a 94.4% possibility you fall in the “weird chapter” category and are the bane of your brother’s existence at other universities. I’m just saying, put down the Slim Jim, get out of the dark rape-corner, and grab a beer and maybe your brothers will be a little more receptive.

    1. booze haze slam

      it must be your fraternity. truth is we have a chapter in iowa and those fuckers were weird as fuck! its a true column we all have that chapter.

      13 years ago at 4:09 pm
    2. 1839

      try being an alpha chapter….”OMG i cant BELIEVE this is where our fraternity was actually FOUNDED!! please tell me you guys are into gamecube??”

      13 years ago at 11:41 pm
  1. Fraternity Lifestyle

    I feel like this could have been longer. It’s agreeable, to say the least.

    13 years ago at 2:43 pm
    1. TheMattOfFrat

      Agreeable, but I feel that it could have been longer and much more well written.

      13 years ago at 1:44 am
  2. Fratchelor Pad

    “Yes is this ass pirate picnic pager friendly? I don’t seem to be getting a reception.”

    13 years ago at 2:46 pm
  3. proud to be tEXan

    I’m not trying to start a war with K Sigs, but the one pictured is definitely not their only weird house.

    13 years ago at 2:52 pm
    1. PAlion1

      Dont worry Sigma Chee has plenty of weird chapters across the nation (including my school) so its the same for all as stated in the article. Except PIke but ya we all know that story.

      13 years ago at 3:05 pm
    2. AlcoholEnthusiast

      Yeah no shit, with the exception of UofL and UK I have yet to meet another decent chapter in the state of Kentucky

      13 years ago at 5:48 pm
    3. AlcoholEnthusiast

      I’m not a Kappa Sigma by the way, just stating a fact from personal experience.

      13 years ago at 5:49 pm
    4. 1855_IHSV

      PAlion1.. Yea your definitely right. I’m a Sig, and it seems like at least half the other guys I meet are kinda… well lets just say I probably wouldn’t have given them a bid.

      13 years ago at 8:55 pm
    5. Frat up or shut up

      I am a Kappa Sig, and that’s a weird mother fucker. He would never have been allowed in the front door at our rush. Let alone a bid. Sorry brother, AEKDB.

      13 years ago at 7:37 am
    6. FratwallJackson

      KS at our school doesn’t even have a house.. But I’ve been to good chapters in the deep South

      13 years ago at 9:07 am
    7. KU KappaSig

      At KU last year we won best fraternity on campus. Just one of our very few below average houses. I met that guy at our International conference, and he is actually really cool.

      13 years ago at 10:57 am
    8. violets_doves_pearls

      too bad phi psi, sigma chi, phi delt, beta, du, and your neighbors delta chi are all better than you…you are just like sig ep

      13 years ago at 9:03 pm
    9. stockBROkeRAGE

      Imagine having to defend not only your own chapter (which has won 7 of 7 last Most Outstanding Chapter awards at IFC, along with 10 of the other 13 awards) but also your national Fraternity from ignorance like this ^ simply because some of your chapters are weird and don’t apply the teachings correctly.

      13 years ago at 12:23 pm
    1. ProudlyReckless1869

      I saw a cargo vest once and that ruined all sense of hope I have for humanity

      13 years ago at 9:32 pm
    2. Tallapoosa Snu

      a cargo vest is reasonable hunting/ fishing attire… sometimes you need your shit close or dry. Just not in public. Fly fishing is pretty shitty if you’re in the middle of a river but opposed to pockets

      13 years ago at 12:12 pm
  4. carolinahaze

    Did anyone else laugh when they saw the word “athletics” on this guy’s shirt?

    13 years ago at 3:08 pm
    1. 1904

      I laughed more at the wallet chain and the enormous amount of shirt that is covered in sweat.

      13 years ago at 3:15 pm
    1. James Parks Fratwell

      Brokeback Mountain might be your thing, Trumper, but it is not mine.

      13 years ago at 3:30 pm
    2. Sack and Trapster

      ^^^^ Fuck you and you ^^^. These columns are banal sometimes but they are gold for slow days at the office. Get the stick out of your ass and take a lap.

      13 years ago at 3:53 pm
  5. jlwill22

    Excuse me all you dumb fucks, I personally know this guy and he and is fraternity chapter are some of the nicest men I’ve ever met in my life. This chapter is actually the best chapter I’ve ever encountered. Girls can be with them and they know they will always be respected, they bend over backwards to help anyone, their mixers are always fun and drama-free, I can’t even think of one bad thing to say about this chapter. But not to mention the fact that they aren’t the normal clone frat guy with the khaki shorts, ralph lauren polo, and sperry’s; they actually have personalities and are unique. They are better than most men and don’t conform to the idioctic shit that frat guys “think” are cool.

    I love you guys! Ignore this stupid column, they’re jealous that they can’t wear and act how they want. They’re too busy making sure they are accepted to actually be themselves and have fun.

    I’m coming back to visit you boys soon

    Your favorite and well miss sorority girl,

    13 years ago at 3:25 pm
    1. one southern gent

      There are so many gramatical errors in this that I am just dying to correct

      13 years ago at 3:35 pm
    2. Stetson_and_Spurs


      You’re wrong.


      Fraternitymen everywhere

      P.S. I wear Southern Tide shirts, medium starch for the button downs

      13 years ago at 3:46 pm
    3. James Parks Fratwell

      Guys, guys, hold on a second. She’s just mad because Nike stopped making their running shorts in XXL. Take it easy.

      13 years ago at 3:52 pm
    4. USS Hazer

      Don’t lie darling. There’s no way you’re in college if that’s how you write. If you are somehow in that community college greek system, you should probably stop by the English department for tutoring.
      Also, my O/U is a 3.5 (on the 10 scale).

      13 years ago at 3:53 pm
    5. Fraturday24_7

      From your description of these guys alone I can think of several bad things to say about this chapter. First off, they look like fucking tool bags. Next, they aren’t the normal fraternity gentlemen that wear khaki shorts, ralph lauren polo, and sperrys. Whenever someone tries to be nice when talking about the odd duckling, they call them unique. In reality this means he is a fucking wierdo. Your heffer might love you guys, but for your personal sake, don’t ignore this column. I am not at all jealous of your ridiculously high body mass index or your camo cargos. You give a bad name to kappa sigs everywhere and I’m glad those aren’t my letters on your shirt.

      13 years ago at 4:17 pm
    6. NaNaNaNa FRATman

      I wonder if she knew this would get torn apart the second it was posted.

      13 years ago at 4:30 pm
    7. James Parks Fratwell

      It’s never a good idea to start anything off with “Excuse me all you dumb fucks”. To me that says “Look how fucking stupid I am. Make me cry.”

      13 years ago at 4:31 pm
    8. Southern_sphinx

      There’s no way a respectable kitchen maid would ever stand up for these fucks.

      13 years ago at 9:48 pm
    9. FrattyGras

      I personally know this guy too. He’s in my chapter. One word description?


      NF would be redundant.

      13 years ago at 12:57 pm
    10. ASwift

      I am 100% with Jess on this one. I know this chapter personally and the two men in the photo. I have never and will never have a bad word to say about them. They are true gentlemen whether they wear sperry’s, polos and khaki shorts. Jess, you said it all right here! Mixers with this group are the greatest fun i have had in college and i would never pass up the opportunity to spend time with them. They never make me feel uncomfortable. You guys are the greatest and i know you won’t let these stupid prick comments get to you. you do you!
      Love you guys,

      13 years ago at 2:51 pm
    11. nolazlam

      jessica willis would defend these fatties: she is one herself. thank god she transferred to another school

      13 years ago at 4:33 pm
    12. Gulf of MexiBro

      Did you really just call Jess fat? I’m sorry but I think your insecurities and lack of self respect has somehow clouded your judgement.I’m just going to chalk this up you being jealous of her. So why don’t you get back in the kitchen… or at least get off the internet and go back to creeping on the facebook pages of the people you are jealous of.

      13 years ago at 5:07 pm
    13. violets_doves_pearls

      more people need to make fun of people on a first and last name basis that way everyone knows how much they suck.

      13 years ago at 9:07 pm
    14. zlamable

      I am ashamed of nolazlam, that’s no way to talk about your sister… Ever. “be true to those within and without our circle.” Whoever you are sweet sister of mine, I reccomed rereading our creed and contemplating what you pledged yourself to. Ask what would maud do? And remember I was on social probation for much less than slandering the name of my sister and when not if you are found out I’d be happy to write a letter to jboard. Zlam! Ps- to my boys yes my boys remember good press or bad press youre still being talked about and I’m proud to have a framed certificate on my wall from y’all no worries drink up meet y’all at our bar

      13 years ago at 3:51 pm