Stuff Frat People Hate: The Weird Chapter

Before we begin, I have to state that obviously the bonds of your fraternal brotherhood are eternal, and those who adhere to the same creed should be shown respect if they ever choose to visit your chapter. That being said, there is the occasional letter-sharing visitor who just seems a little out of place; possibly because of the sandals with socks, or possibly because of the nasally croak he makes after every cup he sinks. The simple fact is that no matter your fraternity, no matter your tier or your girls or your house; you have some weird ass chapters out there.

You may come across them at National Conventions, or they may go as far to stop by and visit your house “to see how other chapters run.” Unfortunately, in most cases the weird chapters are either one of only three houses at West Bumfuck State, have 32 members, or are simply jammed full of Super Smash obsessed anti-socialites. Regardless of how you come across them, you are instantly flung into the awkward “I would openly hate you if we weren’t in the same house” phase, and overcoming this hurdle is no easy task. If you’re a respectable person at all (stretch for some of you, I know) you’ll at least give them the decency of hanging out and a house tour, but if he sticks his Doritos crusted fingers in one place he shouldn’t by all means set him in line.

Obviously, I’m a huge supporter of brotherhood and the national connections that arise from our respective organizations. It’s great that you could literally travel across the country, see those letters on a house, and instantly know you’ll be welcome. But the main difference here is I do not look like a pedophile, I am willing to throw down for beer, and I assure you I will not be creeping out any girls. Any guests who shatter these three suggestions, brother or not, need to be motivated into the right direction, lest they make your far more preferable female guests uncomfortable.

Now, if you’re reading this and saying “No way, every chapter I’ve met has been awesome!” I have a little bit of unfortunate news. There is a 94.4% possibility you fall in the “weird chapter” category and are the bane of your brother’s existence at other universities. I’m just saying, put down the Slim Jim, get out of the dark rape-corner, and grab a beer and maybe your brothers will be a little more receptive.

  1. to0frat2care

    I don’t know why this says Florida. These guys are from the Kappa Sigma chapter at the University of New Orleans in Louisiana. But believe me, this is VERY representative of their entire chapter.

    13 years ago at 3:36 pm
    1. BornOnTheBroyou

      I would imagine it says “Florida” because that’s the location of the author that wrote the column.

      13 years ago at 3:52 pm
    2. Nattys and Fattys

      It says Florida because that’s where StuffFratPeopleLike goes to school. Now take a lap.

      13 years ago at 3:52 pm
  2. Will Tommy

    That picture is pretty funny. I would look up more but to humor me, but I’d just become saddened at the reality of these people..

    13 years ago at 6:39 pm

    This column had potential, but was too short and didn’t really get specific enough to be all that funny

    13 years ago at 6:44 pm
  4. Bluto

    This is one of many examples as to why this website should list the school of each post instead of the state.

    13 years ago at 7:23 pm
    1. Bropenhagen

      It used to say it if you hovered your cursor over the state (not that someone couldn’t and didn’t lie). Not really sure when that went away.

      13 years ago at 11:26 pm
  5. Year Around Frat

    In a strange way the pirate kind of looks TFTC. And why should he? He’s a fucking pirate.

    13 years ago at 8:36 pm
  6. Wrath of Runkle

    This article is great just recently our chapter hosted another one for the weekend and they acted like a bunch of monkies fighting over a bucket of marbles it was shameful and degrading to our fraternity as a whole, this is definetly a universial issue, everyone should read this and learn that just because you wear the same letters as someone elese doesn’t mean you can act like a GDI at a star trek convention and sully the other chapters image and reputation

    13 years ago at 9:36 am