Stuff Frat People Like: Day Drinking
The nightlife is the highlight of any college town. I get that. But there is certainly something to be said about a well timed, sun fueled, day drinking binge.
Day drinking offers one the opportunity to not only seize the day, but to clamp it by the balls and issue a disheartening twist. A day spent with a cold Natural in hand is time well spent in my book. Whether you spend it poolside with some classy sorostitutes in tow, or just throw a mid-day frat castle rager, the steady rise in inebriation is guaranteed to reinforce the validity of your decision.
And blessed are the bars that embrace this day drinking revolution. These establishments were once inhabited by lowly alcoholic sob stories before noon, but with a little clever marketing and a drink special or two, they have escalated into a hub of dangerous (in a good way) drunken behavior.
Of course, there is one lethal drawback to the celebratory nature of day drinking: the aftermath. Suddenly, the hours you would normally spend preparing for the night ahead are shrouded in a semi-hungover haze. Fear not, because there are two ways to rectify this potentially devastating mindset.
The first solution is to admit defeat. This can be accomplished by finding any acceptable flat surface, removing one’s shoes, and entering a drunken nap. While this may be the best solution for resuming a normal life the following day, it also proves that you are in fact a pussy.
The obvious and preferable solution is to continue pounding beers until navigating your frat castle begins to feel like an obstacle course on Legends of the Hidden Temple. Ideally, you can continue this streak long into the night and return to your bars of choice. But realistically, you probably won’t.
All day drinking. TFM
14 years ago at 4:35 pm^ this
14 years ago at 4:45 pmWait! Let me try to get that posted to the TFM wall real quick!
14 years ago at 5:18 pmwhy didn’t natty light guy just get kegs?
14 years ago at 4:46 pmKegs, NF.
14 years ago at 4:50 pmdraft beer > can
14 years ago at 4:55 pmCans offer a few advantages:
1.) more shit for pledges to clean
2.) the aluminum must be mined thus damaging the environment that hippies love
3.) cardboard come from trees (more hippy hatred)
Personally I find kegs a much better route, especially since it isn’t hard to find a bar this is willing to give a discount on bulk keg orders.
14 years ago at 5:13 pmThere’s nothing wrong with drinking cans, I’m just saying kegs make drinking games way better. Pledges can be put to work filling the pitchers.
14 years ago at 5:29 pmAt most campuses, IFC doesn’t allow an open source of alcohol in fraternity houses
14 years ago at 6:12 pm^ True for us as well.
14 years ago at 6:42 pmOh no, the Sig Eps are worried about IFC catching them drinking. Sack up, boys.
14 years ago at 6:56 pmGetting kicked off campus… TFTC?
14 years ago at 7:08 pm^ Getting caught: NFAF
Hiding your kegs in a closet labelled “Ritual Equipment”: TFM
(paraphrased from an earlier post)
14 years ago at 7:38 pmkegs are better if you have fewer people drinking. at big parties they just become a clusterfuck.
14 years ago at 10:10 pmNo ones pointed out the most obvious reason: with cans, you can start 36 people drinking immediately with one rip of the cardboard.
Kegs are cool if you like standing around, stroking a dudes metal pump for him and waiting a really long time for a cup of foamy ass beer.
14 years ago at 10:21 pmat my school, IFC also prohibits an open source of alcohol, yet we buy kegs and fill up gatorade jugs with jungle juice and walk around with liquor bottles. IFC is not going to roll up through our party because IFC’s exec is probably doing the same at their respective parties. Plus, a keg is the least of our worries if anyone unwanted were to walk through the house…
14 years ago at 10:37 pmAlthough the ritual closet idea is FaF, a hollowed out washing machine works too. Just gotta have a dryer also to make it legit.
14 years ago at 11:27 pmGood plan Jason Bourne ^ put them in a closet or keep them at a brother’s house like a normal person.
14 years ago at 6:51 amFrozenFrat: you know what’s up. frat on, sir.
14 years ago at 6:59 amReferencing Legends of the Hidden Temple. FAF Also gives me ideas for pledge activities.
14 years ago at 5:13 pmBlue Barracudas. TFM
14 years ago at 5:14 pm^This
14 years ago at 5:31 pmLosing and going home with nothing but a pair of free light-up Skechers. NF. Having enough gold to get passed the temple guards at the end. TFM.
14 years ago at 5:47 pmKirk Fogg, host of the show, was a Delta Chi at Cal State Fullerton I reckon
14 years ago at 6:42 pmPledges of the Hidden Temple. TFM.
14 years ago at 10:52 pm^ This
14 years ago at 10:27 amoption 3: medicate
14 years ago at 5:29 pma little (or a lot) of adderall will put some pep in your step
14 years ago at 6:38 pmBeing drunk going a million miles an hour. TFM
14 years ago at 7:06 pmYou can’t say you’ve drank all day if you don’t start before noon
14 years ago at 5:44 pmSilver Snakes. FaF.
14 years ago at 5:56 pm^^ Fail.
14 years ago at 6:01 pmNo, you can’t say you’ve drank all day if you don’t start before the sun comes up.
14 years ago at 11:20 pmYou can’t say you’ve drank all day unless you never stopped raging from the night before.
14 years ago at 2:50 pmget day drunk and stay drunk.
14 years ago at 6:15 pmthis guy ^
14 years ago at 2:47 pmThe fact that FF exists shows that someone is editing these articles… and even if not, your comment should be directed at the interns
14 years ago at 6:43 pmthe best way to power through day drinking is to use cheat codes, if you catch my drift.
14 years ago at 10:13 pmSir, might you be talking about illegal drugs?
14 years ago at 1:07 amThis article nails it. In every day-drinking event, one inevitably comes to a fork in the road around 5PM or so. Option 1) take it easy… eat some food and regroup to party and hit the bars around 9 or 10, OR… 2) say fuck it and black out at 9PM with a chew in your lip.
14 years ago at 10:27 pmNever admitting defeat. TFM.
14 years ago at 11:14 pm