Sigma Alpha Mu Rush Poster Defaced With Words “Rape” And “White Supremacy”
It’s safe to say that Sigma Alpha Mu’s first annual fall rush on the SUNY Purchase campus is off to an interesting start. Recently, a poster created by the fraternity and hung up on campus was defaced, with words like “rape,” “white supremacy,” and “sexism” written on it.
Wow. Someone didn’t get a bid (or a cool-colored marker).
To recap, whoever graffitied this poster believes there would be rape at field day, sexism at a Madden tournament, more rape at Wing Wednesday, white supremacy at table sports night (because that screams racism) and even more rape at bid day. I’m not sure where this person is getting their info, but you’ve got things wrong. The only raping that’s going to be happening is during the Madden tournament when Todd Gurley jukes you out of your shoes all day and I drop 70 points on your bitch ass. Never punt. Never surrender. Get at me!!!
To make matters worse, the evil-doer did this on a poster featuring Harambe, the Cincinnati gorilla who died for our sins.
Here’s a look at the original poster:
Purchase State College is relatively unknown to much of the nation. It’s a small liberal arts college with an enrollment of roughly 4,000 students. But what the fellas of Sigma Alpha Mu are doing here is immensely important.
From Hometown Media:
Purchase College has never been known for its Greek life; primarily because, unlike most other universities, it’s never had any.
But for the first time in the SUNY school’s history, a group of students is actively sowing the seeds of what they hope could be the college’s first-ever school recognized fraternity; Sigma Alpha Mu, otherwise known as “Sammies.”
Since its inception, Purchase College has never been especially welcoming to fraternities and sororities. Founded in 1967 as a bastion for the visual, performing and liberal arts, its goal was to foster an environment in which all cultural identities could flourish.
Simply put: These boys are at ground zero in the fight against frat shaming and political correctness.
The people demanding safe spaces are the same ones anonymously graffitiing posters with actual hate speech. I’m not telling everyone to join this fraternity, but if you don’t at least rush Sigma Alpha Mu, then the social justice warriors win. Is that what you want, Purchase?.
[via Hometown Media]
Never thought id see the day when a SUNY school got an article
9 years ago at 8:22 pm