1. frattylight1901

    Don’t get me wrong Reagan Bush ’84 epitomizes FAF, however, I feel like people who make tables like this one are fucking posers. In a misguided attempt to be fratty all they really did was show that they cannot live the lifestyle without researching via. TFM.com how to “frat”. Show some support for this coming years candidate, and paint them a table. Lord knows we need a W now more than ever. Interpret that “W” both ways because that’s how I meant it.

    14 years ago at 3:15 am
    1. Godandgunsaregood

      the psychoanalytic comment was probably accurate, but so unnecessary. i see it as these guys’ way to stick it to and piss off the brainwashed liberals and clueless Obama lovers

      14 years ago at 9:58 am
    2. Filthy Rich

      Godandgunsaregood, you’re response is a bit ironic. frattylight1901 has a point, most fellow fratstars who own these Reagan Bush ’84 tees products and try to show them off via totalfratmove are brainwashed conservatives and clueless Reagan lovers. They are just trying to frat way too hard and are posers.

      14 years ago at 12:07 pm
  2. Frattilac Williams

    Cool table I guess, but you honestly probably couldn’t tell me one thing about these guys besides the fact that one went to Yale and was the father of another president, and the other guy was an actor who was essential to the trickle-down effect.

    These guys are obviously FaF, but you are glorifying them a tad bit too ridiculously here. It’s people like this on this site who were probably those guys who were completely NF until this site became so huge and when a bunch of tools all around the country thought they would be awesome to just immediately act like they are the frattiest guys alive now.

    (Might not be the guy who submitted the photo, but I will guarantee that at least 40% of this website if followed by absolute douches who were never fratty until they heard of this site.)

    14 years ago at 4:49 am
  3. SouthernFraternizer

    Good to see you are supporting the Republican party up there in liberal territory. Now just start working on getting you neighbors to vote like you.

    14 years ago at 1:13 pm
    1. SouthernByGodsGrace

      I’m with Southern Fraternizer, I have nothing but respect for gentlemen who frat hard against adversity no matter where they are.

      14 years ago at 1:17 pm
    2. BROlo dolo

      New Jersey is pretty Republican, I used to live there and now I live in the South. Sure, the South is obviously better, but at least where I lived in New Jersey was rich as fuck and thus there weren’t minorities. And sure, the lower-class weirdos put in hair gel, but having lived in both places I can say unbiasedly that there are great parts of NJ as there are great parts anywhere… except California.

      14 years ago at 1:42 pm
  4. MemberLot

    This shit is wack, posers like these dudes are a cancer on the TFM site and their respective Greek communities.

    14 years ago at 7:33 pm