1. Kris Bunch

    I’m making my way through this as well, and it’s definitely my Bible.
    Love your Wallabees too!

    14 years ago at 5:32 pm
  2. Chip Kidd

    The OPH was great because it was a tongue in-cheek look into America’s prep school/ivy league educated society. True Prep is like a paid JCrew or Vines advertisement. It should be nothing more than a coffee table book for your average ‘try too-hard.’

    If you take this book seriously enough to consider it your bible then you are not a “true prep.” Enjoy trying to work your way into prep society by overleverging yourself to buy a shitty timeshare in the Hamptons.

    14 years ago at 6:08 pm
  3. srat hard

    this book was crap. they honored michelle obama. thats so not fratty. stick to the true preppy handbook. preppy is a classic look. we dont want people like you thinking you’ve got it down.

    14 years ago at 11:05 pm
  4. klassyKD

    oh please, this is so far from “the bible” This book is such wannabe, new money crap. Lisa Birnbach is from NYC for christ sake.

    14 years ago at 7:00 pm