Sweet Caroline‘s “Touching You…” Lyrics Have Made the Song Too Hot For Penn State Football

Touchin’ hands
Reachin’ out
Touchin’ me
Touchin’ YOU
Sweet Caroline

Buh Buh DAH

It turns out the “…hands, touchin’ me, touchin’ you…” part was a little too Jerry Sanduskyish, so the Penn State athletic department decided to rip it from the football pregame routine. It’s a shame, too. That song is always a hit – a definite foot-tapper – and it gets all generations involved and singing the “Buh Buh DAH” together in unison. It’s just a great damn song and a great damn time. Neil Diamond is all about love, man. This will not stand.

The non-band-related music will feature mostly what has been part of the mix inside the stadium the past few years. And while the Boston Red Sox, Pitt football and others have elevated “Sweet Caroline” to a staple for their games, that popular PSU tradition may be interrupted or discontinued.

Editor’s note: [We have] now received confirmation that “Sweet Caroline” will not be included in the musical play list for Penn State games this season.

Jerry Sandusky sure can suck the life out of….a football stadium. That guy’s such a dick.


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  1. ChattanoogaWhiskey

    In other news Penn. State has also disaffiliated themselves with the Boy Scouts of America annual charity. Damn shame.

    12 years ago at 4:02 pm