Sweetheart of the Week: Alyssa Gatto

The TFM Sweethearts are a collection of the most attractive, American sorority girls from across the country. Every week we are featuring one as the Sweetheart of the Week, as chosen by the TFM staff.

Meet Alyssa Gatto. She’s a 5’2″ blonde from South Carolina, and she’s our Sweetheart of the Week. She’s studying Psychology/Speech-Pathology at College of Charleston and plans on going to grad school.

Take a cold shower though, guys. She’s taken.

Click Here to view Alyssa‘s full Sweetheart profile.

  1. brophecy foretold

    I’d like to chit chat with her at a a party, make her laugh, and get to know her enough that she would be comfortable continuing our drinking at my place which would lead to drunken sex, if you know what mean.

    12 years ago at 1:14 pm
  2. croakiesandkoozies

    I’d tickle the area right below her chin for a good amount of time before playing “This Little Piggy” with her toes.

    12 years ago at 1:24 pm
  3. blacked out

    I’d like to feed her GDI boyfriend’s ballsack to his own mother and then make him eat it when she shit it out four days later due to slow, old bowl movement. And then I would slather my penis is vegetable oil and gasoline and stick it in her pee receptacle.

    12 years ago at 1:46 pm
  4. Plan B is Plan A

    It’s not “sweetheart of the week” if you have two of them in the same week, you fucking moron.

    12 years ago at 1:49 pm
  5. FrattKuchar

    I dislike the fact that you can see every fucking tooth in her mouth when she smiles. She’d probably look better with my dick in there.

    12 years ago at 4:18 pm