Tampa Bay Buccaneers Start Program To Teach Women Football, Internet Is Outraged
There are three types of girls in this world: the ones who know football, the ones who think they know football, and the ones who couldn’t care less about football. In an ideal world, I’m taking a world full of the first type of girl. Going to, or watching, a game with a female can be fun, but it can also be hell if they don’t know what the shit is going on. I once had a girlfriend who yelled, “That’s offsides!” when what she saw was pass interference.
Many NFL teams already have educational things set up for females to learn the ins and outs of the game if they want to. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers decided to join in on the party with their “RED” Women’s Movement.
From the Tampa Bay Buccaneers:
RED will provide female Buccaneers fans with year-round educational experiences focused on providing a better understanding of the game, along with unprecedented access to their favorite team. In addition, RED will re-invent the female fan experience by providing insight into topics such as: what goes on behind the scenes on gamedays at Raymond James Stadium; how to maximize their gameday experience; how to blend personal Buccaneer pride with the latest NFL fashions; as well as tips on sharing their experiences and ideas via social media platforms such as Pinterest.
Sounds like a pretty good deal for the Tampa Bay lady fans who want to learn about the game, right? To me, nothing about this screams offensive. Apparently, a lot of folks on Twitter got their panties in a wad when the Bucs announced it on social media.
@TBBuccaneers terribly offensive.
— Adam Looney (@heyadamlooney) August 6, 2015
Congrats to the @TBBuccaneers on continuing the NFL's rich tradition of being incredibly condescending towards women.
— chil myers-15 day DL (@rich_roberts) August 6, 2015
Bucs exec: Women sports fans are so dumb ha ha.
Bucs exec 2: yes, lets launch a campaign that generalizes them and their ignorance ha ha ha.
— chil myers-15 day DL (@rich_roberts) August 6, 2015
.@TBBuccaneers What a shock that a team that drafted a rapist as their QB would publish such tripe on their website.
— David Goodman (@DGoodmantrublu) August 6, 2015
@TBBuccaneers Do you even realize how sexit and mysogynistic this is? 'Women, you are dumb. We'll teach you things to please your man.'
— Barbara S (@BarbasaurusLex) August 6, 2015
@TBBuccaneers Because only women are uninformed on football? Or only women will need help grasping the concept and procedures of football?
— Christopher Schmidt (@schmidtultra) August 6, 2015
Kind of agree with the last dude here, only because there are men (if we can call them that) out there who don’t know jack shit about the game of football either. So maybe the Bucs should have a separate educational thing for those guys too.
One of the main things attacked was the fact that “Play Clock” was the term of the week. Shocking to some out there, but there are people who would just call it a clock without knowing that if the play clock runs out, that results in a delay of game.
I’m just as surprised as you are..
[via Tampa Bay Buccaneers]
Oh god, now I have to read radfems comments
9 years ago at 12:37 pmWomen generally have different tastes/preferences than men. The Bucs have every right to market to those preferences just like all other profit seeking companies already do.
9 years ago at 1:09 pmSympathizing with feminists doesn’t get you laid, it gets you a one-way ticket to the friend zone. Somebody needs to let these poor saps know.
9 years ago at 1:10 pmSo either you don’t include them and you’re sexist, or you do try to include them and you’re still sexist.
9 years ago at 2:04 pmAm I the only person who cherished Sundays full of football drinking and being devoid of girlfriends? Used to be that was part of the appeal
9 years ago at 5:22 pm