Tampa Bay Rookie Mike Evans Allegedly Gets Into Street Brawl With Club Bouncers

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It seems as if the NFL is getting a little out of control lately. Players are smoking the demon weed left and right, others are beating their wives, Johnny effing Football is flipping off sidelines, and now, thanks to shameless paparazzi exposé journalist outlet TMZ, rookie Tampa Bay Wide Receiver Mike Evans and some of his friends allegedly got into a fight with the bouncers at a club. Here’s the video.

There are some things I would like to point out about this whole situation:

1. Mike Evans doesn’t throw the first punch, either a bouncer or his friend did.
2. Those “cops” at the beginning absolutely disappeared when stuff went down.
3. Evans’ agent is saying that the TMZ video was from a fight way back in March.

This whole thing is sort of dumb, but honestly I’m happier that these guys got into fights with guys their own size and not their wives or girlfriends. Roger Goodell needs to mandate that all football players go through some “Clockwork Orange”-style conditioning so they don’t act like idiot meatheads when they aren’t on the field because all of this NFL preseason drama crap is getting ridiculous.

[via TMZ]

Image via Instagram

    1. roundrockdonuts

      Evans didn’t break the law. Cops were on the scene and no arrests were made. Also that’s the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.

      10 years ago at 6:24 pm
    2. roundrockdonuts

      Short of something disgusting like murder, rape, or domestic abuse I really don’t give a fuck what NFL players do in their spare team as long as they are good at football.

      10 years ago at 6:24 pm
      1. Piker is a bitch

        Too bad they all will commit murder, rape, or domestic abuse at some point. Look it up

        10 years ago at 12:47 pm
  1. Russell_Browe

    For anyone thinking of going to Miami: watch this video, then go literally anywhere else.

    10 years ago at 5:35 pm
  2. SphincteralMicturation

    Let us stop making every fight a TFM just because involves someone well known.

    10 years ago at 6:02 pm
  3. DipFreeOrDie

    He’ll probably get an 8 game suspension, too bad it wasn’t his girlfriend it would only be 2

    10 years ago at 6:15 pm
    1. Danny Devitbro

      And God forbid he smokes marijuana. Then they’d have to suspend him the whole season. Everyone knows smoking weed is eight times worse than beating your wife.

      10 years ago at 9:27 am
      1. Larry_Legend

        ok as much as I disagree with Ray Rice only getting suspended 2 games. Josh Gordon did get caught twice and get DUI, he’s kind of a dumbass

        10 years ago at 3:13 pm