Target Pulls Clown Masks Off Shelves Until Every Last One Of Them Is Dead
2016 is weird as shit. That loud orange guy from The Apprentice might become president, a bunch of our heroes left us (Prince, David Bowie, Muhammad Ali, Harambe), and the Chicago Cubs might finally beat their curse.
We also have a creepy clown epidemic on our hands. Reports of scary-as-fuck clowns walking around at night being scary-as-fuck have been shoved into our news broadcasts and social media feeds, effectively finally chipping away at what was at our last tiny bit of hope in humanity that we had left. In at least 20 states, this has been reported. Some schools have even closed due to threats from clowns. Holy fuck I can’t believe I just wrote that sentence. Being a kid must suck now. There used to be snow days but now there are clown days. Do you think kids stay up at night wearing their pajamas inside out hoping there will be a clown day tomorrow?
But corporate America is finally cracking down and taking some action against these fucking clowns, because god dammit someone has to. Target has put their foot down and flipped a giant middle finger to these insane red-nosed douchebiscuits. Whether they’ve gone too far or if they’re overreacting is up to you. But the chain of superstores has officially pulled clown masks from their shelves for Halloween, as an innocent precaution/ a full blown call to war.
From USA Today:
The company made the decision to pull some of the masks online and in stores last week, according to Joshua Thomas, a spokesperson for Target.
“Given the current environment, we have made the decision to remove a variety of clown masks from our assortment, both in stores and online,” Thomas said in an email statement.
Is this ridiculous? Will it help us defeat these bastards? Or is it just a lame shallow attempt that won’t help at all? Or maybe just a positive gesture? Who the hell knows.
There are many ways to defeat clowns. If there’s anything we learned from Heath Ledger it’s that the best way to defeat evil clowns is to give them a sleeping pill prescription. Either way, hopefully we can continue take proper precautions until we figure all this clown crap out..
[via USA Today]
Image via Shutterstock
I haven’t been on this website in a few weeks. What the fuck happened?
8 years ago at 10:19 amHave one of the pledges go take a dump in the neighbors back yard. That’s what happened. A steaming pile of shit.
8 years ago at 10:21 amOr I could let him finish making my chocolate pancakes and one of the grandex assholes can tell me what happened to babe of the day and boosh.
8 years ago at 10:26 amThey let go the good writers (boosh, regs, sibs) and said they’d make a statement about it but I haven’t seen anything
8 years ago at 10:27 amI see that bacon is writing again. He better bring back frat romance novel.
8 years ago at 10:33 amI remember in one of the podcasts, they said that Wally is actually funnier in person. Can’t imagine how that’s possible…
8 years ago at 10:27 amWell, he couldn’t be LESS funny unless humor is measured in negative numbers.
8 years ago at 10:33 amDidn’t know anyone actually listened to the podcasts. I guess you learn something new everyday.
8 years ago at 11:59 amCan we start by getting rid of this clown Wally?
8 years ago at 10:32 amThey should have gave you sleeping pills Bryton
8 years ago at 10:50 amTarget is consistently being run into the ground by that CEO and all her stupid ideas.
8 years ago at 11:00 amGet rid of Wally
8 years ago at 11:14 amI feel like schools should start allowing “clown hunting” to be a philanthropy event.
8 years ago at 1:53 pm