Tasha Reign, Porn Star And UCLA Undergrad, Is Going To SAE’s Formal

According to adult entertainer Tasha Reign’s Twitter feed, she will be attending UCLA SAE’s senior formal. Reign is currently an undergrad at UCLA.

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Not much to say here other than “Well done, sir” to her date and to wonder about Tasha’s cooler painting abilities, except, actually, who gives a shit about that? My cooler could look like it was finger painted by a drunk chimp if it was being given to me by Tasha Reign.

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Enjoy your formal, you SAE bastard.

  1. Curlsfordagirls

    Paying for a date isn’t frat. No matter who it is. Your still the guy who paid for your lay .

    10 years ago at 3:58 am
  2. Brodasaurus Rex

    Watched a couple of her videos. Nothing I haven’t already seen in a million other places.

    10 years ago at 12:42 pm