Summer bids are for schools and fraternities who have rush budgets in the six digits and throw huge parties every week of the summer. what’s not frat about spending a fuck ton of money all summer to get drunk and eat steak dinners. I’m sorry you go house to house and eat cookies a week before school. Sorry your not from Texas.
Summer bids are frat. Why pass an opportunity to have pledges all summer? Real frats are done by the time rush comes… they already have everyone worth getting. Let the shitty frats pick through our scraps
summer bids? not frat.
15 years ago at 3:46 pmWe have our fall pledge class before formal rush even starts. If you’re saying that’s not frat, you’re probably a GDI to begin with.
That being said… fuck off.
15 years ago at 9:59 pmSummer bids are for schools and fraternities who have rush budgets in the six digits and throw huge parties every week of the summer. what’s not frat about spending a fuck ton of money all summer to get drunk and eat steak dinners. I’m sorry you go house to house and eat cookies a week before school. Sorry your not from Texas.
15 years ago at 9:07 pmSummer bids are frat. Why pass an opportunity to have pledges all summer? Real frats are done by the time rush comes… they already have everyone worth getting. Let the shitty frats pick through our scraps
15 years ago at 12:10 am^ agreed. summer is the time to find quality and slam the incoming freshman sluts.
14 years ago at 11:54 amsummer bids are really frat. we get to haze a lotttttttt longer that you, asshole.
15 years ago at 9:38 pm