Ted Nugent Should Stop Supporting the 2nd Amendment for the Sake of the 2nd Amendment
The shooting in Aurora, Colorado was a national tragedy. It was a thoughtless act of despicable violence. No one is going to debate that. But in the wake of this tragedy what people are going to debate are gun control laws. It’s annoying, it’s inevitable, and it’s more or less unfair to try to base serious national and state policies on bizarre isolated incidents. The Aurora shooter was completely clean before the incident. He could have legally and easily purchased a gun just about anywhere no matter how strict the laws were. But it’s understandable that situations like this get the conversation moving again.
Are there certain gun control measures I don’t understand as being practical? Sure. For example I don’t actually understand why anyone would ever need to own an assault weapon like the one used in the Aurora shooting. It seems to me that if there were an intruder in your home and you wanted to send said intruder on an express train to hell before he stole your Blu-Ray player then a handgun or shotgun would do just fine. Other people disagree and believe it’s their God-given right to pump an AR-15 clip into a burglar. Never mind that while you’re firing your assault weapon into your dimly lit living room you’re probably going to end up hitting your Blu-Ray player anyway. Plus in the morning you’ll be patching more drywall than a fraternity house manager.
Any law abiding citizen should be allowed to own a gun if they so choose, but it’s also fair to debate the types of guns people should be allowed to own. As far as concealed carry laws go there at minimum needs to be a “shall-issue” requirement. Unrestricted concealed carry is nuts. Some rights you have to earn. I think that’s a pretty reasonable view of the Second Amendment.
Then there’s Ted Nugent, who, if he could, would be in perpetual bidding wars with Al-Qaeda operatives for mothballed heavy Soviet weaponry. Actually, maybe the U.S. should let Nugent into that market. He might actually keep a few weapons out of terrorist hands. But as awesome as it would be to watch Ted Nugent’s fiery jihad on deer, he’s still a fucking crazy person. There might not be a worse self appointed spokesperson for the Second Amendment than Nugent. His most recent statements, which related to the Aurora shooting, were as quality crazy as ever.
Yes, Ted Nugent, that dark, chaotic, smoke filled theatre needed MORE bullets flying through it. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that A) there probably were a couple gun owners in that theater and B) even if they had brought their weapons none of them were capable enough marksmen to squeeze off controlled shots in the horrific madness that was that theater. In fact the last thing I would want if someone walked into a theatre or a mall or whatever and started firing on a crowd is Ted Nugent standing on the other side of that crowd, firing back. But yeah, in a perfect world it would have been nice to have an off duty Navy SEAL hanging out with his side arm when the shooting started.
Considering the mediocrity of most gun owners I doubt that anyone having a gun anywhere would be that much of an effective deterrent. You only have to look back to the Gabby Giffords shooting in Arizona where an armed civilian nearly shot the wrong guy. By the time Joe Zamudio reached the scene of the Arizona shooting he pointed his gun at the man who had subdued Jared Loughner and taken his gun. Zamudio initially mistook that man for the shooter. Thankfully Zamudio was smart enough to tell the man to drop the gun instead of firing first.
Don’t celebrate Ted Nugent for being pro-Second Amendment, regret it. Having crazies on your side never helps your case. The only saving grace is that Nugent is probably so crazy that only other crazies take him seriously. Time to let the grown ups talk, Ted.
13 years ago at 12:02 pmAn Ar-15 uses a magazine not a clip. Know your shit before you criticize the great Ted Nugent.
13 years ago at 12:31 pmAmen
13 years ago at 1:38 pm^^
13 years ago at 1:48 pmThe shooter did not use an assault weapon, if he did, many more would have died. He used a tactical rifle.
If you see no need to own an AR-15 then you sir are not frat at all, you argued that a pistol would do the same thing. Thats like trading in the Frathoe for a Prius.
This article in NF
13 years ago at 3:11 pm^ Agreed. Whoever wrote this article needs to get the liberal hazed out of him.
13 years ago at 2:30 amI’ll show you my bazooka ;$)))))))))
13 years ago at 12:04 pmYou are a democrat. Fuck you. So lets say they take our ARs and AKs from us, then what? all semi autos? So I can’t use my benelli in the duck blind fratting my dick off cuttin wings over rice fields? When it comes to gun control, you can’t budge, because THEY will never stop.
As to ted nugent, yes, he is a fucking maniac and I agree with you.
Do yourself a favor, learn how to hunt, become a man and your view on a ban of semi autos will totally change. While you are at it, quit being a fucking moderate pussy. Real Fraternity Men are republicans, we support the right to bear arms, period, no ifs ands or buts.
13 years ago at 12:07 pm^ Why the independent vote and moderate vote is racing to the left quicker than Dale Sr in turn 4. If you ever wonder why the GOP is screwed for the next 12 years, this is why.
13 years ago at 12:10 pm^Amen
13 years ago at 12:14 pm^^ Second.
13 years ago at 12:25 pm^^^well put
13 years ago at 12:57 pm^^^^^Who hunts with automatic weapons? No skill or class.
13 years ago at 1:37 pm^^^^ totally agree with that statement.
13 years ago at 1:38 pmno one hunts with automatic weapons you fucking idiot, SEMI automatic weapons. Benellli and Beretta are two of the classiest weapon companies to exist. I bet you are one of bacons pledge brothers.
A scoped AR15 does a number on large numbers of hogs that call for fast repeating shots that ruin our fields and crops. You wouldn’t know that though because you are a pussy that like bacon obviously doesn’t hunt or own a gun. Fuck you.
13 years ago at 2:47 pmI’d be willing to bet less than a fourth of the people commenting on this have even heard Uncle Ted speak on gun control. It’s easy to write him off as bat-shit crazy since that’s what the liberal media make him out to be, but he knows his shit and can put on a hell of a debate on the subject. This site used to be good ol’ boy, southern fratstars but has turned into a bunch of NF pussy yankee fucks. The guy couldve plowed into everyone waiting outside the theater with his fucking Prius and killed 12 people, but you don’t see them requiring backgrounds and psych screenings to get a driver’s license anytime soon.
13 years ago at 11:05 pmTed Nugent is a yank.
13 years ago at 11:43 pmIf the other guy has a gun and you do not, there is no guarantee of your liberty, no matter how well educated either of you are…
13 years ago at 1:21 amI really enjoyed Ted, White, and Blue. He has common sense fixes for most of our problems
13 years ago at 1:15 pmYou do that, and I will learn to proof read.
13 years ago at 12:11 pm“but it’s also fair to debate the types of guns people should be allowed to own”
13 years ago at 12:11 pmGuns are the greatest guarantors of liberty that the citizenry possesses. How God forbid, would we be able to defend ourselves against a tyranical government with shotguns and pistols?
Yeah, man- just look at how successful the Iraqis were with using assault weapons against the shock and awe-inducing technology of the American government. I think Lt. Jimmy even lost a toenail as he bombed hundreds of them from his stealth fighter.
13 years ago at 12:18 pmSeriously? The United States government has fucking cruise missles. At this point, the type of gun you are allowed to own is pretty fucking irrelevant, as the government has about 27,000 ways to rip you a shiny new asshole regardless.
13 years ago at 12:36 pmAlso, guns aren’t the greater guarantors of liberty, an educated citizenry is.
13 years ago at 12:36 pm^This
13 years ago at 12:43 pm^^This
13 years ago at 1:51 pm^^^^^^Shut up and put the stupid tin foil hat back on your head.
13 years ago at 5:53 pmThe Second Amendment is what guarantees all other rights, kinda like the right of the closet liberals above to be the naive fools they are
13 years ago at 12:05 am^ Hey, Glenn- Back up your statement with logic or reason, or refute what’s already been said with facts, instead of just spewing out verbal diarrhea.
13 years ago at 12:14 amWhy do you care what I use to shoot the guy that is intruding in my house? When word gets out to his thug buddies that he was killed by an AR-15 I don’t think they will come back.
13 years ago at 12:12 pm^fucking this
13 years ago at 1:17 pm^^ It’s not about YOU being able to shoot off a gun in your home to end the life of a man who may have robbed $400 from your DVD set, it’s about the fact that anyone out there with a clean record can go buy a fully automatic weapon legally and can then do whatever they please with it. A pistol or shotgun wouldn’t effect your personal security much, but it sure as hell would effect the security of any poor man caught in the vision of a psychopath with a AR-15
13 years ago at 4:41 pmThis is the most Democratic column I have ever read on this site. I feel like all I read is “I support Obama, gun limitation, and healthcare reform!”
13 years ago at 12:14 pm“Any law abiding citizen should be allowed to own a gun if they so choose”
But yeah, okay…
13 years ago at 12:15 pmReading. NF
13 years ago at 12:25 pmI chortled.
13 years ago at 12:51 pm“In fact the last thing I would want if someone walked into a theatre or a mall or whatever and started firing on a crowd is Ted Nugent standing on the other side of that crowd, firing back”
I’m not sure how big that Vag you have in your pants is Bacon, but I sure as hell want someone there firing back to kill this SOB, and stop him from taking out more people. In fact, I’d damn well do it myself if there weren’t laws for no-carry in Movie Theaters in Colorado. That’s the only shame in this situation is law-abiders were prohibited from having the means to stop this.
13 years ago at 1:51 pm^^ that was fucking hilarious, and you made an excellent point. funny, but it’s true.
13 years ago at 1:51 pmYea, this from a site who, 7 days ago, posted a video titled “Successful Concealed Carry.” Come on gentlemen, some consistency would be greatly appreciated.
13 years ago at 3:58 pmIf you outlaw guns the people who want to use guns for wrong reasons will still get them, gun laws only effect the people who legally use them. Second, no one there had a gun you fucking idiot, do some research. The movie theater was a gun free zone. AKA no one here has a gun; so do as you please, zone. IF someone could return fire it would have either slowed him down or taken out the threat. So take your gun control bull shit to another website. I’ll fucking fry you Bacon. Get it, fry you?
13 years ago at 12:18 pmI said that there were probably gun owners at the theatre, but that they obviously didn’t have their weapons. Please read a little more closely next time.
13 years ago at 12:22 pm^This
13 years ago at 12:27 pm^^ Yes, but his first point is on point (fuck). Why is all the talk always concerning the law abiding citizens access to guns. Let’s hear some plans on how to get some of these weapons away from the criminals.
13 years ago at 12:46 pmA) This guy was a law abiding citizen until he murdered people, so that’s sort of relevant to this topic. B) I said that no matter how strict gun laws were, since he WAS a law abiding citizen it wouldn’t have mattered. C) I agree that illegally owned/acquired firearms are more to blame for gun related crimes, but that was not an issue at all in this specific case, so I felt no reason to bring it up.
13 years ago at 12:54 pm^False, he was flagged by an owner of a gun range. The gun range owner said that his application and behavior showed suspicious signs so he would not sell, nor give membership to Homes. However the federal government (once again proving they can’t do a damn thing right) approved him. And also clearly you never applied for a CCW, it doesn’t matter if you have a perfect record you can go into an interview portray yourself as he did and the detective would not allow him to gain a CCW. And my point about the no gun zone was just to add that in. Because there are some far from intelligent beings on this site who will go and spout out incorrect shit and make you look bad. I got your backside backdoor bacon.
13 years ago at 2:22 pmdo yall not realize he was wearing body armor and had released tear gas? Even if you happened to be carrying a gun powerful enough to penetrate the armor, the chances that you do any damage is minimal. You’re in a dark movie theater with over 200 people running and screaming, you can’t see shit because there’s smoke everywhere, and you’ve got a psycho in body armor walking around unloading. I don’t care if you’re Rambo, you aren’t going to improve that situation.
13 years ago at 2:32 pmI think the focus should be on how he got all these things. He used government money to buy it online.
^ Do you realize that when someone is wearing body armor you can shoot them in the head?
13 years ago at 3:59 pm^Do you realize how unlikely it is that the average gun owner would be able to hit him in the head in such a chaotic environment? This wasn’t target practice; there were people running, screaming, and dying everywhere.
13 years ago at 6:14 pm“none of them were capable enough marksmen to squeeze of controlled shots in the horrific madness that was that theatre.”
Not everyone is a shaky little pussy when it comes to wielding a firearm. Personally, I would rather have passed out a bullet or two to that sumbitch than to bleed out in a pool of popcorn butter. That’s just me though. Everyone is entitled to being a victim if they so choose. People should also be allowed to protect themselves and others whether they’re a shit-eating cop or not. Crazy Ted has a point.
And who is to say who should or should not own an AR-15? What is the government, my fucking pledge master?
Besides, police target the wrong person all the time, so why are they so special that they should have special gun ownership privileges beyond those of the common man? (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48193173/ns/local_news-orlando_fl/t/deputies-shoot-kill-man-after-knocking-wrong-door/)
13 years ago at 12:20 pmI’m way too lazy to find a link to back this up, but I remember hearing or reading somewhere that the average pistol carrying citizen is a better marksman than the average cop. I also know that cops are only required to test their marksmanship ability once or twice a year, so they could potentially go 6 months or more between times they shoot. I personally shoot my pistols at least a couple times a month specifically to preserve my accuracy
13 years ago at 12:13 amI can’t believe this article is on this site, I would love to see this mother fucker read this allowed in my chapter room. Go hang out with that weird ass red head kid from failed friday you fucking geed.
13 years ago at 12:24 pmout loud – god damn i am so heated and pissed off right now its making me retarted
13 years ago at 12:25 pmretarded*
13 years ago at 12:27 pmFUCK!
13 years ago at 12:29 pm