Ted Nugent Should Stop Supporting the 2nd Amendment for the Sake of the 2nd Amendment

The shooting in Aurora, Colorado was a national tragedy. It was a thoughtless act of despicable violence. No one is going to debate that. But in the wake of this tragedy what people are going to debate are gun control laws. It’s annoying, it’s inevitable, and it’s more or less unfair to try to base serious national and state policies on bizarre isolated incidents. The Aurora shooter was completely clean before the incident. He could have legally and easily purchased a gun just about anywhere no matter how strict the laws were. But it’s understandable that situations like this get the conversation moving again.

Are there certain gun control measures I don’t understand as being practical? Sure. For example I don’t actually understand why anyone would ever need to own an assault weapon like the one used in the Aurora shooting. It seems to me that if there were an intruder in your home and you wanted to send said intruder on an express train to hell before he stole your Blu-Ray player then a handgun or shotgun would do just fine. Other people disagree and believe it’s their God-given right to pump an AR-15 clip into a burglar. Never mind that while you’re firing your assault weapon into your dimly lit living room you’re probably going to end up hitting your Blu-Ray player anyway. Plus in the morning you’ll be patching more drywall than a fraternity house manager.

Any law abiding citizen should be allowed to own a gun if they so choose, but it’s also fair to debate the types of guns people should be allowed to own. As far as concealed carry laws go there at minimum needs to be a “shall-issue” requirement. Unrestricted concealed carry is nuts. Some rights you have to earn. I think that’s a pretty reasonable view of the Second Amendment.

Then there’s Ted Nugent, who, if he could, would be in perpetual bidding wars with Al-Qaeda operatives for mothballed heavy Soviet weaponry. Actually, maybe the U.S. should let Nugent into that market. He might actually keep a few weapons out of terrorist hands. But as awesome as it would be to watch Ted Nugent’s fiery jihad on deer, he’s still a fucking crazy person. There might not be a worse self appointed spokesperson for the Second Amendment than Nugent. His most recent statements, which related to the Aurora shooting, were as quality crazy as ever.

Yes, Ted Nugent, that dark, chaotic, smoke filled theatre needed MORE bullets flying through it. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that A) there probably were a couple gun owners in that theater and B) even if they had brought their weapons none of them were capable enough marksmen to squeeze off controlled shots in the horrific madness that was that theater. In fact the last thing I would want if someone walked into a theatre or a mall or whatever and started firing on a crowd is Ted Nugent standing on the other side of that crowd, firing back. But yeah, in a perfect world it would have been nice to have an off duty Navy SEAL hanging out with his side arm when the shooting started.

Considering the mediocrity of most gun owners I doubt that anyone having a gun anywhere would be that much of an effective deterrent. You only have to look back to the Gabby Giffords shooting in Arizona where an armed civilian nearly shot the wrong guy. By the time Joe Zamudio reached the scene of the Arizona shooting he pointed his gun at the man who had subdued Jared Loughner and taken his gun. Zamudio initially mistook that man for the shooter. Thankfully Zamudio was smart enough to tell the man to drop the gun instead of firing first.

Don’t celebrate Ted Nugent for being pro-Second Amendment, regret it. Having crazies on your side never helps your case. The only saving grace is that Nugent is probably so crazy that only other crazies take him seriously. Time to let the grown ups talk, Ted.

  1. Natalie Light

    This is embarrassing Bacon. First you attack Rand Paul and now you’re attacking our right to own Assault Rifles. You understand that the second amendment is built so that we may protect ourselves from forces who are foreign and domestic. This means not only an invading china but a government who is trying to silence the individual American by taking their weapons away. Would you want to fight Obama’s (or whatever socialist leader we elect next) task forces with a fucking shotgun and pistol. You sound like a confused college kid who hangs out on the lawn of your school singing songs and wearing tie died shirts. You sir need to get your shit straight before next election.

    13 years ago at 12:28 pm
  2. oxunderboss

    NF GDI pussycreep liberal fuck. Dude you a disgrace. You act like you’re all cool and shit, but you definitely have a very liberal viewpoint of gun laws.

    Have you ever shot a gun? How many guns do you own? Do you hunt? My bet your answer to that would be no, 0, and uhh well i say I hunt to sound frat.

    remember who you’re audience is. go submit your poorly edited article to the huffington post i bet those queerbaits will love it

    13 years ago at 12:29 pm
    1. oxunderboss

      and yes i know that post is filled with grammatical errors but i’m pissed as fuck right now and can barely type.

      13 years ago at 12:32 pm
    2. OilFieldFrat

      ^I know the feeling, I make my living off AR15s so I am livid right now. How the fuck did this guy get a bid?

      13 years ago at 12:44 pm
  3. EminentFratter

    Can’t believe you posted this shit on TFM. You’re an idiot! I would love to have Ted in the theatre with me if this ever happened. Had he actually been there you can bet your ass he would have saved lives.

    13 years ago at 12:32 pm
  4. Rob Fox

    Here’s the summary of this article for people who are apparently too angry to read:

    1) I am Pro-Second Amendment
    2) Ted Nugent is a crazy person who does people against gun control laws no good, because of how crazy he is. You don’t want those people on your side. Although I will add that he can feel free to quietly donate money.
    3) I personally don’t understand why owning an assault weapon like an AR-15 is necessary, but I never actually said I’m against it, just that I am open to debating it.
    4) “Any law abiding citizen should be allowed to own a gun if they so choose”
    5) People should earn the right carry a concealed weapon.
    6) Someone having a gun to fire back in that movie theatre probably would not have helped the situation, MOSTLY because of how chaotic it was. Ever been in a room where an actual smoke grenade went off? I have, you can’t see shit.

    13 years ago at 12:32 pm
    1. the fratness monster

      (If others had guns in the theater) If everyone is screaming and shooting with smoke you wouldn’t know who to shoot at with certainty and possibly kill innocent people, including children.

      13 years ago at 12:51 pm
    2. James A Brofield

      we can all claim second amendment all we want, but it’s important to consider the context in which that was written. It was the motherfucking 1700’s. There were no tanks, or assault rifles, or really anything other than some shitty muskets and pistols. So its a good point that the types of guns people are allowed to have should be open to debate.

      13 years ago at 1:10 pm
    3. BrigadierFrat

      You can’t legally buy fully automatic weapons. In fact, there is legislation against buying assault rifles that have over a specific number of foreign made parts.

      13 years ago at 5:10 pm
    4. Wallie

      A completely reasonable and rational article (that is far from anti second amendment) gets posted and people lose there minds. All of these comments are absurd. Bacon, you don’t need to explain yourself to these morons who can’t (or choose not to because they think it would be “nf”) understand your article. Well done, keep them coming.

      13 years ago at 7:20 pm
    5. Alpha Frat

      Hey Bacon, next time you want to write another article like this, go fuck yourself instead

      13 years ago at 1:22 pm
  5. Fratter1

    “Some rights you have to earn.” This is insane. Bacon, maybe you haven’t earned the right to free speech.

    13 years ago at 12:39 pm
    1. Old_Fashioned

      When you have to earn it, it’s not a right, but a privelidge. And correct me if I’m wrong (I’m not) but the second amendment falls within the bill of rights, which are classified as unalienable rights.

      You are making the same mistake as the 99% in mistaking rights and priviledges. Owning a gun- constitutional right. Owning a house – priviledge which must be earned.

      13 years ago at 12:58 pm
    2. Rob Fox

      I didn’t say owning a gun was a right that had to be earned, I said being able to carry a concealed weapon is right that SHOULD be earned, and in most places it is just that. Cars are inherently dangerous (they cause more deaths than guns, in fact) and you have to earn the right to drive in public. Guns are inherently dangerous and I see no problem with making people earn the right to carry them in public. I trust that the majority of people would be responsible with their concealed carry permit, the way most people are responsible drivers. But you still need to prove it. That is not asking a lot. That is reasonable.

      13 years ago at 1:08 pm
    3. anon7472974648

      Even the right to free speech isn’t absolute. You can’t yell “fire” in an open theater (poor timing, I know). You can’t slander or liable someone. You can’t make threats that put somone in clear and imminent danger.

      The second amendment isn’t absolute, either.

      13 years ago at 2:11 pm
  6. Broseidon Brocean

    It’s sad how Bacon’s reasonable and rational article can get people so fired up yet Dorn’s article on a pedophile goes largely untouched. Why does anyone need to own an AK47 or AR15? Why? The debate about the 2nd amendment is silly… the debate about assault rifles is not. Well written, Bacon.

    13 years ago at 12:43 pm
    1. OilFieldFrat

      ^I hunt with my AR15s, I Protect my home, family and business with my AR15s and god forbid, someday my AR15s might be needed to protect my community/city/town/country.

      This country was started by armed citizens and will continue to be protected by it.

      Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (world war II) said “You cannot invade the mainland of the United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass”

      13 years ago at 12:49 pm
    2. MuleFratter

      Why does anyone need an AK47? Because none of your fucking business, that’s why. The debate is moot because you don’t own other people or have a right to dictate the market. If you don’t like AK47’s, don’t fucking buy one. Real simple shit. Get a lap once you finish blowing Bacon, if you have the strength left.

      13 years ago at 12:54 pm
    3. anon7472974648

      Right to bear arms. TFM.
      Right to bare arms. NF.
      Right to bear’s arms. FaF.
      Right to arm bears. TFTC.

      13 years ago at 1:10 pm
    4. LeaderoftheFratWorld

      ^^ and ^^^ Good for you. You most likely would have EARNED the right to using those, just like he was saying. He’s saying any bat-shit crazy American should not be able to walk into his neighborhood Mid America Arms, throw down a G, and buy an AK. You’re proving to be fucking retarded by not reading what the guy is saying, you’re just attacking him cause he said SOME people probably shouldn’t have large, semi or fully automatic weapons.

      13 years ago at 3:11 pm
  7. TheBrownLightning

    1) We have the God-Given, unalienable right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
    2) One of our liberties, and the greatest in my opinion, is the right to bear arms.
    3) Come knocking on my door saying that I have to give up my firearms, any of them, and I will shoot you

    Remember, the Minute Men didn’t use their freedom of speech to stop the Brits

    13 years ago at 12:51 pm
    1. Success

      “Come knocking on my door saying that I have to give up my firearms, any of them, and I will shoot you” – you’re one of the reasons this debate exists.

      13 years ago at 1:12 pm
    2. Bill_Brasky

      The Minute Men used single shot muskets, not high capacity, technologically advanced assault rifles.

      13 years ago at 2:57 pm
  8. Fratgineer

    I thought it was a good article. Glad to see all the crazies came out to comment about how retarded they are.

    13 years ago at 12:52 pm
  9. hptexas

    Thank god the NRA and other anti gun control lobbies are powerful enough to crush any major gun control legislation. There can’t be any compromise or debate on the second amendment rights because the left wont be content until only criminals can arm themselves.

    13 years ago at 12:56 pm