Ted Nugent Should Stop Supporting the 2nd Amendment for the Sake of the 2nd Amendment
The shooting in Aurora, Colorado was a national tragedy. It was a thoughtless act of despicable violence. No one is going to debate that. But in the wake of this tragedy what people are going to debate are gun control laws. It’s annoying, it’s inevitable, and it’s more or less unfair to try to base serious national and state policies on bizarre isolated incidents. The Aurora shooter was completely clean before the incident. He could have legally and easily purchased a gun just about anywhere no matter how strict the laws were. But it’s understandable that situations like this get the conversation moving again.
Are there certain gun control measures I don’t understand as being practical? Sure. For example I don’t actually understand why anyone would ever need to own an assault weapon like the one used in the Aurora shooting. It seems to me that if there were an intruder in your home and you wanted to send said intruder on an express train to hell before he stole your Blu-Ray player then a handgun or shotgun would do just fine. Other people disagree and believe it’s their God-given right to pump an AR-15 clip into a burglar. Never mind that while you’re firing your assault weapon into your dimly lit living room you’re probably going to end up hitting your Blu-Ray player anyway. Plus in the morning you’ll be patching more drywall than a fraternity house manager.
Any law abiding citizen should be allowed to own a gun if they so choose, but it’s also fair to debate the types of guns people should be allowed to own. As far as concealed carry laws go there at minimum needs to be a “shall-issue” requirement. Unrestricted concealed carry is nuts. Some rights you have to earn. I think that’s a pretty reasonable view of the Second Amendment.
Then there’s Ted Nugent, who, if he could, would be in perpetual bidding wars with Al-Qaeda operatives for mothballed heavy Soviet weaponry. Actually, maybe the U.S. should let Nugent into that market. He might actually keep a few weapons out of terrorist hands. But as awesome as it would be to watch Ted Nugent’s fiery jihad on deer, he’s still a fucking crazy person. There might not be a worse self appointed spokesperson for the Second Amendment than Nugent. His most recent statements, which related to the Aurora shooting, were as quality crazy as ever.
Yes, Ted Nugent, that dark, chaotic, smoke filled theatre needed MORE bullets flying through it. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that A) there probably were a couple gun owners in that theater and B) even if they had brought their weapons none of them were capable enough marksmen to squeeze off controlled shots in the horrific madness that was that theater. In fact the last thing I would want if someone walked into a theatre or a mall or whatever and started firing on a crowd is Ted Nugent standing on the other side of that crowd, firing back. But yeah, in a perfect world it would have been nice to have an off duty Navy SEAL hanging out with his side arm when the shooting started.
Considering the mediocrity of most gun owners I doubt that anyone having a gun anywhere would be that much of an effective deterrent. You only have to look back to the Gabby Giffords shooting in Arizona where an armed civilian nearly shot the wrong guy. By the time Joe Zamudio reached the scene of the Arizona shooting he pointed his gun at the man who had subdued Jared Loughner and taken his gun. Zamudio initially mistook that man for the shooter. Thankfully Zamudio was smart enough to tell the man to drop the gun instead of firing first.
Don’t celebrate Ted Nugent for being pro-Second Amendment, regret it. Having crazies on your side never helps your case. The only saving grace is that Nugent is probably so crazy that only other crazies take him seriously. Time to let the grown ups talk, Ted.
Shit you guys, 70 people were just shot because we currently let any fucktard own any incredibly lethal weapon that they want. The point of this article isn’t about limiting your right, it’s about applying common sense to the ownership of guns that have the potential to decimate a crowd of people. I’m sorry, none of you normal citizens NEED a fully automatic weapon. You just don’t. Pull your heads out of this fucking stupid republican vs democratic debate, and look at the actual problem at hand– doing something to prevent another horrible tragedy like Aurora from happening again.
13 years ago at 1:02 pmDon’t be dumb. You can’t prevent that sort of thing, it simply cannot be done. Any ‘fucktard’ squeezing rounds off in a crowd will be punished by the laws already in effect. Murder is a crime. Having the potential to murder is not a crime, nor is it something that can be taken away, ever.
13 years ago at 1:48 pmShit dude! he didnt use a fully automatic weapon! it was a semi automatic AR-15. Second the guy maybe a home made explosive device with a sophisticated trip wire and backup system that even the bomb squad guy who defused it says was “complexed” . He also made his own tear gas canisters. The bottom line is that this guy is a psycho that needed mental help and was able to fly under the radar. Even if he didnt have access to a gun he could have easily used a different weapon such as another explosive device he learned how to make while trying to get his PHD.
13 years ago at 2:09 pmNo you can never fully prevent anything… But Aurora hit me kinda hard. I would personally be ok with having my rights somewhat controlled if it could help, however little, prevent that from happening again.
13 years ago at 2:18 pmi wrote a reply at the end. instead of bullshit politics people should be talking about putting more, public and private, into mental health. i agree with the 2nd Amendment but i also agree that if ‘people’ do the killing, then we need more mental health screenings. if you apply for a job, you should get one. if you apply for a govt handout, you should get one. if you go to school, you should get one. screen out the lunatics and get them help early.
13 years ago at 2:38 pm^RFM
13 years ago at 5:23 pmDay the dadgum liberals take my gun is da day a moose puts on a racing helmet, wears a Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ Sauce racing suit, and drives in the Daytona 500, ain’t that right, Skeeter! I be like, hey you dare, boy, this right here AK47 is only thang that helps me open up a can of dill pickles, so why don’t ya get Barry’s cucumber outchyo purty lil mouth.
13 years ago at 1:03 pmJEFF GORDON RULES!
…These NASCAR fans are getting out of hand.
Jeff Gordon’s gay
13 years ago at 3:45 pmWhere in the second amendment does it say you have the right to bear “some” arms. When the second amendment was added to the constitution, individual citizens had the right to own the most advanced technology in the world. They could own what any military could own. Additionally, the shooter in Aurora has swat-grade body armor which isn’t going to be breached by pussy handguns.
13 years ago at 1:03 pmYeah, and back then the most advanced technology in the world was a fuckin’ musket.
13 years ago at 3:15 pmI believe Bacon meant that concealed carry should be a privilege, just like driving. Arguing about guns is just as troublesome as arguing about religion. However, I do not see the advantage of owning a fully automatic weapon, they waste ammo, are not extremely accurate, and most military grade weapons use hard to find munitions. For home safety, a twelve gauge or any handgun is more than enough to get an intruders attention. Unless you happen to live in a large house with nothing but open space, an assault rifle is not your best bet cover wise. I do support the second amendment, but in my opinion fully automatic weapons are for war.
13 years ago at 1:18 pmFully automatic weapons are basically illegal in the U.S already. to own a fully automatic weapon you have to have a class 3 liscense which can cost some $$$ and forces to you to follow federal regulations. This liscense is intended for major gun collecters or dealers. The weapon the suspect used was a semi automatic AR-15. These are the type of “assualt weapons” democrats such as Nancy Pelosi are trying to ban. O ya, millitary ammo is not hard to find at all. You can find ammo for an M-16 or AK-47 at any gun store including walmart.
13 years ago at 2:03 pmThank you for the insight. Semi-automatics, as we have seen, can be used to do bad things, but then again so can a few pool balls and a sock. Maybe having a limit on the amount of guns you can buy in a period of time, based on class of license, would be something to think about. A gun is something to own for protection or survival, especially with all the crazy fuckers out there now-a-days.
13 years ago at 2:17 pmI think we have something like that in CA. We also have that 10 day waiting period, which sucks balls if you’re a normal gun nut and want to bring it home that day and hit the range with it, but I can see how the law can prevent some guy who is furious with his wife going out and buying a gun and then imediatly going and commiting a crime with it though.
13 years ago at 2:26 pmLike his tactics or not, the world needs people like Uncle Ted to balance out and counteract the leftist pacifist pussies of the world that want to disarm every single American and leave us far worse of than we are today. Though the Motorcity Madman can live up to his name with outrageous soundbites and ridiculous antics, at the end of the day if you actually listen to what he has to say, it is often a well articulated and reasonable defense of the 2nd Amendment and other liberties that too many Americans take for granted these days. Uncle Ted is a great fucking American and I am ashamed to see his character sullied on a site like TFM. That is all.
13 years ago at 1:18 pmHow about this, both the Democratic and Republican parties suck. They’re both greedy and sneak around the public’s back signing legislation that is suffocating our liberties one by one. Not just the second amendment but all of them. Should the rich be taxed a bit more, yes, they have the fucking money. Should the poverty stricken get a little help, yes, but only if they pass a drug test every week. Should you be able to get a drink at a bar at 18, yes, if we can die for my country like men we should be able to grab a few beers. However, the left and right have people who are on the extreme, sadly those are the people with the most influence on the parties.
13 years ago at 1:27 pm….I think I would like to see Ted fire shots at that that worthless prick, would’ve save some lives
13 years ago at 1:28 pmSuddenly every try-hard that has ever gone hunting considers himself a combination of Rambo and Charlton Heston. There is nothing wrong with thought provoking discussion.
13 years ago at 1:38 pmFirst, you are a liberal pussy who probably fears guns and think that all they do is kill people. Second if you weren’t a liberal gun fearing pussy you would realize that that the suspect was standing in the middle of the theater behind no cover that was as you put “poorly lit”. If you listen to eyewitness acounts, people were either on floor, running to the exit in the back, or had already slipped out the side door. That means that if some one did have a gun they would be looking at a clear shot from no more than 25 yards away from a possition where the gunman would have a hard time seeing you because of the lighting. Anyone who hunts, shoots or has basic marksman skills will tell you that this shot is fucking gravy. Third, How about instead of focusing on gun control we put all that wasted money into identifying and treating those ho have mental illnesses considering that most mass murders are carried out by individuals who are psychotic and should have been hospitalized, but weren’t identified because mental help agencies are broke and don’t have enough resources. The only way that police can hospitalize someone for being a psycho is after they have commited a crime. O ya just as a side note I own an AR 15. If you had the balls to go shoot one you would realize what an exceptional weapon it is. The only complaint I have is that I live in california and I have to use that stupid bullet button and 10 round magazines. Thank god all the criminals, gang members are law abiding citizens and will follow the same regulations I have to…….
13 years ago at 1:46 pmDamn OBAMA is going to take our guns away then take our food away and then were going to be on animal farm with the pigs and the milk and I’m the horse working hard every day until I die for a fucking WINDMILL….WHAT THE FUCK GREEN PARTY?!
13 years ago at 1:55 pm