Ted Nugent Should Stop Supporting the 2nd Amendment for the Sake of the 2nd Amendment

The shooting in Aurora, Colorado was a national tragedy. It was a thoughtless act of despicable violence. No one is going to debate that. But in the wake of this tragedy what people are going to debate are gun control laws. It’s annoying, it’s inevitable, and it’s more or less unfair to try to base serious national and state policies on bizarre isolated incidents. The Aurora shooter was completely clean before the incident. He could have legally and easily purchased a gun just about anywhere no matter how strict the laws were. But it’s understandable that situations like this get the conversation moving again.

Are there certain gun control measures I don’t understand as being practical? Sure. For example I don’t actually understand why anyone would ever need to own an assault weapon like the one used in the Aurora shooting. It seems to me that if there were an intruder in your home and you wanted to send said intruder on an express train to hell before he stole your Blu-Ray player then a handgun or shotgun would do just fine. Other people disagree and believe it’s their God-given right to pump an AR-15 clip into a burglar. Never mind that while you’re firing your assault weapon into your dimly lit living room you’re probably going to end up hitting your Blu-Ray player anyway. Plus in the morning you’ll be patching more drywall than a fraternity house manager.

Any law abiding citizen should be allowed to own a gun if they so choose, but it’s also fair to debate the types of guns people should be allowed to own. As far as concealed carry laws go there at minimum needs to be a “shall-issue” requirement. Unrestricted concealed carry is nuts. Some rights you have to earn. I think that’s a pretty reasonable view of the Second Amendment.

Then there’s Ted Nugent, who, if he could, would be in perpetual bidding wars with Al-Qaeda operatives for mothballed heavy Soviet weaponry. Actually, maybe the U.S. should let Nugent into that market. He might actually keep a few weapons out of terrorist hands. But as awesome as it would be to watch Ted Nugent’s fiery jihad on deer, he’s still a fucking crazy person. There might not be a worse self appointed spokesperson for the Second Amendment than Nugent. His most recent statements, which related to the Aurora shooting, were as quality crazy as ever.

Yes, Ted Nugent, that dark, chaotic, smoke filled theatre needed MORE bullets flying through it. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that A) there probably were a couple gun owners in that theater and B) even if they had brought their weapons none of them were capable enough marksmen to squeeze off controlled shots in the horrific madness that was that theater. In fact the last thing I would want if someone walked into a theatre or a mall or whatever and started firing on a crowd is Ted Nugent standing on the other side of that crowd, firing back. But yeah, in a perfect world it would have been nice to have an off duty Navy SEAL hanging out with his side arm when the shooting started.

Considering the mediocrity of most gun owners I doubt that anyone having a gun anywhere would be that much of an effective deterrent. You only have to look back to the Gabby Giffords shooting in Arizona where an armed civilian nearly shot the wrong guy. By the time Joe Zamudio reached the scene of the Arizona shooting he pointed his gun at the man who had subdued Jared Loughner and taken his gun. Zamudio initially mistook that man for the shooter. Thankfully Zamudio was smart enough to tell the man to drop the gun instead of firing first.

Don’t celebrate Ted Nugent for being pro-Second Amendment, regret it. Having crazies on your side never helps your case. The only saving grace is that Nugent is probably so crazy that only other crazies take him seriously. Time to let the grown ups talk, Ted.

  1. BlackPearl

    What this is about is being safe with guns. I’ve grown up in the south (still live here) in a military family, who currently owns over 60 guns. I learned how to shoot when I was six and the FIRST thing my father taught me was gun safety. I was not allowed to shoot until I could prove that I was responsible enough to yield a weapon. As soon as I was old enough to take a gun safety course, you better believe I had to. I am a REPUBLICAN voter, and I think that every gun owner should have to take a safety course, have the proper permits, and if someone is flagged like the Aurora shooter was it should be taken seriously.

    What I have a problem with is the kinds of people that own guns. Going to school in the state of Arizona the past few years has made me realize that any yahoo who wants to go buy a gun, can here in this state. Not to mention anyone over the age of 21 have a concealed carry without a permit in most places. Now that is INSANE. I’m all for the 2nd amendment, but here’s what I’m not for: Idiots that own guns, and these idiots just being able to walk into a bass pro and buy whatever they want. So tell me, how uncomfortable would all you try-hards who belive that they’re republicans because “tfm told me its cool” be if the stupidest you know can have a concealed weapon on them and no experience using weapons. Uncomfortable, right?

    You can’t ever predict these kinds of tragedies. This kid was a seemingly normal, and ended up shooting 70 people EVEN THOUGH HE WAS FLAGGED. What needs to be done is learning from this, and analyzing what we can do to prevent these situations from happening again. If that means restricting gun use, then that’s what it means. I’m all about the 2nd amendment and protecting myself with a gun, but first and foremost, responsible gun ownership and usage is more important that any jackass with enough money to do it buying military grade weapons with NO proper training.

    13 years ago at 3:50 pm
  2. masondisick

    First of all I’d like to start by saying that I am a big fan of the Bill of Rights, great document, however it was also written in 1789 in an entirely different time period. The right to bear arms at that time meant the right of the public to defend itself against a tyrannical government and as a few people pointed out even a fucking assault rifle won’t do much against cruise missiles and tanks. Even if for whatever reason you refuse to accept those simple physics the second amendment was always second in power to an informed public, that is what protects us from tyranny. That is not to say that we should throw out the second amendment entirely but it is should certainly be discussed and reevaluated. If you’re too ignorant to even accept that possibility than really think do you want to live in a country where 150 people walk into a movie with concealed weapons on them? Good article Bacon.

    13 years ago at 4:41 pm
    1. GlobetrekkerDTD

      You could say the same thing about the Bible, but then you’d just reveal yourself to be a heathen shit. The Bible and the Constitution are eternal and immutable. Gauntlet thrown.

      13 years ago at 12:23 pm
    2. Alpha Frat

      Globetrekker, your statement was profound. The Bible and the Constitution are eternal and immutable.

      12 years ago at 12:31 am
  3. NWfrattin

    Bacon, really the reason for the 2nd amendment was so the goverment didn’t become more powerful. You need do rethink some shit, especially with your target market. I’ll stick to my AR and Bible rather than let a murder have a field day on a movie theater

    13 years ago at 6:28 pm
  4. I_suck

    Everyone on this article citing that the reason they need access to assault rifles to defend themselves from a potential “tyrannical” government is a redneck idiot.

    13 years ago at 8:21 pm
  5. Alpha Frat

    This isn’t fucking news, it’s you voicing your pussy opinion, Go fuck yourself Bacon.

    13 years ago at 12:51 am
  6. DavidAllanBro

    Ever seen a nerd, bl.ack, or m.ex.ican hunt? Nope. So don’t sell em guns. DAB 2012

    13 years ago at 1:06 am