James Bond, GDI. Jack Bauer, TFM.

  1. Don Frattingly

    James Bond is jacked, dresses well, pounds tail, drives an Austin Martin, and drinks hard liquor. He is about as Frat as it gets.

    14 years ago at 5:18 am
    1. Srats real hard

      its Aston Martin, you GDI. Not Austin. Also, being “jacked” is for gdis.

      14 years ago at 7:36 am
  2. Remington III

    James Bond could annihilate every terrorist with the single push of a button on the dash of his Aston Martin… while getting roadhead. Jack Bauer would die in the crossfire.

    14 years ago at 12:02 pm
  3. Mr. Fratdell

    as much as bond is much frattier, in jack bauers defense, kiefer sutherland has multiple DUI and PI charges, he also head butted a fashion designer at a charity event for being gay.

    14 years ago at 1:07 pm