1. sratty

    first of all toga wasnt that night, and 2nd of all most of the girls were in class considering its the middle of the day. Believe me ATO is as TFM as it gets in martin.

    14 years ago at 12:54 pm
  2. FratsPerGallon

    The stars and bars is a nice touch, but get some girls in your pictures, you guys are embarrassing me.

    14 years ago at 11:43 am
    1. frappa fralpha

      The “confederate” flag in the picture is the Virginia battle flag . The stars and bars has a circle of stars and 3 horizontal stripes GDI.

      14 years ago at 11:43 pm
  3. Lily&Polo love

    ATO at Martin..
    frattin hard?
    get real.
    go next door and take some lessons.
    (for those not at martin.. Pike is next door)

    14 years ago at 8:16 pm
    1. dominATiOn

      too bad the Pikes got kicked off my campus because they couldnt keep up with us foreverfrattin Alpha Tau Omegas. Ruh Rah Rega!

      14 years ago at 1:28 am