Filling up a GDI's cargo shorts. TFM.

  1. Callie

    Are we supposed to be registering for this or something… or are you just telling us a boat load of times?

    14 years ago at 2:19 am
  2. fraticaster

    Kids an ATO at UT-knoxville, bottom tier frat. These kids wear hollister and aeropastle 6 days a week. Geed fucks

    14 years ago at 9:15 am
    1. SEC

      obviously not he has brooks brothers on dumb fuck. sounds like a jealous SAE, can’t help it your frat house looks like a mexican restaurant. Sigma Chi, Pike, ATO top tier at UT. We shit on everyone else

      14 years ago at 8:51 pm
  3. brochacho

    striped polo=NF
    sitting down=NF
    flip flops=NF
    could even be wearing cargo shorts

    14 years ago at 2:37 am
  4. Greek God

    im surprised yall are so caught up in tearing this down tah yall didnt think that its easier and sneakier to sit down and stick it in his pocket than bend over and do so. It looks more natural. But yall continue making the worse points about a photo

    14 years ago at 7:14 am
  5. Brocoste 

    Come on guys. I can’t be the only one to realize that Pearls and a lot of other posters are just saying this stuff to get a reaction from you all. Think about it, how hard is it really to make a comment that will get a negative attention from most of the people who visit this site. I just pray that most of the people who visit this site and react to these comments realize they’re just feeding the trolls. I will admit though this site is pretty funny.

    14 years ago at 3:49 am