Tennessee Fraternity Suspended For Pouring Hot Sauce On Pledges’ Balls

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It’s not Pike, guys. Chill.

A University of Tennessee fraternity has been suspended after a pledge’s parent came forward with allegations of hazing and a subsequent admission from its active members. Alpha Phi Alpha doesn’t have a house on campus and they currently have fewer than 10 active members, so I’m not sure how badly this suspension even sets them back. It’s a black eye for the chapter nonetheless.

From WBIR.com:

UT officials say the fraternity wasn’t supposed to be admitting any more members, but a dozen students were trying to gain entry. Ten students denied the hazing, but two admitted it after initially denying it.

UT officials revoked the fraternity’s registration until August 2016, which means it’s no longer considered a campus organization.

Members of Alpha Phi Alpha have admitted to pouring hot sauce on their pledges’ testicles. The official notice of charges explains:

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Sucks for everyone, especially the pledges who willingly took Tabasco to the giblets and now have nothing to show for it.

[via WBIR.com]

Image via Wikimedia

  1. Shamu549

    This is actually hilarious. What fucking doucher told their rents this story? That’s the real crime here..

    10 years ago at 8:12 pm
  2. Fuckedupfriday

    “We’re suspending this chapter because…because it’s dangerous? No…because it’s fucking weird. I guess. I don’t know but we’re supposed to suspend them, right?”

    -every administration ever

    10 years ago at 8:19 pm
  3. TennesseeBoyLSU

    “It’s a *black eye* for the chapter nonetheless”

    Black eye, Alpha Phi Alpha. I see what you did there Dorn.

    10 years ago at 8:22 pm
  4. Sand_Hill_Alum

    i know fraternities with more officers than the total number of actives that these guys have.

    10 years ago at 8:23 pm